We're so happy you're interested in contributing to Ink/Stitch! There's a lot that we need help with for people with all skill levels and backgrounds. Before you contribute, **please have a look at our [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)**. Thanks! Feel free to find something that interests you. If you're looking for ideas, consider this list: * coding (Python, Javascript) * **please read our [coding style guide](CODING_STYLE.md)** * build / CI system (GitHub actions) * we need someone to figure out how we can start code-signing our application * translations ([how to translate](https://github.com/inkstitch/inkstitch/blob/main/LOCALIZATION.md)) * issue wrangling * combining duplicate issues * welcoming first-time bug/issue reporters * closing completed issues * prioritizing bugs and features * artwork * documentation (see [gh-pages branch](https://github.com/inkstitch/inkstitch/tree/gh-pages)) There's never any time commitment, we're all here to have fun. If you want to contribute, let us know and we'll add you as a collaborator.