Script for generating sensor grid and routing to connectors

Beta Code for routing wires to connectors.
Howard DaCosta 2021-11-08 20:54:28 -05:00
rodzic 6443f43a49
commit 52b4d747fb
1 zmienionych plików z 123 dodań i 75 usunięć

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@ -25,20 +25,22 @@ from .lettering_custom_font_dir import get_custom_font_dir
import svgwrite
from svgwrite.extensions import Inkscape
import numpy as np
# minimum space apart for wires in grid to avoid interference / shorting
class SensorGridFrame(wx.Frame):
DEFAULT_FONT = "small_font"
def __init__(self, rectangle, svg, *args, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, shape_points, rectangle, wire_connector, svg, *args, **kwargs):
if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "C")
lc = wx.Locale()
# = kwargs.pop('group')
# self.parent_node = parent_node
self.shape_points = shape_points
self.rectangle = rectangle
self.vertical_wire_connector, self.horizontal_wire_connector = wire_connector
self.upper_left, self.upper_right, self.lower_left, self.lower_right = self.rectangle.get_rectangle_points()
self.svg = svg
self.paths = []
@ -122,48 +124,49 @@ class SensorGridFrame(wx.Frame):
4 curr_point_top: 38.09999799999999, bottom: 38.099998
curr_point = list(self.upper_left)
inkex.errormsg("vert spacing:{}, curr_point_top: {}, bottom: {}".format(horizontal_wire_spacing, curr_point[1], self.rectangle.bottom))
curr_point = list(self.lower_left)
wire_count = 0
points = []
while round(curr_point[1]) != round(self.rectangle.bottom - horizontal_wire_spacing):
curr_point[1] += horizontal_wire_spacing
inkex.errormsg(" 1 curr_point_top: {}, bottom: {}".format(curr_point[1], self.rectangle.bottom))
while round(curr_point[1]) != round( + horizontal_wire_spacing):
curr_point[1] -= horizontal_wire_spacing
connections = []
if self.horizontal_wire_connector.has_available_wires():
connections = self.horizontal_wire_connector.connect_wire()
if wire_count % 2 == 0:
# self.create_wire_segment(curr_point, self.rectangle.width, True)
points.append('{},{}'.format(curr_point[0], curr_point[1]))
points.append('{},{}'.format(self.rectangle.left - BBOX_SPACING, curr_point[1]))
points.append('{},{}'.format(self.rectangle.right, curr_point[1]))
for p in connections:
points.append('{},{}'.format(p.x, p.y))
points.append('{},{}'.format(self.rectangle.right, curr_point[1]))
points.append('{},{}'.format(self.rectangle.left - BBOX_SPACING, curr_point[1]))
wire_count += 1
if wire_count < self.horizontal_wire_spinner.GetValue(): # avoid last wire to prevent shorting
if wire_count % 2 == 1: # need to draw joining segment on right side
# self.create_wire_joiner([self.rectangle.right, curr_point[1]], horizontal_wire_spacing, is_horizontal=False)
points.append('{},{}'.format(self.rectangle.right, curr_point[1]))
points.append('{},{}'.format(self.rectangle.right, curr_point[1] + horizontal_wire_spacing))
else: # need to draw joining segment on left side
# self.create_wire_joiner([self.rectangle.left, curr_point[1]], horizontal_wire_spacing, is_horizontal=False)
points.append('{},{}'.format(self.rectangle.left, curr_point[1]))
points.append('{},{}'.format(self.rectangle.left, curr_point[1] + horizontal_wire_spacing))
inkex.errormsg("horizontal points:{}".format(points))
self.create_path(points, is_horizontal=True)
def lay_vertical_wires(self, vertical_wire_spacing):
curr_point = list(self.upper_left)
inkex.errormsg("vert spacing:{}, curr_point_top: {}, bottom: {}".format(vertical_wire_spacing, curr_point[1], self.rectangle.right))
wire_count = 0
points = []
