#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import time import threading import functools import traceback import argparse from pprint import pprint import urllib3 import subprocess from datetime import datetime as dtime import string import datetime import math import serial from copy import deepcopy import psutil import platform import formatSentence import HabdecClient import HabHubClient import HabHubInterface import SentencesDB import HttpInterface import nmea from get_ip import get_ip_local from DummySentenceCreator import DummySentenceCreator G_RUN = True C_BLACK = "\033[1;30m" C_RED = "\033[1;31m" C_GREEN = "\033[1;32m" C_BROWN = "\033[1;33m" C_BLUE = "\033[1;34m" C_MAGENTA = "\033[1;35m" C_CYAN = "\033[1;36m" C_LIGHTGREY = "\033[1;37m" C_OFF = "\033[0m" C_CLEAR = "\033[2K" if os.name == 'nt': C_BLACK=C_RED=C_GREEN=C_BROWN=C_BLUE=C_MAGENTA=C_CYAN=C_LIGHTGREY=C_OFF=C_CLEAR='' # collect sentences from habitat and habdec G_SENTENCES_DB = None G_HABDEC_CLIENTS = {} G_HABHUB_CLIENTS = {} G_CLIENTS_MTX = threading.Lock() # process statistics G_HABBOY_STATS = {} G_HABBOY_STATS_MTX = threading.Lock() # flight prediction path G_PREDICT_PATH = {} G_PREDICT_PATH_MTX = threading.Lock() # GPS for HABBOY/DEVICE G_GPS_Data = { 'time': datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 'parse_timestamp': datetime.datetime.utcnow(), "latitude": 52, "longitude": 21, "altitude": 100, 'heading': 0, 'ground_speed_mps': 0, 'sats': 0, } def get_ip(): p = subprocess.Popen("ip route list", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) data = p.communicate() data = data[0].decode().split("\n") while "" in data: data.remove("") split_data = data[-1].split() ipaddr = split_data[split_data.index("src") + 1] return ipaddr def GpsDataFileRead(gps_data_file): if gps_data_file: with open(gps_data_file) as fh: lat_lon_alt = fh.read() sep = ',' if (',' in lat_lon_alt) else ' ' lat_lon_alt = lat_lon_alt.split('\n') lat_lon_alt = [x.strip() for x in lat_lon_alt] while '' in lat_lon_alt: lat_lon_alt.remove('') lat_lon_alt = [ l.split(sep) for l in lat_lon_alt ] lat_lon_alt = [ (float(t[1]), float(t[0]), float(t[2])) for t in lat_lon_alt] return lat_lon_alt def DummySentenceThreadF(i_payloadId, interval_seconds, gps_data_file): callsign = G_SENTENCES_DB.payloadIdToCallsign(i_payloadId) sensors_info = G_SENTENCES_DB.getSensorsInfo(i_payloadId) lat_lon_alt = GpsDataFileRead(gps_data_file) global G_RUN while G_RUN: time.sleep(interval_seconds) lat, lon, alt = (0,0,0) if lat_lon_alt: lat, lon, alt = lat_lon_alt.pop(0) s = DummySentenceCreator(i_payloadId, callsign, sensors_info, lat, lon, alt) print(s) G_SENTENCES_DB.insert(s, "debug") def SentenceGatherThreadF(habdec_addr_arr, i_payload_id): """ collect sentences from habitat and habdec """ global G_HABDEC_CLIENTS global G_HABHUB_CLIENTS with G_CLIENTS_MTX: for habdec_addr in habdec_addr_arr: G_HABDEC_CLIENTS[habdec_addr] = HabdecClient.HabdecClient( habdec_addr ) # "ws://localhost:5555" G_HABDEC_CLIENTS[habdec_addr].Start() G_HABHUB_CLIENTS[i_payload_id] = HabHubClient.HabHubClient(i_payload_id) G_HABHUB_CLIENTS[i_payload_id].Start() habdec_last_querry_time = dtime.utcnow() habhub_last_querry_time = dtime.utcnow() while G_RUN: time.sleep(1) with G_CLIENTS_MTX: if (dtime.utcnow() - habdec_last_querry_time).total_seconds() > 1: for habdec in G_HABDEC_CLIENTS: HabdecClient_GetLastSentence = G_HABDEC_CLIENTS[habdec].GetLastSentence() if HabdecClient_GetLastSentence: print(C_RED, "Habdec: " + habdec + " ", HabdecClient_GetLastSentence, C_OFF) G_SENTENCES_DB.insert(HabdecClient_GetLastSentence, habdec) else: pass # print("habdec no last sentence") habdec_last_querry_time = dtime.utcnow() if (dtime.utcnow() - habhub_last_querry_time).total_seconds() > 3: for payload_id in G_HABHUB_CLIENTS: HabHubClient_GetLastSentence = G_HABHUB_CLIENTS[payload_id].GetLastSentence() if