Finished nmux, now working on making it compile

ha7ilm 2017-01-10 20:21:30 +01:00
rodzic 377faec68e
commit 3ad4d15945
5 zmienionych plików z 88 dodań i 58 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

Wyświetl plik

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ char host_address[100] = "";
int thread_cntr = 0;
//CLI parameters
int bufsize = 1024; //! currently unused
int bufsize = 1024;
int bufcnt = 1024;
char** global_argv;
@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int new_socket;
int highfd = 0;
int input_fd = STDIN_FILENO;
fd_set select_fds;
FD_SET(listen_socket, &select_fds);
maxfd(&highfd, listen_socket);
@ -150,7 +152,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
unsigned char* current_write_buffer = pool->get_write_buffer();
int index_in_current_write_buffer = 0;
pthread_cond_t* wait_condition = new pthread_cond_t;
//Create wait condition: client threads waiting for input data from the main thread will be
// waiting on this condition. They will be woken up with pthread_cond_broadcast() if new
// data arrives.
pthread_cond_t* wait_condition = new pthread_cond_t;
if(!pthread_cond_init(wait_condition, NULL))
print_exit(MSG_START "pthread_cond_init failed"); //cond_attrs is ignored by Linux
@ -189,7 +194,11 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(index_in_current_write_buffer >= bufsize)
current_write_buffer = pool->get_write_buffer();
//Shouldn't we do it after we put data in?
// No, on get_write_buffer() actually the previous buffer is getting available
// for read for threads that wait for new data (wait on pthead mutex
// client->wait_condition).
index_in_current_write_buffer = 0;
int retval = read(input_fd, current_write_buffer + index_in_current_write_buffer, bufsize - index_in_current_write_buffer);
@ -199,53 +208,17 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
else if(retval==0)
//!end of input stream, close clients and exit
print_exit(MSG_START "end of input, exiting.\n")
//End of input stream, close clients and exit
print_exit(MSG_START "end of input stream, exiting.\n")
#if 0
for (int i=0; i<clients.size(); i++)
if(write(clients[i]->pipefd[1], buf, retval)==-1)
print_client(clients[i], "lost buffer, failed to write pipe.");
//fprintf(stderr, MSG_START "errno is %d\n", errno); //usually 11
//int wpstatus;
//int wpresult = waitpid(clients[i]->pid, &wpstatus, WNOHANG);
//fprintf(stderr, MSG_START "pid is %d\n",clients[i]->pid);
//perror("somethings wrong");
//if(wpresult == -1) print_client(clients[i], "error while waitpid()!");
//else if(wpresult == 0)
waitpid(clients[i]->pid, NULL, WNOHANG);
//Client exited!
print_client(clients[i], "closing client from main process.");
delete clients[i];
fprintf(stderr, MSG_START "done closing client from main process.\n");
else { if(clients[i]->error) print_client(clients[i], "pipe okay again."); clients[i]->error=0; }
//TODO: at the end, server closes pipefd[1] for client
void client_erase(client_t* client)
void clients_close_all_finished()
@ -266,30 +239,66 @@ void* client_thread (void* param)
this_client->status = CS_THREAD_RUNNING;
int retval;
tsmpool* lpool = this_client->lpool;
fd_set client_select_fds;
int client_highfd = 0;
FD_SET(client->socket, &client_select_fds);
maxfd(&client_highfd, client->socket);
//Set client->socket to non-blocking
error_exit(MSG_START "cannot set_nonblocking() on client->socket");
int client_buffer_index = 0;
char* pool_read_buffer = NULL;
//wait until there is any data in the tsmpool for me (wait for the server process to wake me up)
//Wait until there is any data to send.
// If I haven't sent all the data from my last buffer, don't wait.
// (Wait for the server process to wake me up.)
while(!pool_read_buffer || client_buffer_index == lpool->size)
char* pool_read_buffer = (char*)lpool->get_read_buffer();
if(pool_read_buffer) break;
this_client->sleeping = 1;
pthread_cond_wait(this_client->wait_condition, &this_client->wait_mutex);
//wait for the socket to be available for write
//read data from server global tsmpool
//write data to client socket
//have an exit condition
//Wait for the socket to be available for write.
select(highfd, NULL, &client_select_fds, NULL, NULL);
//Read data from global tsmpool and write it to client socket
int ret = send(client->socket, pool_read_buffer + client_buffer_index, lpool->size - client_buffer_index, 0);
if(ret == -1)
case EAGAIN: break;
default: goto client_thread_exit;
else client_buffer_index += ret;
this_client->status = CS_THREAD_FINISHED;
fprintf(stderr, "CS_THREAD_FINISHED"); //Debug
return NULL;
int set_nonblocking(int fd)
int flagtmp;
if((flagtmp = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL))!=-1)
if((flagtmp = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flagtmp|O_NONBLOCK))!=-1)
return 0;
return 1;
void error_exit(const char* why)
perror(why); //do we need a \n at the end of (why)?

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
@ -29,3 +33,12 @@ typedef struct client_s
pthread_cond_t* wait_condition;
pthread_mutex_t wait_mutex;
} client_t;
void print_exit(const char* why);
void sig_handler(int signo);
void client_erase(client_t* client);
void clients_close_all_finished();
void* client_thread (void* param);
void error_exit(const char* why);
void maxfd(int* maxfd, int fd);
int set_nonblocking(int fd);

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
#include "tsmpool.h"
tsmpool::tsmpool(size_t size, int num)
num(num) //number of buffers of (size) to alloc
this->threads_cntr = 0;
this->size = size;
this->num = num; //number of buffers of (size) to alloc
this->ok = 1;
this->lowest_read_index = -1;
this->write_index = 0;
this->my_read_index = 0;
if (pthread_mutex_init(&this->mutex, NULL) != 0) this->ok=0;
if (pthread_mutex_init(&this->mutex, NULL) != 0) { this->ok = 0; return; }
for(int i=0; i<num; i++)
void* newptr = (void*)new char[size];
if(!newptr) { this->ok = 0; return; }
size_t tsmpool::get_size() { return this->size; }
int tsmpool::is_ok() { return this->ok; }
void* tsmpool::get_write_buffer()

Wyświetl plik

@ -15,19 +15,20 @@ typedef struct tsmthread_s
class tsmpool
size_t size;
int num;
vector<tsmthread_t*> threads;
vector<void*> buffers;
int threads_cntr;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
int ok;
int ok; //tsmpool is expected to be included in C-style programs.
// If something fails in the constructor, it will be seen here instead of a try{}catch{}
int write_index; //it always points to the next buffer to be written
int lowest_read_index; //unused
int my_read_index; //it is used when tsmpool is used as a single writer - single reader circular buffer
size_t get_size();
const size_t size;
const int num;
int is_ok();
tsmpool(size_t size, int num);
void* get_write_buffer();
tsmthread_t* register_thread();