From 9ddc4adf9ef718202c1f191558ed369b4526f3b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Micha=C5=82=20=27rysiek=27=20Wo=C5=BAniak?= Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2022 13:25:37 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] simplified libresilient.js, older kept in libresilient-fancy.js --- libresilient-fancy.js | 630 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ libresilient.js | 633 ++---------------------------------------- 2 files changed, 652 insertions(+), 611 deletions(-) create mode 100644 libresilient-fancy.js diff --git a/libresilient-fancy.js b/libresilient-fancy.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98e3a81 --- /dev/null +++ b/libresilient-fancy.js @@ -0,0 +1,630 @@ +/* ========================================================================= *\ +|* === Basic utils useful only in browser window === *| +\* ========================================================================= */ + +// create an object to hold everything that needs to be held globally +var libresilient = { + info: {}, + status: false, + contentUnavailable: false, + cacheStale: false, + clientId: null +} + +// some basic method stats +libresilient.methodStats = {} +// UI elements displaying the status for each local resource URL +libresilient.resourceDisplays = {} + + +/** + * creating a safe CSS class name from a string + */ +libresilient.safeClassName = (name) => { + return encodeURIComponent(name.toLowerCase()).replace(/%[0-9A-F]{2}/gi,'-') +} + + +/** + * creating the standalone LibResilient UI + */ +libresilient.addUI = () => { + var uiTemplate = document.createElement('template') + uiTemplate.innerHTML = `
+ +

LibResilient is a tool that helps keep websites up without centralized CDNs.
If you are seeing this it means some content is unavailable.
LibResilient will attempt to get it for you anyway.

+ +
` + var uiStyle = document.createElement('style') + uiStyle.innerHTML = `#libresilient-ui { + display:flex; + align-items: flex-end; + flex-direction:column-reverse; + flex-wrap:nowrap; + position:fixed; + top:0px; + right:0px; + visibility:hidden; + } + #libresilient-ui.content-unavailable, + #libresilient-ui:target { + visibility:visible; + } + #libresilient-ui .libresilient-message-container { + } + #libresilient-ui .libresilient-message { + font-size:90%; + text-align:center; + background:#dfd; + border-radius:1em; + box-shadow:0px 0px 3px #dfd; + padding:0.5em 2em 0.5em 1em; + transition: ease-in 0.5s opacity; + opacity: 1; + position: relative; + top:16px; + right:5px; + color: #060; + text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; + font-family: sans; + } + #libresilient-ui .libresilient-message::after { + display: block; + content: "x"; + position: absolute; + right: 0.5em; + top: 0.7em; + font-size:90%; + border-radius: 100%; + width: 1em; + height: 1em; + line-height: 0.8em; + padding-left: 0.01em; + box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2px #080; + transition: ease-in 0.5s color, ease-in 0.5s background-color, ease-in 0.5s box-shadow-color; + color: #080; + background:white; + } + #libresilient-ui .libresilient-message:hover::after { + background: #080; + color: white; + box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2px black; + } + #libresilient-ui .libresilient-message:first-child::before { + display:block; + content:" "; + width:1em; + height:1em; + position:absolute; + right:1em; + top:-0.5em; + background:#dfd; + box-shadow:0px 0px 3px #dfd; + transform: rotate(45deg); + z-index:-1; + } + #libresilient-ui-container { + background:#ddd; + box-shadow:0px 0px 3px black; + border-bottom-left-radius:30px; + padding: 4px 4px 8px 8px; + display:flex; + flex-wrap:nowrap; + } + #libresilient-ui-container .libresilient-toggle { + width:32px; + height:32px; + background:url('') center center no-repeat; + display: block; + background-size:contain; + } + #libresilient-ui-container .libresilient-toggle > div { + width:100%; + height:100%; + background:url('') center center no-repeat; + display: block; + background-size:50% 50%; + } + .libresilient-toggle { + animation-name: libresilient-ball-rolling; + animation-duration:10s; + animation-iteration-count: infinite; + animation-timing-function: linear; + } + #libresilient-ui-container #libresilient-ui-toggle { + display:none; + } + #libresilient-ui-container > div { + display:none; + } + #libresilient-ui-container > #libresilient-ui-toggle:checked ~ div { + display:block; + } + #libresilient-ui-container .libresilient-description > p { + font-size:80%; + margin-top: 0.5em; + margin-bottom: 0.5em; + margin-right: 1em; + text-align: right; + text-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #ccc, 1px 1px 0px #eee; + color: #666; + font-family: sans-serif; + } + #libresilient-ui-container .libresilient-description > p a { + color: #d70; + } + #libresilient-ui-container .libresilient-status-display { + justify-content: right; + display: flex; + padding-right: 0.5em; + } + /* + * these will be useful also outside the #libresilient-ui + * for example, if there is a .libresilient-status-display in the page's HTML + */ + .libresilient-status-display > li { + display:inline-block; + font-size:80%; + font-family: Monospace; + } + .libresilient-status-element { + font-weight: bold; + display: inline-block; + text-align: center; + text-decoration:none; + background:#bbb; + padding:0.4em 1em; + border-radius:0.6em; + color:#777; + box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 3px #777; + margin: 0.5em; + transition: background-color 1s ease, color 1s ease, box-shadow 1s ease; + } + { + box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #f80, 0px 0px 3px #a60; + color: #fff; + background: #e70; + } + @keyframes libresilient-ball-rolling { + from {transform:rotate(0deg)} + to {transform:rotate(359deg)} + }` + document.head.