HabHubClient_GetLastSentence: print(C_MAGENTA, "HabHub: ", HabHubClient_GetLastSentence, C_OFF) G_SENTENCES_DB.insert(HabHubClient_GetLastSentence, "habhub") habhub_last_querry_time = dtime.utcnow() with G_CLIENTS_MTX: if G_HABDEC_CLIENTS: for k, v in G_HABDEC_CLIENTS.items(): v.Stop() G_HABDEC_CLIENTS = {} if G_HABHUB_CLIENTS: for k, v in G_HABHUB_CLIENTS.items(): v.Stop() G_HABHUB_CLIENTS = {} def GPSD_ReadThread(): try: import gps except ImportError: print("No gps module") return session = gps.gps("localhost", "2947") session.stream(gps.WATCH_ENABLE | gps.WATCH_NEWSTYLE) global G_GPS_Data sats = 0 while G_RUN: try: report = session.next() # print(report) if report['class'] == 'SKY': used = [s.used for s in report.satellites] sats = sum(used) elif report['class'] == 'TPV': _res = { 'time': report.time, #probably need to convert from str to datetime "latitude": report.lat, "longitude": report.lon, "altitude": report.alt, 'heading': report.track, 'ground_speed_mps': report.speed, 'sats': sats } G_GPS_Data = _res except KeyError: pass except StopIteration: session = None print("GPSD has terminated") except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # print(report) pass def GPS_Serial_Thread(i_dev, line_callback): global G_GPS_Data nmea_parser = nmea.nmea_parser() _ser = None while G_RUN: if not _ser: try: _ser = serial.Serial(i_dev, 115200) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(1) continue try: line = _ser.readline() except: print(traceback.format_exc()) _ser = None if line: try: if line_callback: line_callback(line) except: pass try: nmea_data = nmea_parser.feed_line(line) if nmea_data: new_gps_data = { 'time': nmea_data.utc_time, "latitude": nmea_data.lat, "longitude": nmea_data.lon, "altitude": nmea_data.alt, 'heading': nmea_data.heading, 'ground_speed_mps': nmea_data.ground_speed_mps, 'sats': nmea_data.sats, 'parse_timestamp': nmea_data.parse_timestamp } G_GPS_Data = new_gps_data except: print(traceback.format_exc()) def GPS_Serial_Thread_Fake(): global G_GPS_Data while G_RUN: new_gps_data = { 'time': datetime.datetime.utcnow(), "latitude": 52 + .01 * math.sin(.1 * GPS_Serial_Thread_Fake.T), "longitude": 21 + .01 * math.cos(.1 * GPS_Serial_Thread_Fake.T), "altitude": 100, 'heading': 0, 'ground_speed_mps': 50, 'sats': 11, 'parse_timestamp': datetime.datetime.utcnow() } G_GPS_Data = new_gps_data GPS_Serial_Thread_Fake.T += 1 time.sleep(1) GPS_Serial_Thread_Fake.T = 0 def GET_HABBOY_GPS(): ''' get current HABBOY GPS add 'fix_age' and 'data_age' fields ''' global G_GPS_Data gps = deepcopy(G_GPS_Data) _now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() gps['fix_age'] = (_now - gps['time']).total_seconds() gps['data_age'] = (_now - gps['parse_timestamp']).total_seconds() return gps def get_process_stats(i_proc_name_list): start = datetime.datetime.utcnow() result = {} try: result['global'] = {} result['global']['cpu_load_%'] = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) except: pass try: vmem = psutil.virtual_memory() result['global']['mem_%'] = vmem.used / vmem.total * 100 except: pass try: disk = psutil.disk_usage('/') result['global']['disk_%'] = disk.used / disk.total * 100 except: pass try: temp = psutil.sensors_temperatures() result['global']['temp'] = 0 except: pass try: result['global']['temp'] = temp['cpu_thermal'][0].current except: pass # processes procs_pid2name = {} for proc in psutil.process_iter(['pid', 'name']): procs_pid2name[proc.info['name']] = proc.info['pid'] result['proc'] = {} for pname in i_proc_name_list: if pname not in procs_pid2name: print('not', pname) continue p = psutil.Process(procs_pid2name[pname]) if not p: continue result['proc'][pname] = {} # result['proc'][pname]['stat'] = p.status() result['proc'][pname]['cpu_load_%'] = p.cpu_percent(interval=1) result['proc'][pname]['runtime'] = time.time() - p.create_time() result['proc'][pname]['mem_MB'] = p.memory_full_info().rss / 1e6 # result['proc'][pname]['mem'] = p.memory_percent() result['proc'][pname]['connections'] = len( p.connections() ) return result def PROC_STATS_THREAD_F(proc_list): global G_RUN while G_RUN: stats = {} try: stats = get_process_stats(proc_list) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) stats['telemetry'] = {} stats['telemetry']['habdec'] = {} stats['telemetry']['habhub'] = {} global G_HABDEC_CLIENTS global G_HABHUB_CLIENTS global G_CLIENTS_MTX try: with G_CLIENTS_MTX: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() for hd in G_HABDEC_CLIENTS: stats['telemetry']['habdec'][hd] = {} stats['telemetry']['habdec'][hd]['connection_age'] = (now - G_HABDEC_CLIENTS[hd].GetLastConnectionTime()).total_seconds() stats['telemetry']['habdec'][hd]['sentence_age'] = (now - G_HABDEC_CLIENTS[hd].GetLastSentenceReceiveTime()).total_seconds() for hh in G_HABHUB_CLIENTS: stats['telemetry']['habhub'][hh] = {} stats['telemetry']['habhub'][hh]['connection_age'] = (now - G_HABHUB_CLIENTS[hh].GetLastConnectionTime()).total_seconds() stats['telemetry']['habhub'][hh]['sentence_age'] = (now - G_HABHUB_CLIENTS[hh].GetLastSentenceReceiveTime()).total_seconds() except: print(traceback.format_exc()) global G_HABBOY_STATS global G_HABBOY_STATS_MTX with G_HABBOY_STATS_MTX: G_HABBOY_STATS = deepcopy(stats) time.sleep(5) def GET_HABBOY_STATS(): stats = {} global G_HABBOY_STATS global G_HABBOY_STATS_MTX with G_HABBOY_STATS_MTX: stats = deepcopy(G_HABBOY_STATS) return stats def CalcPayloadPrediction(payload_id, predictor, expected_burst): if not predictor: print("NO PREDICTOR") return {} # https://github.com/projecthorus/chasemapper/blob/master/horusmapper.py#L341 lat = G_SENTENCES_DB.getTelemetryLast(payload_id, "latitude") lon = G_SENTENCES_DB.getTelemetryLast(payload_id, "longitude") alt = G_SENTENCES_DB.getTelemetryLast(payload_id, "altitude") descent_rate = 6 # default value is_descending = False if alt['dVdT'][-1] < 0: descent_rate = abs(alt['dVdT'][-1]) is_descending = True flight_path = predictor.predict( launch_lat = lat['values'][-1], launch_lon = lon['values'][-1], launch_alt = max(100, alt['values'][-1]), ascent_rate = max(3, abs(alt['dVdT'][-1])), descent_rate = descent_rate, burst_alt = max(alt['values'][-1]+100, expected_burst), launch_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow(), # this better be sentence time descent_mode = is_descending ) return flight_path def PREDICT_THREAD_F(payload_id, predictor, expected_burst): global G_RUN while G_RUN: path = {} try: path = CalcPayloadPrediction(payload_id, predictor, expected_burst) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) global G_PREDICT_PATH global G_PREDICT_PATH_MTX with G_PREDICT_PATH_MTX: G_PREDICT_PATH = deepcopy(path) time.sleep(5) def GetPayloadPredictPath(): global G_PREDICT_PATH global G_PREDICT_PATH_MTX res = {} with G_PREDICT_PATH_MTX: res = deepcopy(G_PREDICT_PATH) return res def CliArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # if len(sys.argv)==1: # parser.print_help() # sys.exit(1) parser.add_argument( "--dbfile", nargs="?", type=str, const="", help="Sentences DB file" ) parser.add_argument( "--initDB", action='store_true', help="Create empty DB" ) parser.add_argument( "--updateDB", nargs="*", type=str, help="Update local DB from HABITAT. Optional args are payload_id." ) parser.add_argument( "--dbinfo", action="store_true", help="print payloads from local DB file" ) parser.add_argument( "--payloads", action="store_true", help="List flights from HABITAT" ) parser.add_argument( "--payload_id", type=str, default="", help="Payload ID" ) parser.add_argument( "--payloads_info", nargs="?", type=str, const="*", help="Show flights info from HABITAT" ) # parser.add_argument('--callsign', nargs='?', type=str, const='*', help='callsign. if empty, deduce