#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Horus Binary GQRX Helper Script # # Accepts data from GQRX's UDP output, and passes it into horus_demod. # # Decoder mode. # Can be: 'binary', 'rtty', '256bit' or '128bit' MODE="binary" # Check that the horus_demod decoder has been compiled. DECODER=./build/src/horus_demod if [ -f "$DECODER" ]; then echo "Found horus_demod." else echo "ERROR - $DECODER does not exist - have you compiled it yet?" exit 1 fi # Use a local venv if it exists VENV_DIR=venv if [ -d "$VENV_DIR" ]; then echo "Entering venv." source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate fi if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then # OSX's netcat utility uses a different, incompatible syntax. Sigh. nc -l -u localhost 7355 | $DECODER -m $MODE --stats=5 -g --fsk_lower=100 --fsk_upper=20000 - - | python -m horusdemodlib.uploader $@ else # Start up! nc -l -u -p 7355 localhost | $DECODER -m $MODE --stats=5 -g --fsk_lower=100 --fsk_upper=20000 - - | python -m horusdemodlib.uploader $@ fi