while round(curr_point[0]) != round(self.rectangle.right - vertical_wire_spacing):
curr_point[0] += vertical_wire_spacing
points.append('{},{}'.format(curr_point[0], curr_point[1]))
inkex.errormsg(" 1 curr_point_top: {}, bottom: {}".format(curr_point[0], self.rectangle.right))
# self.create_wire_segment(curr_point, self.rectangle.height, False)
connections = []
if self.vertical_wire_connector.has_available_wires():
connections = self.vertical_wire_connector.connect_wire()
if wire_count % 2 == 0:
points.append('{},{}'.format(curr_point[0], - BBOX_SPACING))
points.append('{},{}'.format(curr_point[0], self.rectangle.bottom))
for p in connections:
points.append('{},{}'.format(p.x, p.y))
points.append('{},{}'.format(curr_point[0], self.rectangle.bottom))
points.append('{},{}'.format(curr_point[0], - BBOX_SPACING))
wire_count += 1
if wire_count < self.vertical_wire_spinner.GetValue():
if wire_count % 2 == 1: # need to draw joining segment on bottom side
# self.create_wire_joiner([curr_point[0], self.rectangle.bottom], vertical_wire_spacing, is_horizontal=True)
points.append('{},{}'.format(curr_point[0], self.rectangle.bottom))
points.append('{},{}'.format(curr_point[0] + vertical_wire_spacing, self.rectangle.bottom))
else: # need to draw joining segment on top side
# self.create_wire_joiner([curr_point[0],], vertical_wire_spacing, is_horizontal=True)
points.append('{},{}'.format(curr_point[0] + vertical_wire_spacing,
inkex.errormsg("vertical points:{}".format(points))
self.create_path(points, is_horizontal=False)
@ -228,6 +231,12 @@ class BoundingBoxMetadata():
self.bottom = bottom
self.left = left
self.right = right
# [(228.1611254982255, 926.1796798412221),
# (318.94651979684267, 926.1796798412221),
# (228.1611254982255, 958.3789548850492),
# (318.94651979684267, 958.3789548850492)]
def get_rectangle_points(self):
@ -252,7 +261,35 @@ class BoundingBoxMetadata():
rectangle_sides.append('{},{}'.format(ll[0], ll[1]))
rectangle_sides.append('{},{}'.format(ul[0], ul[1]))
return rectangle_sides
class Connector():
Object to represent connector of wires
x a b c d
every connector has 32 connection points
I can split a list of 64 in HALF for vertical and horizontal
Impose constraint where first half is always for vert and second is always for horz
def __init__(self, connector_points):
self.connector_points = connector_points # all coords where wires need to route to
self.open_wire_idx = 0 # idx of next available wire
inkex.errormsg("num connectors:{}".format(len(self.connector_points)))
def has_available_wires(self):
return self.open_wire_idx <= len(self.connector_points) - 4 # every connector is 4 points
def connect_wire(self):
if self.has_available_wires():
points = self.connector_points[self.open_wire_idx:self.open_wire_idx + 4]
self.open_wire_idx += 2
return points
inkex.errormsg("connector has no more open connections. Decrease the number of wires!")
return None
class SensorGrid(InkstitchExtension):
COMMANDS = ["grid"]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@ -264,51 +301,66 @@ class SensorGrid(InkstitchExtension):
self.cancelled = True
def effect(self):
# if not self.svg.selected:
# inkex.errormsg(_("Please select a single rectangle to apply a grid."))
# return
# get dims of user's grid in MM (for now, have users select mm as measurement)
# TODO: do conversion for later version??
rectangle = None
shape_points = None
connector_points = []
connectors = [] # list of connector objects
for elem in self.svg.get_selected(): # PATH ELEMENT
need this for loop for when multiple elements are selected (object , 2 connectors[?])
