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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read --allow-write
// TODO: handle the permissions better... somehow?
2022-12-09 18:29:58 +00:00
import { parse } from "";
let getUsage = () => {
let usage = `
Command-line interface for LibResilient.
This script creates a common interface to CLI actions implemented by LibResilient plugins.
${new URL('', import.meta.url).toString().split('/').at(-1)} [options] [plugin-name [plugin-options]]
-h, --help [plugin-name]
Print this message, if no plugin-name is given.
If plugin-name is provided, print usage information of that plugin.
return usage
let getPluginActionUsage = (action, action_name) => {
// initialize
let options = ""
let positional = ""
let positional_desc = ""
if ("arguments" in action) {
for (const opt in action.arguments) {
if (opt == '_') {
options += `\n --${opt}`
if ("default" in action.arguments[opt]) {
options += ` (default: ${action.arguments[opt].default})`
options += `\n ${action.arguments[opt].description}`
options += `\n`
if ('_' in action.arguments) {
if ('name' in action.arguments._) {
positional = ` <${}...>`
} else {
positional = ' <item...>'
positional_desc = `
let usage = ` ${action_name}${ (options != "") ? " [options...]" : "" }${positional}
return usage
let getPluginUsage = (plugin) => {
let usage = `
CLI plugin:
Plugin Description:
${plugin.description.replace('\n', '\n ')}
${new URL('', import.meta.url).toString().split('/').at(-1)} [general-options] ${} [plugin-action [action-options]]
General Options:
-h, --help [plugin-name]
Print this message, if no plugin-name is given.
If plugin-name is provided, print usage information of that plugin.
Actions and Action Options:
for (const action in plugin.actions) {
usage += getPluginActionUsage(plugin.actions[action], action) + '\n'
return usage
let parsePluginActionArgs = (args, argdef) => {
var plugin_args_config = {
boolean: [],
string: [],
alias: {},
collect: [],
negatable: [],
unknown: null,
default: {
for (const [argname, argconfig] of Object.entries(argdef)) {
if (argname == '_') {
if ( ("collect" in argconfig) && (argconfig.collect === true) ) {
if ( ("string" in argconfig) && (argconfig.string === true) ) {
if ( ("boolean" in argconfig) && (argconfig.boolean === true) ) {
if ( ("negatable" in argconfig) && (argconfig.negatable === true) ) {
if ("default" in argconfig) {
plugin_args_config.default[argname] = argconfig.default
var parsed = parse(args, plugin_args_config)
var result = []
// we want to keep the order of arguments
// as defined in the plugin cli code
for (const argname of Object.keys(argdef)) {
if (argname in parsed) {
// we're done
return result
// assuming:
// - the first unknown argument is the name of the plugin
// - plugins live in ../plugins/<plugin-name>/cli.js, relative to lrcli.js location
// - only one plugin loaded per invocation, at least for now
// we *always* pass arguments to plugins as arrays of strings,
// even if we only got one value
let main = async (args) => {
var parsed_args = parse(
default: {
h: false,
stopEarly: true,
boolean: [ "h" ],
string: [],
alias: {
h: [ "help" ]
collect: [],
negatable: [],
// a function which is invoked with a command line parameter not defined
// in the options configuration object. If the function returns false,
// the unknown option is not added to parsedArgs.
unknown: null
// no unknown parsed args? that means we have no plugin specified
if (parsed_args._.length == 0) {
if ( {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
// try loading the plugin
let plugin
try {
plugin = await import(`../plugins/${parsed_args._[0]}/cli.js`);
} catch (e) {
// unable to load the plugin? bail with info
console.log(`\n*** ${e} ***`)
return 2
// if we only had exactly one unknown arg, we only have the plugin name
// but no info from the user what to do with it
// → print plugin usage and exit
if (parsed_args._.length == 1) {
if (! {
console.log('\n*** No action specified for plugin ***')
if ( {
return 0;
} else {
return 3;
let action = parsed_args._[1]
if ( ! (action in plugin.actions) ) {
var exit_code = 0
if (!['--help', '-h'].includes(action)) {
console.log(`\n*** Action not supported: ${action} ***`)
exit_code = 4
return exit_code
if (['--help', '-h'].includes(parsed_args._[2])) {
return 0
var parsed_plugin_args = parsePluginActionArgs(
// removing the plugin name and the method name
// empty object in case arguments key does not exist
plugin.actions[action].arguments || {}
// not using console.log here because we want the *exact* output
// without any extra ending newlines
try {
await Deno.stdout.write(
new TextEncoder().encode(
await plugin.actions[action].run(...parsed_plugin_args)
return 0
} catch (e) {
console.log(`\n*** ${e} ***`)
return 5
// export the main function
export {
// run only if we're the main module
if (import.meta.main) {
Deno.exit(await main(Deno.args))