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', uiStyle) + document.body.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', uiTemplate.content.firstChild) +} + + +/** + * internal logging facility + * + * component - name of the component being logged about + * items - the rest of arguments will be passed to console.debug() + */ +self.log = function(component, ...items) { + console.debug(`LibResilient [COMMIT_UNKNOWN, ${component}] ::`, ...items) +} + + +/** + * fetched resource display element + */ +libresilient.addFetchedResourceElements = (url, fetchedResourcesDisplays) => { + // make sure we have the container element to work with + if (typeof fetchedResourcesDisplays !== 'object') { + fetchedResourcesDisplays = document.getElementsByClassName("libresilient-fetched-resources-list") + } + var itemHTML = `
  • `; + var item = document.createElement('template') + item.innerHTML = itemHTML; + libresilient.resourceDisplays[url] = new Array() + for (let frd of fetchedResourcesDisplays) { + libresilient.resourceDisplays[url].push( + frd.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', item.content.firstChild.cloneNode(true)) + ) + } +} + + +/** + * creating/updating fetched resources data + */ +libresilient.updateFetchedResources = () => { + // getting these elements once instead of once per URL... + var fetchedResourcesDisplays = document.getElementsByClassName("libresilient-fetched-resources-list") + Object.keys(>{ + + // simplify + var si =[url] + + // if there are no status display elements for this URL... + if (typeof libresilient.resourceDisplays[url] === 'undefined') { + // ...create the elements + libresilient.addFetchedResourceElements(url, fetchedResourcesDisplays) + + // otherwise, if si.method evaluates to true (i.e. is not an empty string nor null in this case) + } else { + // libresilient.methodStats has the most comprehensive list of methods used + Object.keys(libresilient.methodStats).forEach((method)=>{ + var pclass = libresilient.safeClassName(method); + var foundSuccess = false + + // handle per-resource displays + // TODO: this needs to be done in a more efficient and elegant way + for (let rdisplay of libresilient.resourceDisplays[url]) { + // if we don't seem to have a display for this method in this resource displa... + if (rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass).length == 0) { + var method_class = pclass + if (typeof[url] !== "undefined" && typeof[url][method] !== "undefined") { + method_class += ' ' +[url][method].state; + } + var method_item = document.createElement('template') + method_item.innerHTML = `${method}` + rdisplay.childNodes[0].insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', method_item.content.firstChild.cloneNode(true)) + } + } + + // do we have the method even? + if (typeof si[method] === "object") { + // is this a success? + if (si[method].state === "success") { + for (let rdisplay of libresilient.resourceDisplays[url]) { + if (! rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.contains('success')) { + // make sure the right classes are on + rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('running') + rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.add('success') + // make sure the checkbox is checked + rdisplay.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].checked = true + rdisplay.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].disabled = false + } + } + // is this a running thing? + } else if (si[method].state === "running") { + for (let rdisplay of libresilient.resourceDisplays[url]) { + if (! rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.contains('running')) { + // make sure the right classes are on + rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('success') + rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.add('running') + } + } + // nope, an error presumably + } else { + for (let rdisplay of libresilient.resourceDisplays[url]) { + // make sure the right classes are on + rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('success') + rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('running') + } + } + // clarly this method has not even been used for the resource + } else { + for (let rdisplay of libresilient.resourceDisplays[url]) { + // make sure the right classes are on + rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('success') + rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('running') + } + } + }) + } + }) +} + + +/** + * adding status display per plugin + * + * plugin - plugin name + * description - plugin description (optional; default: empty string) + * status - status text (optional; default: number of resources fetched + * using this plugin, based on methodStats) + */ +libresilient.addPluginStatus = (plugin, description='', status=null) => { + self.log('browser-side', 'addPluginStatus(' + plugin + ')') + var statusDisplays = document.getElementsByClassName("libresilient-status-display"); + var pclass = libresilient.safeClassName(plugin); + var pcount = 0; + if (typeof libresilient.methodStats[plugin] !== 'undefined') { + pcount = libresilient.methodStats[plugin]; + } + // handle the status displays + for (let sd of statusDisplays) { + sd.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
