# # HorusLib - Decoder Delegate Functions # import struct import time import horusdemodlib.payloads # Payload ID def decode_payload_id(data: int) -> str: """ Attempt to decode a payload ID into a callsign string. """ if type(data) != int: return ValueError("payload_id - Invalid input type.") if data in horusdemodlib.payloads.HORUS_PAYLOAD_LIST: _str = horusdemodlib.payloads.HORUS_PAYLOAD_LIST[data] else: _str = "UNKNOWN_PAYLOAD_ID" return (_str, _str) # Time representations def decode_time_hms(data: bytes) -> str: """ Decode a time field, encoded as three bytes representing hours, minutes and seconds of the current UTC day. Returns: String, as "HH:MM:SS" Example: \x01\x02\x03 -> "01:02:03" """ if len(data) != 3: raise ValueError(f"time_hms - Input has incorrect length ({len(data)}), should be 3.") _hour = int(data[0]) if _hour >= 24: raise ValueError(f"time_hms - Hour value ({_hour}) out of range 0-23.") _minute = int(data[1]) if _minute >= 60: raise ValueError(f"time_hms - Minute value ({_minute}) out of range 0-59.") _second = int(data[2]) if _second >= 60: raise ValueError(f"time_hms - Second value ({_second}) out of range 0-59.") _str = f"{_hour:02d}:{_minute:02d}:{_second:02d}" return (_str, _str) def decode_time_biseconds(data:int) -> str: """ Decode a time field, encoded as a uint16, representing seconds since the start of the UTC day, divided by 2 ('biseconds') Returns: String, as "HH:MM:SS" Examples: 0 -> 00:00:00 1 -> 00:00:02 """ if type(data) != int: raise ValueError("time_biseconds - Invalid input type.") if (data < 0) or data > 43200: raise ValueError("time_biseconds - Input out of range (0-43200)") _str = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(data*2)) return (_str, _str) # Latitude/Longitude representations def decode_degree_float(data:float) -> str: """ Convert a degree (latitude/longitude) field, provided as a float, to a string representation, with 6 decimal places. """ if type(data) != float: raise ValueError("decimal_degrees - Invalid input type.") if (data < -180.0) or (data > 180.0): raise ValueError(f"decimal_degrees - Value ({data}) out of range -180 - 180.") return (data, f"{data:.5f}") def decode_degree_fixed3(data:bytes) -> str: """ Convert a degree (latitude/longitude) field, provided as a three-byte fixed-point representation, to a string. The input is interpreted as the 3 most-significant-bytes of a little-endian 4-byte signed integer. The LSB is set to 0x00. Once converted to an int, the value is then scaled to degrees by multilying by 1e-7. """ if type(data) != bytes: raise ValueError("degree_fixed3 - Invalid input type.") if len(data) != 3: raise ValueError("degree_fixed3 - Invalid input length.") # Add input onto a null byte _temp = b'\x00' + data # Parse as a signed int. _value = struct.unpack(' 180.0): raise ValueError(f"degree_fixed3 - Value ({_value_degrees}) out of range -180 - 180.") return (_value_degrees, f"{_value_degrees:.5f}") def decode_battery_5v_byte(data: int) -> str: """ Decode a battery voltage, encoded as as a single byte, where 0 = 0v, 255 = 5.0V, with linear steps in between. """ if type(data) != int: raise ValueError("battery_5v_byte - Invalid input type.") _batt = 5.0*data/255.0 return (_batt, f"{_batt:.2f}") def decode_divide_by_10(data: int) -> str: """ Accepts an fixed-point integer, and returns it as its value divided by 10, as a string. """ if type(data) != int: raise ValueError("divide_by_10 - Invalid input type") _val = data/10.0 return (_val, f"{_val:.1f}") def decode_divide_by_100(data: int) -> str: """ Accepts an fixed-point integer, and returns it as its value divided by 100, as a string. """ if type(data) != int: raise ValueError("divide_by_100 - Invalid input type") _val = data/100.0 return (_val, f"{_val:.2f}") delegate_list = { 'payload_id': decode_payload_id, 'time_hms': decode_time_hms, 'time_biseconds': decode_time_biseconds, 'degree_float': decode_degree_float, 'degree_fixed3': decode_degree_fixed3, 'battery_5v_byte': decode_battery_5v_byte, 'divide_by_10': decode_divide_by_10, 'divide_by_100': decode_divide_by_100, } def decode_field(field_type:str, data): """ Attempt to decode a field, supplied as bytes, using a specified delegate function """ if field_type in delegate_list: return delegate_list[field_type](data) else: if (field_type == 'none') or (field_type == 'None') or (field_type == None): # Basic datatype, just convert to a string using Pythons internal conversions. if (type(data) == float): return (data, f"{data:.6f}") elif (type(data) == int) or (type(data) == str): return (data, f"{data}") else: raise ValueError(f"Data has unknown type ({str(type(data))}) and could not be decoded.") else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid field type - {field_type}") def decode_custom_fields(data:bytes, payload_id:str): """ Attempt to decode custom field data from the 9-byte custom section of a 32-byte payload """ if payload_id not in horusdemodlib.payloads.HORUS_CUSTOM_FIELDS: raise ValueError(f"Custom Field Decoder - Unknown payload ID {payload_id}") _custom_field = horusdemodlib.payloads.HORUS_CUSTOM_FIELDS[payload_id] _struct = _custom_field['struct'] _struct_len = struct.calcsize(_struct) _field_names = _custom_field['fields'] if type(data) != bytes: raise ValueError("Custom Field Decoder - Invalid Input type.") if len(data) !=_struct_len: raise ValueError(f"Custom Field Decoder - Invalid Input Length ({len(data)}, should be {_struct_len}).") # Attempt to parse the data. _raw_fields = struct.unpack(_struct, data) if len(_field_names) != len(_raw_fields): raise ValueError(f"Custom Field Decoder - Packet format defines {len(_field_names)} fields, got {len(_raw_fields)} from struct.") _output_fields = [] _output_dict = {} for _i in range(len(_raw_fields)): _field_name = _field_names[_i][0] _field_type = _field_names[_i][1] _field_data = _raw_fields[_i] # Decode field to string. (_decoded, _decoded_str) = decode_field(_field_type, _field_data) _output_dict[_field_name] = _decoded _output_fields.append(_decoded_str) _output_fields_str = ",".join(_output_fields) return (_output_dict, _output_fields_str) if __name__ == "__main__": tests = [ ['time_hms', b'\x01\x02\x03', "01:02:03"], ['time_hms', b'\x17\x3b\x3b', "23:59:59"], ['time_biseconds', 0, "00:00:00"], ['time_biseconds', 1, "00:00:02"], ['time_biseconds', 43199, "23:59:58"], ['time_biseconds', 43200, "00:00:00"], ['degree_float', 0.0, "0.00000"], ['degree_float', 0.001, "0.00100"], ['degree_float', -34.01, "-34.01000"], ['degree_float', -138.000001, "-138.00000"], ['degree_fixed3', b'\x00\x00\x00', "0.00000"], ['battery_5v_byte', 0, "0.00"], ['battery_5v_byte', 128, "2.51"], ['battery_5v_byte', 255, "5.00"], ['payload_id', 0, '4FSKTEST'], ['divide_by_10', 123, "12.3"], ['divide_by_10', -456, "-45.6"], ['divide_by_100', 123, "1.23"], ['divide_by_100', -456, "-4.56"], ] for _test in tests: _field_type = _test[0] _input = _test[1] _output = _test[2] _decoded_dict, _decoded = decode_field(_field_type, _input) print(f"{_field_type} {str(_input)} -> {_decoded}") assert(_decoded == _output) print("All tests passed!")