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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <regex>
#include <tuple>
#include <optional>
// #include <chrono>
// #include <ctime>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "common/date.h"
#include "sentence_parse.h"
std::vector<std::string> split_str(const std::string& text, char sep)
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
std::size_t start = 0, end = 0;
while ((end = text.find(sep, start)) != std::string::npos)
tokens.push_back(text.substr(start, end - start));
start = end + 1;
return tokens;
namespace habdec
// input time in any of formats:
// 123456
// 12:34:56
// 12_34_56
// separator can by ay non-digit character
// or format without seconds:
// 1234
// 12:34
// ...
// or seconds with fractional
// 12:34:56.7
// return tuple hour,minute,seconds
std::optional< std::tuple<int,int,float> >
parse_sentence_time(std::string i_time_str)
using namespace std;
// cout<<"PARSE "<<i_time_str<<endl;
regex rex{ R"_((\d\d)\D?(\d\d)\D?(\d\d(\.\d+)?)?)_" };
smatch match;
regex_match(i_time_str, match, rex);
return {};
int hours = stoi(match[1]);
int minutes = stoi(match[2]);
float seconds = 0;
seconds = stof(match[3]);
return { std::tuple<int,int,float>(hours,minutes,seconds) };
// given H:M:S time from telemetry string, add current system date to construct full UTC timestamp
// if current system time is late/ahead of telemetry time, and we are near midnight => correct day
std::string timestamp_from_HMS(int i_hour, int i_minute, float i_second)
using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;
using namespace date;
auto sys_now = system_clock::now();
auto sys_YMD = year_month_day(floor<days>(sys_now));
auto sys_HMS = make_time(sys_now - floor<days>(sys_now) );
const bool is_inside_window =
i_hour == 23 || i_hour == 0;
if(is_inside_window) {
if(i_hour == 23 && sys_HMS.hours().count() == 0) // system time is ahead of input time
sys_YMD = year_month_day( floor<days>(sys_now) - days(1) );
else if(i_hour == 0 && sys_HMS.hours().count() == 23) // system time is late of input time
sys_YMD = year_month_day( floor<days>(sys_now) + days(1) );
stringstream ss;
ss << sys_YMD << "T"
<< setfill('0') << setw(2) << i_hour << ":"
<< setfill('0') << setw(2) << i_minute << ":"
<< setfill('0') << setw(2) << i_second << "Z";
return ss.str();
// get one coordinate string in decimal dd.dddd or nmea format ddmm.mmmm
// return float in decimal degrees
float parse_gps_pos(const std::string lat_or_lon)
//NMEA DDMM.MMMM: 5205.5857, 02112.7309
//decimal: 52.1234, 21.34 (or 121.345)
std::string coord(lat_or_lon);
// positive or negative ?
float sign = 1.0;
if(lat_or_lon.at(0) == '-') {
sign = -1.0;
coord = lat_or_lon.substr(1);
//check if this NMEA DDMM.MMMM or usual decimal DD.DDDD
size_t decimal_pos = coord.find('.');
if(decimal_pos == 2 || decimal_pos == 3)
return stof(coord); // usual decimal
// this is NMEA format
if(decimal_pos == 4) { // latitude
float lat = stof(coord);
const float degs = trunc(lat / 100);
const float mins = lat - 100.0f * degs;
lat = degs + mins / 60.0f;
return sign * lat;
if(decimal_pos == 5) { // longitude
float lon = stof(coord);
const float degs = trunc(lon / 100);
const float mins = lon - 100.0f * degs;
lon = degs + mins / 60.0f;
return sign * lon;
return 0;
std::optional<sondehub::MinTelemetry> parse_sentence(const std::string& sentence_without_crc)
using namespace std;
using namespace habdec;
auto tokens = split_str(sentence_without_crc, ',');
if(tokens.size() < 6)
return {};
//remove leading $$$ from callsign
string callsign = tokens[0];
size_t dollar = callsign.find('$');
if(dollar != string::npos) {
while(callsign.at(dollar) == '$' && dollar < callsign.size())
callsign = callsign.substr(dollar);
const int id = stoi(tokens[1]);
const string hms_time_str = tokens[2];
const string lat_str = tokens[3];
const string lon_str = tokens[4];
const float alt = stof(tokens[5]);
// lat / lon
const float lat = parse_gps_pos(lat_str);
const float lon = parse_gps_pos(lon_str);
if(!lat && !lon)
return {}; //no gps fix ?
// timestamp
std::optional< std::tuple<int,int,float> > hms = parse_sentence_time(hms_time_str);
if(!hms) {
cout<<"Failed parsing time string: "<<hms_time_str<<endl;
return {};
auto _t = hms.value();
const string timestamp = timestamp_from_HMS( get<0>(_t), get<1>(_t), get<2>(_t) );
sondehub::MinTelemetry res;
res.payload_callsign = callsign;
res.datetime = timestamp;
res.frame = id;
res.lat = lat;
res.lon = lon;
res.alt = alt;
return res;