import logging ######################################################################## # # General options ### Logging log_level = logging.INFO log_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s' ### Server listening_ip = "" listening_port = 8081 ### Cost Estimate kwh_rate = 0.28 # Rate in currency_type to calculate cost to run job currency_type = "AUD" # Currency Symbol to show when calculating cost to run job ######################################################################## # # GPIO Setup (BCM SoC Numbering Schema) # # Check the RasPi docs to see where these GPIOs are # connected on the P1 header for your board type/rev. # These were tested on a Pi B Rev2 but of course you # can use whichever GPIO you prefer/have available. ### Outputs gpio_heat = 23 # Switches zero-cross solid-state-relay (was 11 initially) # I don't use the following two imputs for ceramics, but there here if you need them: gpio_cool = 10 # Regulates PWM for 12V DC Blower gpio_air = 9 # Switches 0-phase det. solid-state-relay heater_invert = 0 # switches the polarity of the heater control (was 0 initially) ### Inputs gpio_door = 18 # another one I don't use, but might find useful one day ### Thermocouple Adapter selection: # max31855 - bitbang SPI interface # max31855spi - kernel SPI interface # max6675 - bitbang SPI interface max31855 = 1 max6675 = 0 max31855spi = 0 # if you use this one, you MUST reassign the default GPIO pins ### Thermocouple Connection (using bitbang interfaces) gpio_sensor_cs = 27 gpio_sensor_clock = 22 gpio_sensor_data = 17 ### Thermocouple SPI Connection (using adafrut drivers + kernel SPI interface) spi_sensor_chip_id = 0 ### amount of time, in seconds, to wait between reads of the thermocouple sensor_time_wait = 10 # was .5 for solder reflow ######################################################################## # # PID parameters pid_ki = 0.1 # Integration pid_kd = 0.4 # Derivative pid_kp = 0.5 # Proportional ######################################################################## # # Simulation parameters sim_t_env = 25.0 # deg C sim_c_heat = 100.0 # J/K heat capacity of heat element sim_c_oven = 2000.0 # J/K heat capacity of oven sim_p_heat = 2000.0 # W heating power of oven sim_R_o_nocool = 1.0 # K/W thermal resistance oven -> environment sim_R_o_cool = 0.05 # K/W " with cooling sim_R_ho_noair = 0.1 # K/W thermal resistance heat element -> oven sim_R_ho_air = 0.05 # K/W " with internal air circulation ######################################################################## # # Time and Temperature parameters temp_scale = "c" # c = Celsius | f = Fahrenheit - Temperature inits used by thermocouple time_scale_slope = "m" # s = Seconds | m = Minutes | h = Hours - Slope displayed in temp_scale per time_scale_slope time_scale_profile = "m" # s = Seconds | m = Minutes | h = Hours - Enter and view target time in time_scale_profile