A PI DESKTOP LAUNCHER FOR RASPBIAN Instead of opening a terminal instance to launch GridTracker on the Raspberry pi running Raspbian*, there is an easy way to create a launch icon on the desktop. Included in this archive are two files; a desktop icon for GridTracker, gridtracker.png, and a simple text file, GridTracker.desktop. As an example, assume that GridTracker-Lunux-Arm1.18.xxxx.tar.gz was downloaded to /home/pi/Downloads/, and extracted to a folder directly below it, /home/pi/Downloads/GridTracker/. Copy GridTracker.desktop to /home/pi/Desktop/, and gridtracker.png to /home/pi/Downloads/GridTracker/. If your GridTracker install uses other file locations, simply edit the apporpriate lines in GridTracker.desktop to reference the proper folders. You should now see an icon on your desktop, . Simply double click to launch GridTracker. *Or other flavors of linux. Other changes may be required. See your package documentation. GridTracker.desktop example below [Desktop Entry] Name=GridTracker Comment=GridTracker GenericName=GridTracker, a WSJT-X Companion Exec=/home/pi/Downloads/GridTracker/GridTracker Icon=/home/pi/Downloads/GridTracker/gridtracker.png Path=/home/pi/Downloads/GridTracker Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Terminal=false Categories=None;