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// implementing some helper functions for DNS-over-HTTPS
* retrieving the alternative endpoints list from DNS TXT records
* using a DNS-over-HTTPS binary DNS wire format endpoint
* returns an array of strings, each being a valid endpoint,
* in the form of:
* scheme://[/optional/path]
* for an explanation of what the heck is going on here, see:
* @param domain (string) domain name to resolve TXT records for
* @param config (object) config object with fields: dohProvider, dohMethod, dohMediaType
* @param log (function) logging function to use (optional)
self.resolveEndpointsBinary = async (domain, config, log=()=>{} ) => {
// encoder and decoder
let enc = new TextEncoder();
let dec = new TextDecoder('utf8');
// then we need an Uint8Array for the whole thing
// how large? glad you asked!
// - header part is 12 bytes
// - question part is (domain.length + 2) + 4 bytes
// why? even more glad you asked!
// qname part is the part that will contain the name we are trying to resolve.
// this means all the labels, without the dots.
// each label will be preceeded by one-byte field containing the length of the label
// after all labels are included, a one-byte null terminator follows.
// so, for "" (length: 20 bytes) we get:
// [len:8]_dnslink[len:7]example[len:3]org[null] (length: 22 bytes)
let qbuf = new Uint8Array(12 + domain.length + 6)
// let's build ourselves a header
// ID, 16-bit — request identifier
Math.floor(Math.random() * 256), Math.floor(Math.random() * 256),
// 16 bits of flags
//,-------------- 1-bit QR header field, 0 means "query"
//| ,------------ 4-bit OPCODE header field, we want 0 ("standard query")
//| | ,--------- 1-bit AA header field, only relevant in response (1 means the response is authoritative)
//| | |,-------- 1-bit TC header field, we want 0 signifying the message was not truncated
//| | ||,------- 1-bit RD header field, we want 1 signifying we want recursive resolution
//| | |||
//| | ||| ,------- 1-bit RA header field, only relevant in response (1 means recursion is available)
//| | ||| | ,----- 3-bit Z header field, reserved for future use, always 0
//| | ||| | | ,- 4-bit RCODE header field, to be set to 0, and inspected in response for error codes
//| |\ ||| | | /|
//|/ \||| |/ \/ \
0b00000001, 0b00000000,
// QDCOUNT, 16-bit — number of questions (we only have one)
0x00, 0x01,
// ANCOUNT, 16-bit — we are not providing answers, only asking questions
0x00, 0x00,
// NSCOUNT, 16-bit — we are not providing any nameserver info
0x00, 0x00,
// ARCOUNT, 16-bit — no additional records from our side!
0x00, 0x00
// let's build ourselves a QNAME!
let qbufpos = 12 // starting at byte 12, just as the header ends
// set the byte of the buffer at the current position to the length of the label
qbuf[qbufpos] = label.length
// set the encoded label starting from the following byte
qbuf.set(enc.encode(label), qbufpos + 1)
// increment the position by the length of the label plus 1 byte
qbufpos += label.length + 1
// in qbufpos at this point we have the position of the byte
// directly following the last letter in the last label
// we need a null byte there to signify end of QNAME
qbuf[qbufpos] = 0x00
qbufpos += 1
// let's finish it all off
// QTYPE, 160-bit — we want TXT records, which is 16 decimal
0x00, 0x10,
// QCLASS, 16-bit — we want Internet (IN)
0x00, 0x01
], qbufpos)
// request data
let request_data = {
url: config.dohProvider,
options: {
// TODO: we need to find a way to make "no-cors" requests
//mode: "no-cors",
method: config.dohMethod,
headers: {
accept: config.dohMediaType
// GET or POST?
if (config.dohMethod === "POST") {
// binary data in POST body, easy peasy
request_data.options.body = qbuf;
request_data.options.headers["content-length"] = qbuf.length.toString()
request_data.options.headers["content-type"] = config.dohMediaType
} else if (config.dohMethod === "GET") {
// we need base64-encoded data, since we're putting it the URL directly
request_data.url += "?dns=" + btoa(String.fromCodePoint(...qbuf));
} else {
// that's not right
throw new Error('dohMethod can only be "GET" or "POST"; got: ' + config.dohMethod)
// make the request
let response = await fetch(request_data.url, request_data.options)
// did we get application/dns-message?
if (response.headers.get("content-type") !== config.dohMediaType) {
throw new Error(`Response Content-Type should be: ${config.dohMediaType}; is: ${response.headers.get("content-type")}.`)
// let's get the actual response
let rbuf = new Uint8Array(await response.arrayBuffer())
// the answer cannot be shorter than the question
if (rbuf.length < qbuf.length) {
throw new Error('Invalid response: response cannot be shorter than request!')
// first two bytes have to be the ID, so identical to qbuf's first two bytes
if ( (rbuf[0] !== qbuf[0]) || (rbuf[1] !== qbuf[1]) ) {
throw new Error('Response ID does not match Request ID!')
// is this a response? QR bit needs to be 1
if ( (rbuf[2] & 0b10000000) != 0b10000000) {
throw new Error('Invalid response: QR bit does not indicate a response!')