for now it is just the object itself
if not isinstance(elem, Rectangle):
# inkex.errormsg("type of elem:{}, path:{}, style:{}".format(type(elem), elem.get_path(),
# inkex.errormsg(_("Please select a rectangle"))
bbox = self.svg.get_selected_bbox()
self.parse_poly_points(elem, bbox)
# inkex.errormsg("bbox:{},{}".format(bbox, type(bbox)))
inkex.errormsg("top {}, bottom {}, left {}, right {}".format(, elem.bottom, elem.left, elem.right))
inkex.errormsg("path {}".format(elem.path))
rectangle = BoundingBoxMetadata(elem.width, elem.height,, elem.bottom, elem.left, elem.right)
inkex.errormsg("things selected:{}".format(len(self.svg.get_selected())))
inkex.errormsg("type of elem:{}".format(type(elem)))
shape_points = [p for p in elem.path.end_points]
app = wx.App()
frame = SensorGridFrame(rectangle, self.svg, on_cancel=self.cancel)
if len(shape_points) > 4 and rectangle is None: # use bounding box of OBJECT
#for now, this will differentiate the OBJECT from the CONNECTORS
bbox = elem.bounding_box()
self.parse_poly_points(shape_points, bbox)
rectangle = BoundingBoxMetadata(bbox.width, bbox.height,, bbox.bottom, bbox.left, bbox.right)
inkex.errormsg("rect points:{}".format(rectangle.get_rectangle_points()))
rect points:[(228.1611254982255, 926.1796798412221),
(318.94651979684267, 926.1796798412221),
(228.1611254982255, 958.3789548850492),
(318.94651979684267, 958.3789548850492)]
elif len(shape_points) == 4:
# first and last points represent the ends that will be used for routing!
for p in shape_points:
if len(connector_points) == 64: # num of points making up a connector
connector_points = []
# position left, center
current_screen = wx.Display.GetFromPoint(wx.GetMousePosition())
display = wx.Display(current_screen)
display_size = display.GetClientArea()
frame_size = frame.GetSize()
frame.SetPosition((int(display_size[0]), int(display_size[3] / 2 - frame_size[1] / 2)))
# if shape_points is not None and rectangle is not None and len(connectors) > 0:
if True:
app = wx.App()
frame = SensorGridFrame(shape_points, rectangle, connectors, self.svg, on_cancel=self.cancel)
# position left, center
current_screen = wx.Display.GetFromPoint(wx.GetMousePosition())
display = wx.Display(current_screen)
display_size = display.GetClientArea()
frame_size = frame.GetSize()
frame.SetPosition((int(display_size[0]), int(display_size[3] / 2 - frame_size[1] / 2)))
if self.cancelled:
# This prevents the superclass from outputting the SVG, because we
# may have modified the DOM.
def parse_poly_points(self, shapeElement, bbox):
if self.cancelled:
# This prevents the superclass from outputting the SVG, because we
# may have modified the DOM.
inkex.errormsg("Please make sure the shape and its connectors are selected!")
def parse_poly_points(self, points, bbox):
Gets point information about an arbitrary 2D shape
@ -322,18 +374,14 @@ class SensorGrid(InkstitchExtension):
only care about point right after m and every THIRD point after c?
points = [p for p in shapeElement.path.end_points]
parsed = Path.parse_string(shapeElement.get_path())
inkex.errormsg("parsed segs:{}".format(parsed))
segs = []
# points = [p for p in shapeElement.path.end_points]
path = []
for p in points:
segs.append('{},{}'.format(p.x, p.y)) # this gives me the points!
path.append('{},{}'.format(p.x, p.y)) # this gives me the points!
rect = BoundingBoxMetadata(bbox.width, bbox.height,, bbox.bottom, bbox.left, bbox.right)
corners = rect.get_rectangle_path()
def create_path(self, points):
def create_path(self, points, color):
Creates a wire segment path given all of the points sequentially
@ -341,7 +389,7 @@ class SensorGrid(InkstitchExtension):
path_str = ' '.join(points)
path = inkex.Polyline(attrib={
'id': "wire_segment",
'style': "stroke: %s; stroke-width: 0.4; fill: none; stroke-dasharray:0.4,0.4" % "red",
'style': "stroke: %s; stroke-width: 0.4; fill: none; stroke-dasharray:0.4,0.4" % color,
'points': path_str,
# 'transform': inkex.get_correction_transform(svg),