  • ${plugin}: ${status ? status : pcount}
  • `) + } +} + + +/** + * updating status display per plugin + * + * expects an object that contains at least `name` attribute + */ +libresilient.updatePluginStatus = (plugin) => { + //self.log('browser-side', 'updatePluginStatus :: ' + plugin) + var pclass = libresilient.safeClassName(plugin); + //self.log('browser-side', 'updatePluginStatus :: pclass: ' + pclass) + var statusDisplay = document.querySelectorAll(".libresilient-status-" + pclass + " > .status"); + //self.log('browser-side', 'updatePluginStatus :: statusDisplay: ' + typeof statusDisplay) + var pcount = 0; + if (typeof libresilient.methodStats[plugin] !== 'undefined') { + pcount = libresilient.methodStats[plugin] + } + for (let statusDisplay of document.querySelectorAll(".libresilient-status-" + pclass + " > .status")) { + statusDisplay.innerText = pcount + if ( (pcount === 0) && statusDisplay.parentElement.classList.contains('active')) { + statusDisplay.parentElement.classList.remove('active') + } else if ( (pcount > 0) && ! statusDisplay.parentElement.classList.contains('active')) { + statusDisplay.parentElement.classList.add('active') + } + } +} + + +/** + * toggling resource checkboxes (only if not disabled) + */ +libresilient.toggleResourceCheckboxes = () => { + document.querySelectorAll('.libresilient-fetched-resources-item input') + .forEach((el)=>{ + el.checked = ! el.disabled && ! el.checked + }) +} + + +/** + * stashing and unstashing resources + * + * stash param means "stash" if set to true (the default), "unstash" otherwise + */ +libresilient.stashOrUnstashResources = (stash=true) => { + // what are we doing? + var operation = { + clientId: libresilient.clientId + } + // get the resources + var resources = [] + document + .querySelectorAll('.libresilient-fetched-resources-item input:checked') + .forEach((el)=>{ + resources.push(el.parentElement.querySelector('.libresilient-fetched-resource-url').innerText) + }) + if (stash) { + operation.stash = [resources] + self.log('browser-side', 'Calling `stash()` on the service worker to stash the resources...') + } else { + operation.unstash = [resources] + self.log('browser-side', 'Calling `unstash()` on the service worker to unstash the resources...') + } + // RPC call on the service worker + return navigator + .serviceWorker + .controller + .postMessage(operation) +} + + +/** + * publishing certain resources to Gun and IPFS + */ +libresilient.publishResourcesToGunAndIPFS = () => { + var user = document.getElementById('libresilient-gun-user').value + var pass = document.getElementById('libresilient-gun-password').value + if (! user || ! pass) { + throw new Error("Gun user/password required!") + } + var resources = [] + document.querySelectorAll('.libresilient-fetched-resources-item input:checked') + .forEach((el)=>{ + resources.push(el.parentElement.querySelector('.libresilient-fetched-resource-url').innerText) + }) + // call it! + self.log('browser-side', 'Calling `publish()` on the service worker to publish the resources...') + return navigator + .serviceWorker + .controller + .postMessage({ + clientId: libresilient.clientId, + publish: [resources, user, pass] + }) +} + + +/** + * display a LibResilient message + */ +libresilient.displayMessage = (msg) => { + // prepare the template + var messageBox = document.createElement('template') + messageBox.innerHTML = `
    ` + // attach it to all libresilient-message-containers out there + for (let smc of document.getElementsByClassName('libresilient-message-container')) { + var msg_clone = messageBox.content.firstChild.cloneNode(true) + msg_clone.onclick = (e) => { + + setTimeout(()=>{}, 1000) + } + smc.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', msg_clone) + setTimeout(()=>{ + + setTimeout(()=>{msg_clone.remove()}, 1000) + }, 5000) + } + self.log('browser-side', ' +-- message shown!') +} + +/** + * onload handler just to mark stuff as loaded + * for purposes of informing the user all is loaded + * when service worker messages us about it + */ +window.addEventListener('load', function() { + libresilient.status = "loaded"; + // was any content unavailable so far? + if (libresilient.contentUnavailable) { + libresilient.displayMessage('Some content seems unavailable. Attempting to retrieve it via LibResilient.') + } +}) + +self.log('browser-side', 'DOMContentLoaded!') + +// add the generic service worker "badge" +libresilient.addUI() +libresilient.addPluginStatus('service worker', 'A service worker is an event-driven worker that intercepts fetch events.', 'no') + +/* ========================================================================= *\ +|* === Service worker setup === *| +\* ========================================================================= */ + +if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { + + if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) { + // Service worker already registered. + self.log('browser-side', 'Service Worker already registered.') + } else { + var scriptPath = document.currentScript.src + var scriptFolder = scriptPath.substr(0, scriptPath.lastIndexOf( '/' )+1 ) + var serviceWorkerPath = scriptFolder + 'service-worker.js' + self.log('browser-side', 'Service Worker script at: ' + serviceWorkerPath) + // TODO: is there a way to provide config params for the Service Worker here? + // TODO: it would be good if the config.json file could reside outside of the libresilient directory + // TODO: + navigator.serviceWorker.register(serviceWorkerPath, { + // TODO: what is the scope relative to? is it the HTML file that included it, or this script? + // TODO: "It is relative to the base URL of the application." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ + // TODO: "There is frequent confusion surrounding the meaning and use of scope. + // TODO: Since a service worker can't have a scope broader than its own location, + // TODO: only use the scope option when you need a scope that is narrower than the default." + scope: './' + }).then(function(reg) { + // Success. + self.log('browser-side', 'Service Worker registered.') + }).catch(error => { + self.log('browser-side', "Error while registering a service worker: ", error) + }) + } + + // handling the messages from ServiceWorker + navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', event => { + + self.log('browser-side', 'LibResilientInfo received!') + if ( { + self.log('browser-side', '+-- for:', + if ( { + self.log('browser-side', ' +-- method:', + self.log('browser-side', ' +-- state :', +[] =[] || {} +[][] = + // update method stats + if (typeof libresilient.methodStats[] === 'undefined') { + // setup the stats + libresilient.methodStats[] = 0 + // but also we now know this method has not been seen before + // so set-up the plugin status display + libresilient.addPluginStatus( + } + if ( === "success") { + libresilient.methodStats[]++ + self.log('browser-side', ' +-- methodStats incremented to:', libresilient.methodStats[]) + libresilient.updatePluginStatus( + + // if the method was `fetch`, and that was the first method, and the outcome is `error`, we *might* be down + } else if ( === "error" + && === "fetch" + && Object.keys([]).length === 1 + && Object.keys([])[0] === "fetch" ) { + // we seem to be down + document.getElementById('libresilient-ui').classList.add('content-unavailable') + // if contentUnavailable is false, that means this is the first time we hit a problem fetching + if (!libresilient.contentUnavailable) { + // mark it properly + libresilient.contentUnavailable = true + // if loaded, show the message to the user. + // if not, the message will be shown on `load` event anyway + if (libresilient.status === "loaded") { + libresilient.displayMessage('Some content seems unavailable. Attempting to retrieve it via LibResilient.') + } + } + } + // update the fetched resources display + // TODO: this updates *all* resources on each received message, + // TODO: and so is rather wasteful + libresilient.updateFetchedResources() + } + // we only want to mark that new content is available, and handle the message + // at allFetched event + if ( { + self.log('browser-side', ' +-- fetched version apparently differs from cached for:', + // record fo the URL +[].cacheStale = true + // record gloally + libresilient.cacheStale = true + } + } + if ( { + if (libresilient.status === "loaded") { + // set the status so that we don't get the message doubled + libresilient.status = "complete" + // inform the user + if (libresilient.cacheStale) { + libresilient.displayMessage('Newer version of this page is available; please reload to see it.') + } else { + self.log('browser-side', '+-- all fetched!..') + libresilient.displayMessage('Fetching via LibResilient finished; no new content found.') + } + } + } + if ( { + + self.log('browser-side', '+-- got our clientId:', + + // if libresilient.clientId is null, this is the first time + // we got wind that the service worker is running + // service worker info + if (libresilient.clientId === null) { + for (let libresilient_sw of document.querySelectorAll(".libresilient-status-service-worker")) { + libresilient_sw.className += " active"; + try { + libresilient_sw.querySelector('.status').innerHTML = "yes"; + } catch(e) { + // nothing to do here, move along + } + } + } + // set the clientId internally, we will need it + libresilient.clientId = + } + if ( { + var msg = '+-- got the plugin list:' +>{ + msg += '\n +-- ' + p + // initialize methodStats + if (typeof libresilient.methodStats[p] === 'undefined') { + libresilient.methodStats[p] = 0 + // set-up the plugin status display + libresilient.addPluginStatus(p) + } + }) + self.log('browser-side', msg) + } + if ( { + self.log('browser-side', '+-- got the serviceWorker version:', + var libresilient_sws = document.getElementsByClassName("libresilient-commit-service-worker"); + for (let element of libresilient_sws) { + element.innerHTML =; + } + } + }); +} diff --git a/libresilient.js b/libresilient.js index 98e3a81..eabadc5 100644 --- a/libresilient.js +++ b/libresilient.js @@ -1,630 +1,41 @@ -/* ========================================================================= *\ -|* === Basic utils useful only in browser window === *| -\* ========================================================================= */ - -// create an object to hold everything that needs to be held globally -var libresilient = { - info: {}, - status: false, - contentUnavailable: false, - cacheStale: false, - clientId: null -} - -// some basic method stats -libresilient.methodStats = {} -// UI elements displaying the status for each local resource URL -libresilient.resourceDisplays = {} - - -/** - * creating a safe CSS class name from a string - */ -libresilient.safeClassName = (name) => { - return encodeURIComponent(name.toLowerCase()).replace(/%[0-9A-F]{2}/gi,'-') -} - - -/** - * creating the standalone LibResilient UI - */ -libresilient.addUI = () => { - var uiTemplate = document.createElement('template') - uiTemplate.innerHTML = `
    - -

    LibResilient is a tool that helps keep websites up without centralized CDNs.
