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* this is the default DNSLink+IPFS strategy plugin
* for LibResilient.
* it uses DNSLink for content address resolution
* and IPFS for delivery
/* ========================================================================= *\
|* === General stuff and setup === *|
\* ========================================================================= */
// no polluting of the global namespace please
// this never changes
const pluginName = "dnslink-ipfs"
LRPC.set(pluginName, (LR, init={})=>{
var ipfsPromise;
// sane defaults
let defaultConfig = {
// the IPFS gateway we're using for verification when publishing; default is usually ok
//ipfsGateway: ''
// merge the defaults with settings from init
let config = {...defaultConfig, ...init}
* importing stuff works differently between a browser window context
* and a ServiceWorker context, because things just can't be easy and sane
function doImport() {
var args =;
if (typeof self.importScripts !== 'undefined') {
self.importScripts.apply(self, args)
} else {
LR.log(pluginName, 'assuming these scripts are already included:')
LR.log(pluginName, '+--', src)
async function setup_ipfs() {
LR.log(pluginName, 'Importing IPFS-related libraries...');
LR.log(pluginName, 'Setting up IPFS...')
try {
var ipfs = await self.Ipfs.create();
LR.log(pluginName, '+-- IPFS loaded :: ipfs is : ' + typeof ipfs)
return ipfs
} catch(e) {
LR.log(pluginName, '+-- Error loading IPFS: ' + e)
throw new Error(e)
/* ========================================================================= *\
|* === Main functionality === *|
\* ========================================================================= */
* the workhorse of this plugin
async function getContentFromDNSLinkAndIPFS(url, init={}) {
// make sure IPFS is set-up
var ipfs = await ipfsPromise
// we don't want the scheme
var dnslinkAddr = url.replace(/https?:\/\//, '')
* if the dnslinkAddr ends in '/', append 'index.html' to it
* TODO: might not be necessary; if removed, update the content-type switch statement below!
if (dnslinkAddr.charAt(dnslinkAddr.length - 1) === '/') {
LR.log(pluginName, "NOTICE: address ends in '/', assuming '/index.html' should be appended.");
dnslinkAddr += 'index.html';
LR.log(pluginName, "+-- starting DNSLink lookup of: '" + dnslinkAddr + "'");
// TODO: error handling!
return'/ipns/' + dnslinkAddr).next().then(ipfsaddr => {
// TODO: use the iterator, luke
LR.log(pluginName, "+-- starting IPFS retrieval of: '" + ipfsaddr.value + "'");
}).then(async (source) => {
LR.log(pluginName, '+-- started receiving file data')
// source is an iterator
var filedata = await;
// did we get anything?
if (filedata.value) {
// initialize
var content = new Uint8Array()
do {
LR.log(pluginName, ' +-- new data:', filedata.done, filedata.value.length)
var newContent = new Uint8Array(content.length + filedata.value.length);
newContent.set(filedata.value, content.length)
content = newContent
filedata = await
} while (! filedata.done)
LR.log(pluginName, '+-- got a DNSLink-resolved IPFS-stored file; content is: ' + typeof content);
2023-11-10 21:08:03 +00:00
// let's guess the content type
let contentType = await LR.guessMimeType(
// creating and populating the blob
2023-11-10 21:08:03 +00:00
let blob = new Blob(
{'type': contentType}
return new Response(
'status': 200,
'statusText': 'OK',
'headers': {
'Content-Type': contentType,
'ETag': 'WOLOLO',
'X-LibResilient-Method': pluginName,
'X-LibResilient-ETag': 'WOLOLO'
} else {
LR.log(pluginName, '+-- IPFS retrieval failed: no content.')
throw new Error('IPFS retrieval failed: no content.')
/* ========================================================================= *\
|* === Publishing stuff === *|
\* ========================================================================= */
* TODO: to be implemented
let publishContent = (resource, user, password) => {
throw new Error("Not implemented yet.")
/* ========================================================================= *\
|* === Initialization === *|
\* ========================================================================= */
// we probably need to handle this better
ipfsPromise = setup_ipfs();
// and add ourselves to it
// with some additional metadata
return {
name: pluginName,
description: 'Decentralized resource fetching using DNSLink for content address resolution and IPFS for content delivery.',
version: 'COMMIT_UNKNOWN',
fetch: getContentFromDNSLinkAndIPFS,
publish: publishContent
// done with not polluting the global namespace