// is the OPCODE sane? it needs to be 0b0000
if ( (rbuf[2] & 0b01111000) != 0b00000000) {
throw new Error('Invalid response: OPCODE contains an unexpected value (should be zero)!')
// there's no good reason for us to get a truncated response
if ( (rbuf[2] & 0b00000010) == 0b00000010) {
throw new Error('Invalid response: Got a truncated response. There is no reason for it, and we cannot handle it.')
// recursive resolution was requested — is that reflected?
if ( (rbuf[2] & 0b0000001) != 0b00000001) {
throw new Error('Invalid response: Recursive resolution was requested but this is not reflected in response.')
// 3-bit Z field is "reserverved for future use" and should be zero
if ( (rbuf[3] & 0b01110000) != 0b00000000) {
throw new Error("Invalid response: Response's Z field is not zeroed out!")
// 4-bit RCODE field should be zero, anything else indicates errors
if ( (rbuf[3] & 0b00001111) != 0b00000000) {
let rcode = (rbuf[3] & 0b00001111)
if (rcode == 1) {
throw new Error("Response's RCODE field indicates a format error!")
if (rcode == 2) {
throw new Error("Response's RCODE field indicates a server failure!")
if (rcode == 3) {
throw new Error("Response's RCODE field indicates a the name does not exist!")
if (rcode == 4) {
throw new Error("Response's RCODE field indicates a not implemented error!")
if (rcode == 5) {
throw new Error("Response's RCODE field indicates the request was refused!")
throw new Error(`Response's RCODE field indicates an error (code: ${rcode})!`)
// we only asked one question
if ( (rbuf[4] != 0) || (rbuf[5] != 1) ) {
throw new Error("Response's QDCOUNT is different than request's QDCOUNT (should be 1)!")
// how many resource records did we get in the response?
let ancount = (rbuf[6] << 8) + rbuf[7];
if (ancount < 1) {
throw new Error("Response's ANCOUNT indicates no resource records received in response!")
} else {
log("number of resource records received: " + ancount)
// we are ignoring NSCOUNT and ARCOUNT 16-bit fields (rbuf[8] through rbuf[11]),
// and moving on to question section
let rbufpos = 12
// let's see if the question section in the response
// matches the question section in the request
// header is the same size in request and response: 12 bytes
// qbufpos indicates the end of the QNAME section of the request
// this is followed by four bytes: two for TYPE and two for CLASS
// these (QNAME, QTYPE, QCLASS) should all be byte-for-byte equal
// in both request and response
while (rbufpos < qbufpos + 4) {
if (rbuf[rbufpos] != qbuf[rbufpos]) {
throw new Error("Invalid response: QNAME, QTYPE, or QCLASS do not match between request and response.")
rbufpos += 1
// let's make some space for answers
// this is going to be an array of string
let answers = []
// consume the response buffer byte by byte
while (rbufpos < rbuf.length) {
// we are not ignoring answers by default
let ignore_answer = false
// at this point we should have our NAME (same as QNAME) in the response
// if it starts with 0x11nn, it's a pointer to a QNAME/NAME,
// and the rest of the two bytes is the offset from the start of the response
// is this a pointer or a NAME?
if ( (rbuf[rbufpos] & 0b11000000) == 0b11000000 ) {
// a pointer! we should expect the rest of the two bytes
// to be an offset from the start of the response
// and it only makes sense here for the offset to be equal
// to 12 — the first byte after the header
if ( ((rbuf[rbufpos] & 0b00111111) << 8) + rbuf[rbufpos+1] != 12) {
throw new Error(`Invalid response: unexpected name pointer offset ${((rbuf[rbufpos] & 0b00111111) << 8) + rbuf[rbufpos+1]} (expected: 12)`)
rbufpos += 2;
} else if ( (rbuf[rbufpos] & 0b11000000) == 0b00000000 ) {
// so we get a full name, that should be identical
// to QNAME from the question section — length of which is (qbufpos - 12) bytes,
// when accounted for the header
for (let i=0; i < (qbufpos - 12); i++) {
if (rbuf[rbufpos + i] != qbuf[i + 12]) {
throw new Error("Invalid response: NAME in an answer does not match the QNAME from the request.")
rbufpos += (qbufpos - 12)
// this should never happen
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid response: answer\'s NAME starts with something else than 0b11 or 0b00.')
// two bytes of TYPE; we are asking for TXT, which is 16
if ( ((rbuf[rbufpos] << 8) + rbuf[rbufpos+1]) != 16) {
// we don't care about any other type
// but we can't just bail, we need to verify the validity of the whole answer section
ignore_answer = true
log("Not a TXT record, ignoring.")
rbufpos += 2
// two bytes of CLASS; we are only interested in IN ("Internet") class, which is 1
if ( ((rbuf[rbufpos] << 8) + rbuf[rbufpos+1]) != 1) {
throw new Error("Invalid response: unexpected CLASS: " + ((rbuf[rbufpos] << 8) + rbuf[rbufpos+1]))
rbufpos += 2
// four bytes of TTL.!
let ttl = ((rbuf[rbufpos] << 24) + (rbuf[rbufpos+1] << 16) + (rbuf[rbufpos+2] << 8) + rbuf[rbufpos+3])
rbufpos += 4
// 16-bit length of the RDATA field. that we definitely care about!
let rdlength = ((rbuf[rbufpos] << 8) + rbuf[rbufpos+1])
// "An empty TXT record containing zero strings is not allowed [RFC1035]."
if (rdlength < 1) {
throw new Error("Invalid response: RDLENGTH is zero")
rbufpos += 2
// are we interested in this answer at all?
if (ignore_answer) {
// skip!
rbufpos += rdlength;
// "The format of each constituent string within the DNS TXT record is a
// single length byte, followed by 0-255 bytes of text data."