    If you are seeing this it means some content is unavailable.
    LibResilient will attempt to get it for you anyway.

    - -
    ` - var uiStyle = document.createElement('style') - uiStyle.innerHTML = `#libresilient-ui { - display:flex; - align-items: flex-end; - flex-direction:column-reverse; - flex-wrap:nowrap; - position:fixed; - top:0px; - right:0px; - visibility:hidden; - } - #libresilient-ui.content-unavailable, - #libresilient-ui:target { - visibility:visible; - } - #libresilient-ui .libresilient-message-container { - } - #libresilient-ui .libresilient-message { - font-size:90%; - text-align:center; - background:#dfd; - border-radius:1em; - box-shadow:0px 0px 3px #dfd; - padding:0.5em 2em 0.5em 1em; - transition: ease-in 0.5s opacity; - opacity: 1; - position: relative; - top:16px; - right:5px; - color: #060; - text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; - font-family: sans; - } - #libresilient-ui .libresilient-message::after { - display: block; - content: "x"; - position: absolute; - right: 0.5em; - top: 0.7em; - font-size:90%; - border-radius: 100%; - width: 1em; - height: 1em; - line-height: 0.8em; - padding-left: 0.01em; - box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2px #080; - transition: ease-in 0.5s color, ease-in 0.5s background-color, ease-in 0.5s box-shadow-color; - color: #080; - background:white; - } - #libresilient-ui .libresilient-message:hover::after { - background: #080; - color: white; - box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2px black; - } - #libresilient-ui .libresilient-message:first-child::before { - display:block; - content:" "; - width:1em; - height:1em; - position:absolute; - right:1em; - top:-0.5em; - background:#dfd; - box-shadow:0px 0px 3px #dfd; - transform: rotate(45deg); - z-index:-1; - } - #libresilient-ui-container { - background:#ddd; - box-shadow:0px 0px 3px black; - border-bottom-left-radius:30px; - padding: 4px 4px 8px 8px; - display:flex; - flex-wrap:nowrap; - } - #libresilient-ui-container .libresilient-toggle { - width:32px; - height:32px; - background:url('') center center no-repeat; - display: block; - background-size:contain; - } - #libresilient-ui-container .libresilient-toggle > div { - width:100%; - height:100%; - background:url('') center center no-repeat; - display: block; - background-size:50% 50%; - } - .libresilient-toggle { - animation-name: libresilient-ball-rolling; - animation-duration:10s; - animation-iteration-count: infinite; - animation-timing-function: linear; - } - #libresilient-ui-container #libresilient-ui-toggle { - display:none; - } - #libresilient-ui-container > div { - display:none; - } - #libresilient-ui-container > #libresilient-ui-toggle:checked ~ div { - display:block; - } - #libresilient-ui-container .libresilient-description > p { - font-size:80%; - margin-top: 0.5em; - margin-bottom: 0.5em; - margin-right: 1em; - text-align: right; - text-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #ccc, 1px 1px 0px #eee; - color: #666; - font-family: sans-serif; - } - #libresilient-ui-container .libresilient-description > p a { - color: #d70; - } - #libresilient-ui-container .libresilient-status-display { - justify-content: right; - display: flex; - padding-right: 0.5em; - } - /* - * these will be useful also outside the #libresilient-ui - * for example, if there is a .libresilient-status-display in the page's HTML - */ - .libresilient-status-display > li { - display:inline-block; - font-size:80%; - font-family: Monospace; - } - .libresilient-status-element { - font-weight: bold; - display: inline-block; - text-align: center; - text-decoration:none; - background:#bbb; - padding:0.4em 1em; - border-radius:0.6em; - color:#777; - box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 3px #777; - margin: 0.5em; - transition: background-color 1s ease, color 1s ease, box-shadow 1s ease; - } - { - box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #f80, 0px 0px 3px #a60; - color: #fff; - background: #e70; - } - @keyframes libresilient-ball-rolling { - from {transform:rotate(0deg)} - to {transform:rotate(359deg)} - }` - document.head.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', uiStyle) - document.body.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', uiTemplate.content.firstChild) -} - - -/** - * internal logging facility +/* + * minimal LibResilient service worker loading script + * include it in your HTML files to deploy LibResilient * - * component - name of the component being logged about - * items - the rest of arguments will be passed to console.debug() + * for a more complete and fancy implementation of browser-side + * see `libresilient-fancy.js` */ -self.log = function(component, ...items) { - console.debug(`LibResilient [COMMIT_UNKNOWN, ${component}] ::`, ...items) -} - - -/** - * fetched resource display element - */ -libresilient.addFetchedResourceElements = (url, fetchedResourcesDisplays) => { - // make sure we have the container element to work with - if (typeof fetchedResourcesDisplays !== 'object') { - fetchedResourcesDisplays = document.getElementsByClassName("libresilient-fetched-resources-list") - } - var itemHTML = `
