/* hadie - High Altitude Balloon flight software */ /*============================================================*/ /* Copyright (C)2010 Philip Heron */ /* */ /* This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU */ /* General Public License, version 2. You may use, modify, */ /* and redistribute it under the terms of this license. A */ /* copy should be included with this source. */ /* Interface to the C328 UART camera */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "c328.h" /* >10ms timeout at 300 hz */ #define CMD_TIMEOUT (20) /* Wait longer for the camera to take the image and return DATA response */ #define PIC_TIMEOUT (200) #define RXREADY (UCSR0A & (1 << RXC0)) /* Receive buffer */ #define RXBUF_LEN (256) uint8_t rxbuf[RXBUF_LEN]; uint16_t rxbuf_len = 0; /* Expected package size */ static uint16_t pkg_len = 64; /* Default is 64 according to datasheet */ /* Timeout counter */ volatile static uint8_t timeout_clk = 0; void inline c3_tick(void) { if(timeout_clk) timeout_clk--; } static void tx_byte(uint8_t b) { /* Wait for empty transmit buffer */ while(!(UCSR0A & (1 << UDRE0))); /* Put data into buffer, sends the data */ UDR0 = b; } static uint8_t c3_rx(uint8_t timeout) { rxbuf_len = 0; timeout_clk = timeout; while(timeout_clk) { if(!RXREADY) continue; rxbuf[rxbuf_len++] = UDR0; if(rxbuf_len == 6) break; } if(rxbuf_len != 6) return(0); /* Timeout or incomplete response */ if(rxbuf[0] != 0xAA) return(0); /* All responses should begin 0xAA */ /* Return the received command ID */ return(rxbuf[1]); } static void c3_tx(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t a1, uint8_t a2, uint8_t a3, uint8_t a4) { tx_byte(0xAA); tx_byte(cmd); tx_byte(a1); tx_byte(a2); tx_byte(a3); tx_byte(a4); } static char c3_cmd(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t a1, uint8_t a2, uint8_t a3, uint8_t a4) { uint8_t r; c3_tx(cmd, a1, a2, a3, a4); r = c3_rx(CMD_TIMEOUT); /* Did we get an ACK for this command? */ if(r != CMD_ACK || rxbuf[2] != cmd) return(-1); return(0); } void c3_init(void) { /* Do UART initialisation, port 0 @ 14.4k baud for 7.3728 MHz clock */ UBRR0H = 0; UBRR0L = 31; /* Enable TX & RX */ UCSR0B = (1 << RXEN0) | (1 << TXEN0); /* 8-bit, no parity and 1 stop bit */ UCSR0C = (1 << UCSZ01) | (1 << UCSZ00); } char c3_sync(void) { char i; /* Send the SYNC command until the camera responds, up to 60 */ for(i = 0; i < 60; i++) { /* Send the sync and wait for an ACK */ if(c3_cmd(CMD_SYNC, 0, 0, 0, 0) != 0) continue; /* ACK should be followed by a SYNC */ if(c3_rx(CMD_TIMEOUT) != CMD_SYNC) continue; /* ACK the SYNC and return success code */ c3_tx(CMD_ACK, CMD_SYNC, 0, 0, 0); return(0); } /* If we got here, the camera failed to sync. Panic */ return(-1); } char c3_setup(uint8_t ct, uint8_t rr, uint8_t jr) { return(c3_cmd(CMD_INIT, 0, ct, rr, jr)); } char c3_set_package_size(uint16_t s) { char r; if(s > RXBUF_LEN) return(-1); r = c3_cmd(CMD_SET_PKG_SIZE, 0x08, s & 0xFF, s >> 8, 0); if(r == 0) pkg_len = s; return(r); } char c3_snapshot(uint8_t st, uint16_t skip_frame) { return(c3_cmd(CMD_SNAPSHOT, st, skip_frame & 0xFF, skip_frame >> 8, 0)); } char c3_get_picture(uint8_t pt, uint16_t *length) { /* Send the command */ if(c3_cmd(CMD_GET_PICTURE, pt, 0, 0, 0) != 0) return(-1); /* The camera should now send a DATA message */ if(c3_rx(PIC_TIMEOUT) != CMD_DATA) return(-1); /* Get the file size from the DATA args */ *length = rxbuf[3] + (rxbuf[4] << 8); return(0); } char c3_get_package(uint16_t id, uint8_t **dst, uint16_t *length) { uint8_t checksum; volatile uint16_t s; /* s is volatile to work around an apparent bug in avr-gcc -- * discovered by ms7821 in #highaltitude */ rxbuf_len = 0; checksum = 0; s = pkg_len; /* Get the package by sending an ACK */ c3_tx(CMD_ACK, 0, 0, id & 0xFF, id >> 8); /* The camera should immediatly start returning data */ timeout_clk = CMD_TIMEOUT; while(timeout_clk && rxbuf_len < s) { if(!RXREADY) continue; /* Read the byte and update checksum */ rxbuf[rxbuf_len] = UDR0; checksum += rxbuf[rxbuf_len++]; if(rxbuf_len == 4) { /* Get the actual length of the package */ s = rxbuf[2] + (rxbuf[3] << 8) + 6; if(s > pkg_len) return(-1); } timeout_clk = CMD_TIMEOUT; } /* Test for timeout or incomplete package */ if(rxbuf_len != s) return(-2); /* Fix and test checksum */ checksum -= rxbuf[rxbuf_len - 2]; if(checksum != rxbuf[rxbuf_len - 2]) return(-3); /* All done */ *dst = rxbuf; *length = rxbuf_len; return(0); } char c3_finish_picture(void) { c3_tx(CMD_ACK, 0, 0, 0xF0, 0xF0); return(0); } /****************** Simple interface ******************/ static uint16_t image_len; static uint16_t image_read; static uint8_t *package; static uint16_t package_len; static uint16_t package_id; char c3_open(uint8_t jr) { /* Open, setup and take the image */ if(c3_sync() != 0) return(-1); if(c3_setup(CT_JPEG, 0, jr) != 0) return(-2); if(c3_set_package_size(RXBUF_LEN) != 0) return(-3); if(c3_snapshot(ST_JPEG, 0) != 0) return(-4); if(c3_get_picture(PT_SNAPSHOT, &image_len) != 0) return(-5); image_read = 0; package = NULL; package_len = 0; package_id = 0; return(0); } char c3_close(void) { c3_finish_picture(); return(0); } uint16_t c3_read(uint8_t *ptr, uint16_t length) { uint16_t r; /* Don't read past the end of the image */ r = image_len - image_read; if(length > r) length = r; r = length; while(r) { if(package_len == 0) { char i = c3_get_package(package_id++, &package, &package_len); if(i != 0) return(length - r); /* Skip the package headers and checksum */ package += 4; package_len -= 6; } else { uint16_t b = r; if(b > package_len) b = package_len; memcpy(ptr, package, b); package += b; package_len -= b; ptr += b; r -= b; image_read += b; } } return(length); } uint16_t c3_filesize(void) { return(image_len); } char c3_eof(void) { return(image_read >= image_len); }