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Parse iCal data to Events.
# for UID generation
from random import randint
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from dateutil import relativedelta
from icalendar import Calendar
from pytz import utc
# default query length (one week)
default_span = timedelta(days=7)
def now():
Get current time.
:return: now as datetime with timezone
return utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
class Event:
Represents one event (occurrence in case of reoccurring events).
def __init__(self):
Create a new event occurrence.
self.uid = -1
self.summary = None
self.description = None
self.start = None
self.end = None
self.all_day = True
def time_left(self, time=now()):
timedelta form now to event.
:return: timedelta from now
return self.start - time
def __lt__(self, other):
Events are sorted by start time by default.
:param other: other event
:return: True if start of this event is smaller than other
if not other or not isinstance(other, Event):
raise ValueError('Only events can be compared with each other! Other is %s' % type(other))
return self.start < other.start
def __str__(self):
n = now()
# compute time delta description
if not self.all_day:
if self.end > n > self.start:
# event is now
delta = "now"
elif self.start > n:
# event is a future event
if self.time_left().days > 0:
delta = "%s days left" % self.time_left().days
hours = self.time_left().seconds / (60 * 60)
delta = "%.1f hours left" % hours
# event is over
delta = "ended"
if self.end > n > self.start:
delta = "today"
elif self.start > n:
delta = "%s days left" % self.time_left().days
delta = "ended"
return "%s: %s (%s)" % (self.start, self.summary, delta)
def copy_to(self, new_start=None, uid=None):
Create a new event equal to this with new start date.
:param new_start: new start date
:param uid: UID of new event
:return: new event
duration = self.end - self.start
if not new_start:
new_start = self.start
if not uid:
uid = "%s_%d" % (self.uid, randint(0, 1000000))
ne = Event()
ne.summary = self.summary
ne.description = self.description
ne.start = new_start
ne.end = (new_start + duration)
ne.all_day = (self.all_day and (new_start - self.start).seconds == 0)
ne.uid = uid
return ne
def next_year_at(dt, count=1):
Move date <count> years to the future.
:param dt: date as datetime
:param count: number of years
:return: date datetime
return normalize(datetime(year=dt.year + count, month=dt.month, day=dt.day,
hour=dt.hour, minute=dt.minute,
second=dt.second, microsecond=dt.microsecond))
def next_month_at(dt, count=1):
Move date <count> months to the future.
:param dt: date as datetime
:param count: number of months
:return: date datetime
year = dt.year
month = dt.month + count
while month > 12:
month -= 12
year += 1
return normalize(datetime(year=year, month=month, day=dt.day, hour=dt.hour,
minute=dt.minute, second=dt.second,
def create_event(component):
Create an event from its iCal representation.
:param component: iCal component
:return: event
event = Event()
event.start = normalize(component.get('dtstart').dt)
event.end = normalize(component.get('dtend').dt)
event.summary = str(component.get('summary'))
event.description = str(component.get('description'))
event.all_day = isinstance(component.get('dtstart').dt, date)
return event
def normalize(dt):
Convert date or datetime to datetime with timezone.
:param dt: date to normalize
:return: date as datetime with timezone
if isinstance(dt, datetime):
elif isinstance(dt, date):
dt = datetime(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, 0, 0)
raise ValueError("unknown type %s" % type(dt))
if not dt.tzinfo:
dt = utc.localize(dt)
return dt
def find_last(rule, freq, end, first):
last = end
if rule.get('UNTIL'):
last = rule.get('UNTIL')[0]
elif rule.get('COUNT'):
count = rule.get('COUNT')[0]
if freq == 'YEARLY':
last = next_year_at(first.start, count=count)
elif freq == 'MONTHLY':
last = next_month_at(first.start, count=count)
elif freq == 'WEEKLY':
last = normalize(first.start + timedelta(days=7*count))
elif freq == 'DAILY':
last = normalize(first.start + timedelta(days=count))
return normalize(last)
def in_range(event_list, start, end):
Find elements in the given time range.
:param event_list: list of events
:param start: start datetime
:param end: end datetime
:return: events in range
filtered = []
for e in event_list:
if e.end > start and e.start < end:
return filtered
def parse_events(content, start=None, end=None):
Query the events occurring in a given time range.
:param content: iCal URL/file content as String
:param start: start date for search, default today
:param end: end date for search
:return: events as list
if not start:
start = now()
if not end:
end = start + default_span
if not content:
raise ValueError('Content is invalid!')
calendar = Calendar.from_ical(content)
start = normalize(start)
end = normalize(end)
found = []
for component in calendar.walk():
if component.name == "VEVENT":
if component.get('rrule'):
es = create_recurring_events(start, end, component)
if es:
found += es
e = create_event(component)
if e.end >= start and e.start <= end:
return found
def create_recurring_events(start, end, component):
Unfold a reoccurring event to its occurrances into the given time frame.
:param start: start of the time frame
:param end: end of the time frame
:param component: iCal component
:return: occurrances of the event
start = normalize(start)
end = normalize(end)
rule = component.get('rrule')
unfolded = []
first = create_event(component)
freq = str(rule.get('FREQ')[0])
last = find_last(rule, freq, end, first)
if last < start:
elif end < last:
limit = end
limit = last
current = first
if freq == 'YEARLY':
while True:
current = current.copy_to(next_year_at(current.start))
if current.start < limit:
elif freq == 'MONTHLY':
by_day = rule.get('BYDAY')
while True:
if by_day:
next_date = next_month_byday_delta(current.start, by_day[0])
current = current.copy_to(next_date)
current = current.copy_to(next_month_at(current.start))
if current.start < limit:
elif freq == 'DAILY':
delta = timedelta(days=1)
while True:
current = current.copy_to(current.start + delta)
if current.start < limit:
elif freq == 'WEEKLY':
delta = timedelta(days=7)
by_day = rule.get('BYDAY')
if by_day:
day_deltas = generate_day_deltas_by_weekday(set(by_day))
day_deltas = None
while True:
if day_deltas:
delta = timedelta(days=day_deltas.get(current.start.weekday()))
current = current.copy_to(current.start + delta)
if current.start < limit:
return in_range(unfolded, start, end)
def generate_day_deltas_by_weekday(by_day):
Create a dict to determine how many days to add to the current
event to get the next event when a WEEKLY rule contains a
BYDAY clause.
The resulting dictionary has the weekday number as keys and the
number of days to add to get the next event as values. Weekday
numbers are the same as those assigned by the date.weekday()
:param by_day: list or set of two-letter weekday abbreviations
:return: dict mapping weekday numbers to day deltas
weekdays = ['MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA', 'SU']
selected_weekday_numbers = []
day_deltas = []
hop_count = 0
for weekday_number, weekday_name in enumerate(weekdays):
if weekday_name in by_day:
hop_count = 0
hop_count += 1
# readjust the first deltas to include the remaining deltas
first_hop_count = day_deltas[0] + hop_count
adjusted_deltas = day_deltas[1:] + [first_hop_count]
return dict(zip(selected_weekday_numbers, adjusted_deltas))
def next_month_byday_delta(start_date, by_day):
Get the next event date when a MONTHLY rule contains a BYDAY clause,
e.g. 3SA = "Next third Saturday"
weekdays = ['MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA', 'SU']
number = int(by_day[0])
weekday = by_day[1:]
if weekday not in weekdays:
raise ValueError('Invalid weekday: {}'.format(weekday))
weekday = weekdays.index(weekday)
weekday_func = relativedelta.weekday(weekday)
delta = relativedelta.relativedelta(day=1, months=+1,
return start_date + delta