  • `; - var item = document.createElement('template') - item.innerHTML = itemHTML; - libresilient.resourceDisplays[url] = new Array() - for (let frd of fetchedResourcesDisplays) { - libresilient.resourceDisplays[url].push( - frd.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', item.content.firstChild.cloneNode(true)) - ) - } -} - - -/** - * creating/updating fetched resources data - */ -libresilient.updateFetchedResources = () => { - // getting these elements once instead of once per URL... - var fetchedResourcesDisplays = document.getElementsByClassName("libresilient-fetched-resources-list") - Object.keys(>{ - - // simplify - var si =[url] - - // if there are no status display elements for this URL... - if (typeof libresilient.resourceDisplays[url] === 'undefined') { - // ...create the elements - libresilient.addFetchedResourceElements(url, fetchedResourcesDisplays) - - // otherwise, if si.method evaluates to true (i.e. is not an empty string nor null in this case) - } else { - // libresilient.methodStats has the most comprehensive list of methods used - Object.keys(libresilient.methodStats).forEach((method)=>{ - var pclass = libresilient.safeClassName(method); - var foundSuccess = false - - // handle per-resource displays - // TODO: this needs to be done in a more efficient and elegant way - for (let rdisplay of libresilient.resourceDisplays[url]) { - // if we don't seem to have a display for this method in this resource displa... - if (rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass).length == 0) { - var method_class = pclass - if (typeof[url] !== "undefined" && typeof[url][method] !== "undefined") { - method_class += ' ' +[url][method].state; - } - var method_item = document.createElement('template') - method_item.innerHTML = `${method}` - rdisplay.childNodes[0].insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', method_item.content.firstChild.cloneNode(true)) - } - } - - // do we have the method even? - if (typeof si[method] === "object") { - // is this a success? - if (si[method].state === "success") { - for (let rdisplay of libresilient.resourceDisplays[url]) { - if (! rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.contains('success')) { - // make sure the right classes are on - rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('running') - rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.add('success') - // make sure the checkbox is checked - rdisplay.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].checked = true - rdisplay.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].disabled = false - } - } - // is this a running thing? - } else if (si[method].state === "running") { - for (let rdisplay of libresilient.resourceDisplays[url]) { - if (! rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.contains('running')) { - // make sure the right classes are on - rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('success') - rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.add('running') - } - } - // nope, an error presumably - } else { - for (let rdisplay of libresilient.resourceDisplays[url]) { - // make sure the right classes are on - rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('success') - rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('running') - } - } - // clarly this method has not even been used for the resource - } else { - for (let rdisplay of libresilient.resourceDisplays[url]) { - // make sure the right classes are on - rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('success') - rdisplay.getElementsByClassName(pclass)[0].classList.remove('running') - } - } - }) - } - }) -} - - -/** - * adding status display per plugin - * - * plugin - plugin name - * description - plugin description (optional; default: empty string) - * status - status text (optional; default: number of resources fetched - * using this plugin, based on methodStats) - */ -libresilient.addPluginStatus = (plugin, description='', status=null) => { - self.log('browser-side', 'addPluginStatus(' + plugin + ')') - var statusDisplays = document.getElementsByClassName("libresilient-status-display"); - var pclass = libresilient.safeClassName(plugin); - var pcount = 0; - if (typeof libresilient.methodStats[plugin] !== 'undefined') { - pcount = libresilient.methodStats[plugin]; - } - // handle the status displays - for (let sd of statusDisplays) { - sd.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
  • ${plugin}: ${status ? status : pcount}