// in other words we have the length of the TXT record itself specified again within RDATA
// this obviously should be 1 less than RDLENGTH
// TODO: we are assuming here that the RDATA only contains one string;
// TODO: *technically* RDATA *can* contain multiple strings for TXT RRs, but that seems to not be used much?
if (rdlength != rbuf[rbufpos] + 1) {
throw new Error("Invalid response: RDLENGTH does not match TXT record length")
rbufpos += 1
// we are interested! okay!
answers.push(dec.decode(rbuf.slice(rbufpos, rbufpos + rdlength - 1)))
log(`relevant answer received: '${answers[answers.length - 1]}' (TTL: ${ttl})`)
rbufpos += rdlength - 1;
// did we get all the answers we expected based on ANCOUNT?
if (ancount <= answers.length) {
// great, we can ignore the rest of the response packet
log(`got all ${ancount} expected answers.`)
// this should be an array of strings
return answers;
* names of known DNS return codes
* to simplify debugging
let dnsReturnCodes = []
dnsReturnCodes[0] = 'NOERROR' // no error
dnsReturnCodes[1] = 'FORMERR' // format error
dnsReturnCodes[2] = 'SERVFAIL' // server failed to complete the request
dnsReturnCodes[3] = 'NXDOMAIN' // domain name does not exist
dnsReturnCodes[4] = 'NOTIMP' // not implemented
dnsReturnCodes[5] = 'REFUSED' // server refused to answer
dnsReturnCodes[6] = 'YXDOMAIN' // name that should not exist, exists
dnsReturnCodes[7] = 'YXRRSET' // RRset that should not exist, exists
dnsReturnCodes[8] = 'NXRRSET' // RRset that should exist, doesn't
dnsReturnCodes[9] = 'NOTAUTH' // server not authoritative for the zone, or request not authorized
dnsReturnCodes[10] = 'NOTZONE' // name not in the zone
dnsReturnCodes[11] = 'DSOTYPENI' // DSO-TYPE not implemented
// dnsReturnCodes[12] to dnsReturnCodes[15] unassigned
dnsReturnCodes[16] = 'BADSIG' // TSIG signature failure
dnsReturnCodes[17] = 'BADKEY' // bad key
dnsReturnCodes[18] = 'BADTIME' // signature out of time window
dnsReturnCodes[19] = 'BADMODE' // bad TKEY mode
dnsReturnCodes[20] = 'BADNAME' // duplicate key name
dnsReturnCodes[21] = 'BADALG' // algorithm not supported
dnsReturnCodes[22] = 'BADTRUNC' // bad truncation
dnsReturnCodes[23] = 'BADCOOKIE' // bad/missing server cookie
// the rest is unassigned / reserved for private use etc
* retrieving the alternative endpoints list from DNS TXT records
* using a DNS-over-HTTPS JSON endpoint
* returns an array of strings, one per each TXT record
* @param domain (string) domain name to resolve TXT records for
* @param config (object) config object with fields: dohProvider, dohMethod, dohMediaType
self.resolveEndpointsJSON = async (domain, config) => {
// pretty self-explanatory:
// DoH provider, domain, TXT type, pretty please
var query = `${config.dohProvider}?name=${domain}&type=TXT`
// make the query, get the response
var response = await fetch(
query, {
// TODO: we need to find a way to make "no-cors" requests
//mode: "no-cors",
headers: {
'accept': 'application/json',
// this will throw an error if the response fails to parse as JSON
// we need an object here
// we could get a "JSON" that is just a string, as long as it is in quote-marks, apparently
if (typeof response !== 'object') {
throw new Error('Response is not a valid JSON')
// only Status == 0 is acceptable
if (!('Status' in response) || response.Status != 0) {
let status_msg = dnsReturnCodes[response.Status]
if (status_msg === undefined) {
status_msg = "unknown error"
throw new Error(`DNS request failure, status code: ${response.Status} (${status_msg})`)
// we also do need the Answer section please
if (!('Answer' in response) || (typeof response.Answer !== 'object') || (!Array.isArray(response.Answer))) {
throw new Error(`DNS response did not contain a valid Answer section`)
// only get TXT records, and extract the data from them
response = response
.filter(r => r.type == 16)
.map(r =>;
// did we get anything of value? anything at all?
if (response.length < 1) {
throw new Error(`Answer section of the DNS response did not contain any TXT records`)
// this should be an array of strings, containing the TXT records
return response