from payload_id') parser.add_argument( "--habdec", nargs="*", type=str, # default=[""], help="habdec WS addr.", ) parser.add_argument("--host", type=str, default = '', help="hostname") parser.add_argument( "--port", type=int, default=8888, help="http port, default 8888" ) parser.add_argument("--https", action="store_true", help="serve on https://") parser.add_argument("--test", type=int, help="generate fake sentence every N seconds") parser.add_argument("--test_file", type=str, help="replay GPS/alt from file. lat,lon,alt\\n") parser.add_argument("--burst", type=int, default=30000, help="expected burst alt" ) parser.add_argument("--wind", type=str, help="NOAA wind dir") parser.add_argument( "--hab_interval", type=int, help="Habitat query seconds interval" ) args = parser.parse_args() return args def CurDir(): d = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if d == '' or d == '.': if 'PWD' in os.environ: d = os.environ['PWD'] else: d = os.getcwd() return d def HABBOY_DATA_MAIN(): os.chdir(CurDir()) args = CliArgs() # payloads # payloads = [] try: flights = HabHubInterface.getFlights() payloads = HabHubInterface.getPayloads(flights) if not payloads: print("HabHub - no current payloads.") except urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: print(C_RED, "Failed connecting to HabHub", C_OFF) pass # print payloads info # if args.payloads: for p in payloads: if not p["doc"]["transmissions"]: continue for i in range(len(p["doc"]["transmissions"])): if p["doc"]["transmissions"][i]['modulation'].lower() != 'rtty': continue print( p["doc"]["name"], " --callsign:", C_MAGENTA, p["doc"]["sentences"][i]["callsign"], C_OFF, "--payload:", C_RED, p["doc"]["_id"], C_OFF, "--RTTY:", C_MAGENTA, "{}/{}/{}".format( p["doc"]["transmissions"][i]["baud"], p["doc"]["transmissions"][i]["encoding"], p["doc"]["transmissions"][i]["stop"] ), C_OFF, "--freq:", C_MAGENTA, p["doc"]["transmissions"][0]["frequency"], C_OFF, ) return # DB object # dbfile = "habboy_data.db" if args.dbfile: dbfile = args.dbfile print("dbfile ", dbfile) global G_SENTENCES_DB G_SENTENCES_DB = SentencesDB.SentencesDB(dbfile) # print dbinfo # if args.dbinfo: info = G_SENTENCES_DB.getInfo() for i in info: print( C_RED, i[0], C_MAGENTA, i[1], C_OFF) pprint(i[2:]) return # payloads info # if args.payloads_info: for p in payloads: if args.payloads_info != "*" and p["doc"]["_id"] != args.payloads_info: continue print("\n") print(C_MAGENTA, p["doc"]["name"], p["doc"]["_id"], C_OFF) pprint(p) print("\n") return if args.initDB: print("Init DB") G_SENTENCES_DB.create_empty() return if args.updateDB != None: update_payloads = args.updateDB if update_payloads == []: update_payloads = [p["doc"]["_id"] for p in HabHubInterface.getPayloads()] for pid in update_payloads: print("Updating Info on ", pid) G_SENTENCES_DB.updatePayloadInfo(pid) return # payload_id and callsign # payload_id = args.payload_id if payload_id: for p in payloads: if p["doc"]["_id"].startswith(payload_id): payload_id = p["doc"]["_id"] break print("payload_id ", payload_id) else: payload_id = 'NoPayload' # print(C_RED, "No --payload_id specified. List payloads with --payloads.", C_OFF) # return try: callsign_from_payload_id = HabHubInterface.getCallsignsForPayloadId(payload_id) print("callsign from payload_id (HabHub) ", callsign_from_payload_id) except urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: print( C_RED, "HabHubInterface.getCallsignsForPayloadId -- Failed connecting to HabHub", C_OFF, ) callsign_from_payload_id = None if callsign_from_payload_id == None: callsign_from_payload_id = G_SENTENCES_DB.payloadIdToCallsign(payload_id) print("callsign from payload_id (DB) ", callsign_from_payload_id) if callsign_from_payload_id == None: callsign_from_payload_id = 'NoCallsign' print(C_RED, "NO CALLSIGN", C_OFF) # habdec addresses # habdec_addr_arr = [] if args.habdec: habdec_addr_arr = args.habdec for i in range(len(habdec_addr_arr)): if habdec_addr_arr[i] and not habdec_addr_arr[i].startswith("ws://"): habdec_addr_arr[i] = "ws://" + habdec_addr_arr[i] # host and port # host = args.host or "" # host = args.host or get_ip() if host.lower() == "ip": host = get_ip() is_https = args.https port = args.port or 8888 # wind data # try: from cusfpredict.predict import Predictor try: wind = args.wind or os.path.join( os.environ['HOME'], 'data/noaa_wind/gfs' ) print('Wind Dir:', wind) predictor = Predictor(bin_path = './pred', gfs_path = wind) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) print("No Wind Dir") predictor = None except ImportError: print("Cusf Predictor import error") predictor = None # some globals # global G_RUN global G_HABDEC_CLIENTS global G_HABHUB_CLIENTS global_opts = { 'payload_id': payload_id, 'callsign': callsign_from_payload_id, 'sentences_db': G_SENTENCES_DB, 'habdec_clients': G_HABDEC_CLIENTS, 'habhub_clients': G_HABHUB_CLIENTS, 'clients_mutex': G_CLIENTS_MTX, 'payloads': G_SENTENCES_DB.getAllPayloadIds(), 'get_gps': GET_HABBOY_GPS, 'get_predict': GetPayloadPredictPath, 'get_stats': GET_HABBOY_STATS, 'burst': args.burst } ############################ START ALL THREADS ############################ # sentence gathering thread # HabHubClient.HabHubClient.interval_seconds = args.hab_interval or 15 if args.test: test_file = args.test_file or '' sentence_gather_thread = threading.Thread( target=functools.partial(DummySentenceThreadF, payload_id, args.test, test_file) ) else: sentence_gather_thread = threading.Thread( target=functools.partial(SentenceGatherThreadF, habdec_addr_arr, payload_id) ) sentence_gather_thread.start() time.sleep(.25) # http thread # http_server_thread = threading.Thread( target=functools.partial( HttpInterface.RUN, host, port, is_https, global_opts, False, False, ) ) http_server_thread.start() time.sleep(.25) # GPS thread # # gps_thread = threading.Thread(target=GPSD_ReadThread) gps_device = '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-u-blox_AG_-_www.u-blox.com_u-blox_GNSS_receiver-if00' gps_thread = threading.Thread( target=functools.partial(GPS_Serial_Thread, gps_device, None) ) # gps_thread = threading.Thread(target=GPS_Serial_Thread_Fake) if os.path.isfile(gps_device): gps_thread.start() else: print(gps_device, 'does not exits.') time.sleep(.25) # flight path predict thread predict_thread = threading.Thread( target=functools.partial(PREDICT_THREAD_F, payload_id, predictor, args.burst) ) predict_thread.start() # proc stats thread # if (platform.system() != "Windows"): habboy_stats_thread = threading.Thread( target=functools.partial(PROC_STATS_THREAD_F, ['habboy_data', 'habdecWebsocketServer']) ) habboy_stats_thread.start() # main loop # while G_RUN: try: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nExiting...\n") G_RUN = False if G_HABDEC_CLIENTS: for k, v in G_HABDEC_CLIENTS.items(): v.Stop() G_HABDEC_CLIENTS = {} if G_HABHUB_CLIENTS: for k, v in G_HABHUB_CLIENTS.items(): v.Stop() G_HABHUB_CLIENTS = {} # EXITING # if sentence_gather_thread and sentence_gather_thread.is_alive(): sentence_gather_thread.join() if gps_thread and gps_thread.is_alive(): gps_thread.join() if predict_thread and predict_thread.is_alive(): predict_thread.join() if habboy_stats_thread and habboy_stats_thread.is_alive(): habboy_stats_thread.join() def test_gps(): gps_device = '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-u-blox_AG_-_www.u-blox.com_u-blox_GNSS_receiver-if00' gps_thread = threading.Thread( target=functools.partial(GPS_Serial_Thread, gps_device, lambda l: None) ) gps_thread.start() if gps_thread and gps_thread.is_alive(): gps_thread.join() if __name__ == "__main__": try: import setproctitle setproctitle.setproctitle("habboy_data") except: print("No setproctitle") HABBOY_DATA_MAIN() # test_gps()