  • `) - } -} - - -/** - * updating status display per plugin - * - * expects an object that contains at least `name` attribute - */ -libresilient.updatePluginStatus = (plugin) => { - //self.log('browser-side', 'updatePluginStatus :: ' + plugin) - var pclass = libresilient.safeClassName(plugin); - //self.log('browser-side', 'updatePluginStatus :: pclass: ' + pclass) - var statusDisplay = document.querySelectorAll(".libresilient-status-" + pclass + " > .status"); - //self.log('browser-side', 'updatePluginStatus :: statusDisplay: ' + typeof statusDisplay) - var pcount = 0; - if (typeof libresilient.methodStats[plugin] !== 'undefined') { - pcount = libresilient.methodStats[plugin] - } - for (let statusDisplay of document.querySelectorAll(".libresilient-status-" + pclass + " > .status")) { - statusDisplay.innerText = pcount - if ( (pcount === 0) && statusDisplay.parentElement.classList.contains('active')) { - statusDisplay.parentElement.classList.remove('active') - } else if ( (pcount > 0) && ! statusDisplay.parentElement.classList.contains('active')) { - statusDisplay.parentElement.classList.add('active') - } - } -} - - -/** - * toggling resource checkboxes (only if not disabled) - */ -libresilient.toggleResourceCheckboxes = () => { - document.querySelectorAll('.libresilient-fetched-resources-item input') - .forEach((el)=>{ - el.checked = ! el.disabled && ! el.checked - }) -} - - -/** - * stashing and unstashing resources - * - * stash param means "stash" if set to true (the default), "unstash" otherwise - */ -libresilient.stashOrUnstashResources = (stash=true) => { - // what are we doing? - var operation = { - clientId: libresilient.clientId - } - // get the resources - var resources = [] - document - .querySelectorAll('.libresilient-fetched-resources-item input:checked') - .forEach((el)=>{ - resources.push(el.parentElement.querySelector('.libresilient-fetched-resource-url').innerText) - }) - if (stash) { - operation.stash = [resources] - self.log('browser-side', 'Calling `stash()` on the service worker to stash the resources...') - } else { - operation.unstash = [resources] - self.log('browser-side', 'Calling `unstash()` on the service worker to unstash the resources...') - } - // RPC call on the service worker - return navigator - .serviceWorker - .controller - .postMessage(operation) -} - - -/** - * publishing certain resources to Gun and IPFS - */ -libresilient.publishResourcesToGunAndIPFS = () => { - var user = document.getElementById('libresilient-gun-user').value - var pass = document.getElementById('libresilient-gun-password').value - if (! user || ! pass) { - throw new Error("Gun user/password required!") - } - var resources = [] - document.querySelectorAll('.libresilient-fetched-resources-item input:checked') - .forEach((el)=>{ - resources.push(el.parentElement.querySelector('.libresilient-fetched-resource-url').innerText) - }) - // call it! - self.log('browser-side', 'Calling `publish()` on the service worker to publish the resources...') - return navigator - .serviceWorker - .controller - .postMessage({ - clientId: libresilient.clientId, - publish: [resources, user, pass] - }) -} - - -/** - * display a LibResilient message - */ -libresilient.displayMessage = (msg) => { - // prepare the template - var messageBox = document.createElement('template') - messageBox.innerHTML = `
    ` - // attach it to all libresilient-message-containers out there - for (let smc of document.getElementsByClassName('libresilient-message-container')) { - var msg_clone = messageBox.content.firstChild.cloneNode(true) - msg_clone.onclick = (e) => { - - setTimeout(()=>{}, 1000) - } - smc.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', msg_clone) - setTimeout(()=>{ - - setTimeout(()=>{msg_clone.remove()}, 1000) - }, 5000) - } - self.log('browser-side', ' +-- message shown!') -} - -/** - * onload handler just to mark stuff as loaded - * for purposes of informing the user all is loaded - * when service worker messages us about it - */ -window.addEventListener('load', function() { - libresilient.status = "loaded"; - // was any content unavailable so far? - if (libresilient.contentUnavailable) { - libresilient.displayMessage('Some content seems unavailable. Attempting to retrieve it via LibResilient.') - } -}) - -self.log('browser-side', 'DOMContentLoaded!') - -// add the generic service worker "badge" -libresilient.addUI() -libresilient.addPluginStatus('service worker', 'A service worker is an event-driven worker that intercepts fetch events.', 'no') - -/* ========================================================================= *\ -|* === Service worker setup === *| -\* ========================================================================= */ +// check if the browser implements ServiceWorkers API if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) { // Service worker already registered. - self.log('browser-side', 'Service Worker already registered.') + console.log('A Service Worker is already registered.') } else { + // NOTICE: Assumptions made here: + // 1. the Service Worker script is called service-worker.js + // 2. ...and is located in the same directory as this file var scriptPath = document.currentScript.src var scriptFolder = scriptPath.substr(0, scriptPath.lastIndexOf( '/' )+1 ) var serviceWorkerPath = scriptFolder + 'service-worker.js' - self.log('browser-side', 'Service Worker script at: ' + serviceWorkerPath) - // TODO: is there a way to provide config params for the Service Worker here? - // TODO: it would be good if the config.json file could reside outside of the libresilient directory - // TODO: + console.log('LibResilient: using Service Worker script at: ' + serviceWorkerPath) + // this code actually finally registers the Service Worker navigator.serviceWorker.register(serviceWorkerPath, { - // TODO: what is the scope relative to? is it the HTML file that included it, or this script? - // TODO: "It is relative to the base URL of the application." