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#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <optional>
#include "sondehub/sondehub_uploader.h"
namespace habdec
// input time in any of formats:
// 123456
// 12:34:56
// 12_34_56
// separator can by ay non-digit character
// or format without seconds:
// 1234
// 12:34
// ...
// or seconds with fractional
// 12:34:56.7
// return tuple hour,minute,seconds
std::optional< std::tuple<int,int,float> >
parse_sentence_time(std::string i_time_str);
// given H:M:S time from telemetry string, add current system date to construct full UTC timestamp
// if current system time is late/ahead of telemetry time, and we are near midnight => correct day
std::string timestamp_from_HMS(int i_hour, int i_minute, float i_second);
// get one coordinate string in decimal dd.dddd or nmea format ddmm.mmmm
// return float in decimal degrees
float parse_gps_pos(const std::string lat_or_lon);
std::optional<sondehub::MinTelemetry> parse_sentence(const std::string& sentence_without_crc);