
334 wiersze
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Copyright 2018 Michal Fratczak
This file is part of habdec.
habdec is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
habdec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with habdec. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <numeric>
#include <iostream>
#include "IQVector.h"
#include "Average.h"
template<typename TIQVector, typename TRVector>
bool FftPower(const TIQVector& fft_samples, TRVector& o_power_arr);
template<typename VEC>
double ComputeVariance(const VEC& i_containter, const double mean);
template<typename TRVector>
void FindPeaks( const TRVector& v,
const double expected_relative_separation,
int* p_peak1, int* p_peak2 );
namespace habdec
template<typename TReal>
class AFC
typedef std::complex<TReal> TComplex;
typedef std::vector<TReal> TRVector;
typedef habdec::IQVector<TReal> TIQVector;
AFC() = default;
void setFftSamples(const TIQVector& i_fft_samples) { fft_samples_ = i_fft_samples; }
double process();
double operator()() { return process(); }
const TRVector& getPowerSpectrum() const { return power_arr_; }
double getFrequencyCorrection() const { return frequency_correction_; }
void resetFrequencyCorrection(const double frequency_correction);
double getShift() const { return shift_Hz_; }
void getPeaks(int& pl, int& pr) const { pl = gui_peak_left_; pr = gui_peak_right_; }
void getNoiseFloor(double& nf, double& nv) const { nf = noise_floor_; nv = noise_variance_; }
TIQVector fft_samples_; // input FFT samples
TRVector power_arr_;
double frequency_correction_ = 0;
double noise_floor_ = 0;
double noise_variance_ = 0;
habdec::Average<double> noise_floor_avg_ {100};
habdec::Average<double> noise_variance_avg_ {100};
habdec::Average<int> peak_left_avg_ {4};
habdec::Average<int> peak_right_avg_ {4};
double shift_Hz_ = 0; // peak separation in Hz
int gui_peak_left_ = 0;
int gui_peak_right_ = 0;
template<typename TReal>
double AFC<TReal>::process()
using namespace std;
if( !FftPower(fft_samples_, power_arr_) )
frequency_correction_ = 0;
return 0;
// noise floor
noise_floor_ = double(accumulate(power_arr_.begin(), power_arr_.end(), 0.0)) / power_arr_.size();
noise_variance_ = ComputeVariance(power_arr_, noise_floor_);
noise_floor_avg_.add( noise_floor_ );
noise_variance_avg_.add( noise_variance_ );
// expected separation between peaks
// const float fsk_shift = ( 0 < shift_Hz_ && shift_Hz_ < 2000 ) ? shift_Hz_ : 500; //Hz
const float fsk_shift = 500;
float expected_relative_separation = fsk_shift/fft_samples_.samplingRate(); // 500 Hz in 39kHz span
// two maximum peaks
int p1, p2;
FindPeaks(power_arr_, expected_relative_separation, &p1, &p2);
// it cannot be resolved which is left/right
// unless both are present (stronger than peak_detect_threshold)
const float peak_detect_threshold = noise_floor_avg_ + 3 * fabs(noise_variance_avg_);
bool b_p1_detected = false;
if( power_arr_[p1] > peak_detect_threshold ) // peak detected
b_p1_detected = true;
bool b_p2_detected = false;
if( power_arr_[p2] > peak_detect_threshold ) // peak detected
b_p2_detected = true;
// peaks position stability
const int peak_stability_threshold = 2; // expressed in bins
bool b_peak_left_stable = false;
bool b_peak_right_stable = false;
if(b_p1_detected && b_p2_detected)
swap(p1, p2);
if( peak_left_avg_.add(p1) <= peak_stability_threshold ) // peak stable
b_peak_left_stable = true;
if( peak_right_avg_.add(p2) <= peak_stability_threshold ) // peak stable
b_peak_right_stable = true;
// peaks gui display
// unstable peaks are drawn with dimmer color (nagative sign)
gui_peak_left_ = 0;
