
219 wiersze
7.0 KiB

Copyright 2018 Michal Fratczak
This file is part of habdec.
habdec is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
habdec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with habdec. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "ssdv_wrapper.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <future>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../ssdv/ssdv.h"
namespace habdec
bool SSDV_wraper_t::push(const std::vector<char>& i_chars)
using namespace std;
// copy to buff_
const size_t last_buff_end = buff_.size();
buff_.resize( buff_.size() + i_chars.size() );
memcpy( buff_.data() + last_buff_end, i_chars.data(), i_chars.size() );
if( buff_.size() < SSDV_PKT_SIZE )
return false;
// scan buff_ for packet sync byte: 0x55
if(packet_begin_ == -1)
while( ++packet_begin_ < buff_.size() && buff_[packet_begin_] != 0x55 ) /**/;
if(packet_begin_ == buff_.size())
packet_begin_ = -1;
return false;
if( (buff_.size()-packet_begin_) < SSDV_PKT_SIZE )
return false;
int errors = 0;
const int is_packet = ssdv_dec_is_packet( buff_.data()+packet_begin_, &errors );
if( is_packet != 0 ) // no packet starting at packet_begin_
//scan for another 0x55
while( ++packet_begin_ < buff_.size() && buff_[packet_begin_] != 0x55 ) /**/;
if(packet_begin_ == buff_.size())
packet_begin_ = -1;
return false;
buff_.erase( buff_.begin(), buff_.begin() + packet_begin_ );
packet_begin_ = 0;
return false;
// make packet and decode header
shared_ptr<packet_t> p_packet(new packet_t);
memcpy( p_packet->data_.data(), buff_.data()+packet_begin_, sizeof(p_packet->data_) );
buff_.erase( buff_.begin() + packet_begin_, buff_.begin() + packet_begin_ + SSDV_PKT_SIZE );
packet_begin_ = -1;
ssdv_dec_header( &(p_packet->header_), p_packet->data_.data() );
// insert to packets_ map
// what happens when we already inserted packet with that ID ?
// either the packet is retransmitted for the same image
// or this indicates that a new image is being send with conflicting image num (over 255 cycle?)
// -> delete image and insert as new packet
// what happens when new packet has different resolution as previously inserted ?
// this indicates that a new image is being send with conflicting image num
// -> delete image and insert as new packet
pair<string,uint16_t> image_key(p_packet->header_.callsign_s, p_packet->header_.image_id);
auto p_packet_list = packets_.find(image_key);
if( p_packet_list == packets_.end() ) // new image (callsign/id)
cout<<endl<<" -- new image/packet set: "<<image_key.first<<" "<<image_key.second<<endl;
packets_[image_key] = packet_set_t();
else // append to existing image (callsign/id)
// check if this packet ID was already inserted
bool packet_already_exists = false;
for(auto _p_pkt : p_packet_list->second) {
if(_p_pkt->header_.packet_id == p_packet->header_.packet_id) {
packet_already_exists = true;
// and check for resolution mismatch against previously inserted packet
const auto last_height = p_packet_list->second.rbegin()->get()->header_.height;
const auto last_width = p_packet_list->second.rbegin()->get()->header_.width;
if(packet_already_exists) {
cout<<endl<<"Packet ID "<<p_packet->header_.packet_id<<" for image "<<image_key.first<<"/"<<image_key.second
<<" has already been received. Deleting and restarting image with new packet."<<endl;
packets_[image_key] = packet_set_t();
else if(last_height != p_packet->header_.height || last_width != p_packet->header_.width ) {
cout<<endl<<"Packet ID "<<p_packet->header_.packet_id<<" for image "<<image_key.first<<"/"<<image_key.second
<<" has different resolution. Deleting and restarting image with new packet."<<endl;
packets_[image_key] = packet_set_t();
else { // new packet has OK resolution and unique ID. Inserting.
// decode and save image
make_jpeg( packets_[image_key], image_key );
return true;
void SSDV_wraper_t::make_jpeg( const packet_set_t& packet_list, const image_key_t& image_key )
using namespace std;
auto& last_pkt = *packet_list.rbegin();
size_t jpeg_sz = 3 * last_pkt->header_.width * last_pkt->header_.height;
if( jpegs_.find(image_key) == jpegs_.end() )
jpegs_[image_key] = vector<uint8_t>( jpeg_sz );
auto& jpeg = jpegs_[image_key];
uint8_t* p_data = &jpeg[0];
ssdv_t ssdv;
ssdv_dec_set_buffer( &ssdv, p_data, jpeg_sz );
for(auto p_pkt : packet_list)
ssdv_dec_feed( &ssdv, p_pkt->data_.data() );
ssdv_dec_get_jpeg(&ssdv, &p_data, &jpeg_sz);
last_img_k_ = image_key;
std::vector<uint8_t> SSDV_wraper_t::get_jpeg(const image_key_t& image_key)
if( jpegs_.find(image_key) == jpegs_.end() ) {
return std::vector<uint8_t>(0);
return jpegs_[image_key];
void SSDV_wraper_t::save_jpeg( const image_key_t& image_key )
using namespace std;
if( jpegs_.find(image_key) == jpegs_.end() )
const auto jpeg = jpegs_[image_key];
const auto base_file = base_file_;
async(launch::async, [&jpeg, &base_file, image_key](){
// timestamp
auto t = std::time(nullptr);
char timestamp[200];
strftime(timestamp, 200, "%Y-%m-%d", std::localtime(&t) );
// filename 0 padding
string img_id_pad = std::to_string(image_key.second);
img_id_pad = string(4 - img_id_pad.length(), '0') + img_id_pad;
string fname = base_file + string(timestamp)
+ "_" + image_key.first
+ "_" + img_id_pad + ".jpeg";
FILE* fh = fopen( fname.c_str(), "wb" );
fwrite(jpeg.data(), 1, jpeg.size(), fh);
} // namespace habdec