Setting up K40whisperer on Linux (by Dr. med. Jan Schiefer): # Requirements Prerequirements: * python * unzip * udev * inkscape ## Instructions 1. Create a group for the users who are allowed to use the laser cutter: sudo groupadd lasercutter 2. Add your yourself to this group, replace [YOUR USERNAME] with your unix username: sudo usermod -a -G lasercutter [YOUR USERNAME] 3. Eventually add other users who will use the laser cutter to the group 4. Plug in your laser cutter to your computer 5. Create a udev control file four your laser cutter as root (i will use gedit in this example): sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/97-ctc-lasercutter.rules Put the following text into the file and replace [VENDOR ID] and [PRODUCT ID] with the information you obtained from lsusb: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1a86", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5512", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", MODE="0664", GROUP="lasercutter" Now save the file. 6. Reboot your computer! 7. Download and the K40whisperer source code, for example "" 8. Unzip the source code, for example: unzip -d /home/[YOUR USERNAME]/ 9. Go to the K40 whisperer source directory, for example: cd /home/[YOUR USERNAME]/K40_Whisperer-0.07_src/ 10. Install the requires python packages using the following commands: pip install lxml pip install pyusb pip install pillow pip install pyclipper 11. Run K40whisperer: python ./ 11a. If K40 Whisperer starts but you cannot initialize the laser you can try running using the command: sudo python ./ If everything works that way you should revisit step 5. because the user is not able to access the usb port. You can always run using sudo but it is generally a bad practice. 12. Go to Setting --> General settings 13. Select your laser control board name (usually LASER-M2 which is the default.) 14. If you click the "save" button in the general settings your current settings will be saved for future sessions.