gui_peak_left_ = peak_left_avg_;
gui_peak_left_ = - peak_left_avg_; // not valid
gui_peak_right_ = 0;
gui_peak_right_ = peak_right_avg_;
gui_peak_right_ = - peak_right_avg_; // not valid
// correct frequency only if both peaks stable
if(b_peak_left_stable && b_peak_right_stable)
const int peak_left = round( (double) peak_left_avg_ );
const int peak_right = round( (double) peak_right_avg_ );
const int bins_dist = peak_right - peak_left;
const double Hertz_per_bin = fft_samples_.samplingRate() / fft_samples_.size();
shift_Hz_ = Hertz_per_bin * bins_dist;
const double middle_peak = peak_left + bins_dist / 2;
const double bins_error = middle_peak - double(fft_samples_.size()) / 2;
const double freq_error = Hertz_per_bin * bins_error;
const int bin_dist_threshold = 4;
if( bin_dist_threshold < abs(bins_error) )
frequency_correction_ = freq_error;
return frequency_correction_;
template<typename TReal>
void AFC<TReal>::resetFrequencyCorrection(const double frequency_correction)
const double bins_per_Hertz = (double)fft_samples_.size() / fft_samples_.samplingRate();
peak_left_avg_.reset( std::max((double) 0, peak_left_avg_ - frequency_correction * bins_per_Hertz) );
peak_right_avg_.reset(std::max((double) 0, peak_right_avg_ - frequency_correction * bins_per_Hertz) );
frequency_correction_ = 0;
} // namespace habdec
template<typename TReal>
bool hasNan(const TReal* v, size_t sz)
for(size_t i=0; i<sz; ++i)
if(v[i] != v[i])
return true;
return false;
template<typename TReal>
bool hasInf(const TReal* v, size_t sz)
for(size_t i=0; i<sz; ++i)
return true;
return false;
template<typename VEC>
double ComputeVariance(const VEC& i_containter, const double mean)
double var = 0;
for(const auto& v : i_containter )
var += (v - mean) * (v - mean);
var /= i_containter.size();
return sqrt(var);
template<typename TIQVector, typename TRVector>
bool FftPower(const TIQVector& fft_samples, TRVector& o_power_arr)
// http://nl.mathworks.com/help/signal/ug/power-spectral-density-estimates-using-fft.html
using namespace std;
return 0;
return 0;
auto* p_fft_samples_data = const_cast<typename TIQVector::TComplex*>(fft_samples.data());
if( hasNan(reinterpret_cast<typename TIQVector::TValue*>(p_fft_samples_data), fft_samples.size()*2) )
cout<<"FftSpectrum Nan"<<endl;
return 0;
if( hasInf(reinterpret_cast<typename TIQVector::TValue*>(p_fft_samples_data), fft_samples.size()*2) )
cout<<"FftSpectrum Inf"<<endl;
return 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<fft_samples.size(); ++i)
o_power_arr[i] = norm(fft_samples[i]) / fft_samples.size(); // normalize by N
o_power_arr[i] = o_power_arr[i] * o_power_arr[i];
o_power_arr[i] /= fft_samples.samplingRate();
o_power_arr[i] = 10.0f * log10( o_power_arr[i] );
if( hasNan(o_power_arr.data(), o_power_arr.size()) )
cout<<"Power Nan"<<endl;
return 0;
if( hasInf(o_power_arr.data(), o_power_arr.size()) )
cout<<"Power Inf"<<endl;
return 0;
return 1;
template<typename TRVector>
void FindPeaks( const TRVector& v,
const double expected_relative_separation,
int* p_peak1, int* p_peak2 )
using namespace std;
int bins_sep = round(expected_relative_separation * v.size());
bins_sep = std::max(8, bins_sep);
// first peak
auto i_max = max_element(v.begin(), v.end());
int p1 = i_max - v.begin();
float p1_val = *i_max;
// second peak
int begin = std::max( p1 - 2 * bins_sep, 0 );
int end = std::min( p1 + 2 * bins_sep, (int) v.size() );
int p2 = 0;
float p2_val = v[0];
for(int i=begin; i<end; ++i)
if(v[i] > p2_val && abs(i-p1) > bins_sep/2)
p2 = i;
p2_val = v[i];
swap(p1, p2);
swap(p1_val, p2_val);
*p_peak1 = p1;
*p_peak2 = p2;
} // namespace