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - // TODO: "There is frequent confusion surrounding the meaning and use of scope. - // TODO: Since a service worker can't have a scope broader than its own location, - // TODO: only use the scope option when you need a scope that is narrower than the default." + // NOTICE: "There is frequent confusion surrounding the meaning and use of scope. + // NOTICE: Since a service worker can't have a scope broader than its own location, + // NOTICE: only use the scope option when you need a scope that is narrower than the default." + // + // so, "./" is the broadest scope, also the default. but the ServiceWorker can be registered + // for a narrower scope, for example "./subdir/". scope: './' }).then(function(reg) { // Success. - self.log('browser-side', 'Service Worker registered.') + console.log('LibResilient: Service Worker registered.') }).catch(error => { - self.log('browser-side', "Error while registering a service worker: ", error) + console.error("LibResilient: Error while registering a service worker!", error) }) } - - // handling the messages from ServiceWorker - navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', event => { - - self.log('browser-side', 'LibResilientInfo received!') - if ( { - self.log('browser-side', '+-- for:', - if ( { - self.log('browser-side', ' +-- method:', - self.log('browser-side', ' +-- state :', -[] =[] || {} -[][] = - // update method stats - if (typeof libresilient.methodStats[] === 'undefined') { - // setup the stats - libresilient.methodStats[] = 0 - // but also we now know this method has not been seen before - // so set-up the plugin status display - libresilient.addPluginStatus( - } - if ( === "success") { - libresilient.methodStats[]++ - self.log('browser-side', ' +-- methodStats incremented to:', libresilient.methodStats[]) - libresilient.updatePluginStatus( - - // if the method was `fetch`, and that was the first method, and the outcome is `error`, we *might* be down - } else if ( === "error" - && === "fetch" - && Object.keys([]).length === 1 - && Object.keys([])[0] === "fetch" ) { - // we seem to be down - document.getElementById('libresilient-ui').classList.add('content-unavailable') - // if contentUnavailable is false, that means this is the first time we hit a problem fetching - if (!libresilient.contentUnavailable) { - // mark it properly - libresilient.contentUnavailable = true - // if loaded, show the message to the user. - // if not, the message will be shown on `load` event anyway - if (libresilient.status === "loaded") { - libresilient.displayMessage('Some content seems unavailable. Attempting to retrieve it via LibResilient.') - } - } - } - // update the fetched resources display - // TODO: this updates *all* resources on each received message, - // TODO: and so is rather wasteful - libresilient.updateFetchedResources() - } - // we only want to mark that new content is available, and handle the message - // at allFetched event - if ( { - self.log('browser-side', ' +-- fetched version apparently differs from cached for:', - // record fo the URL -[].cacheStale = true - // record gloally - libresilient.cacheStale = true - } - } - if ( { - if (libresilient.status === "loaded") { - // set the status so that we don't get the message doubled - libresilient.status = "complete" - // inform the user - if (libresilient.cacheStale) { - libresilient.displayMessage('Newer version of this page is available; please reload to see it.') - } else { - self.log('browser-side', '+-- all fetched!..') - libresilient.displayMessage('Fetching via LibResilient finished; no new content found.') - } - } - } - if ( { - - self.log('browser-side', '+-- got our clientId:', - - // if libresilient.clientId is null, this is the first time - // we got wind that the service worker is running - // service worker info - if (libresilient.clientId === null) { - for (let libresilient_sw of document.querySelectorAll(".libresilient-status-service-worker")) { - libresilient_sw.className += " active"; - try { - libresilient_sw.querySelector('.status').innerHTML = "yes"; - } catch(e) { - // nothing to do here, move along - } - } - } - // set the clientId internally, we will need it - libresilient.clientId = - } - if ( { - var msg = '+-- got the plugin list:' ->{ - msg += '\n +-- ' + p - // initialize methodStats - if (typeof libresilient.methodStats[p] === 'undefined') { - libresilient.methodStats[p] = 0 - // set-up the plugin status display - libresilient.addPluginStatus(p) - } - }) - self.log('browser-side', msg) - } - if ( { - self.log('browser-side', '+-- got the serviceWorker version:', - var libresilient_sws = document.getElementsByClassName("libresilient-commit-service-worker"); - for (let element of libresilient_sws) { - element.innerHTML =; - } - } - }); +} else { + console.warn("unable to load LibResilient: ServiceWorker API not available in the browser") }