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pipelines/383202222 test_MSCodeSigning2
chrbayer84 2021-09-29 18:04:22 +00:00
rodzic 5e5213d351
commit e21958568b
1 zmienionych plików z 7 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# About GridTracker
GridTracker is designed for Amateur radio use. It's original tag-line was:   "GridTracker listens to traffic from WSJT-X and displays it on a map. It will also load ADIF log files".
This was back in February of 2018.  At its core GridTracker has remained true to that description but it has evolved to be a very powerful amateur radio tool and not just for FT8.
GridTracker is a warehouse of amateur radio information presented in an easy to use interface, from live traffic decodes, logbooks, spot reports, weather, current solar conditions and more.
[Read more](https://gitlab.com/gridtracker.org/gridtracker/-/wikis/Introduction/What-is-GridTracker)
See the [Wiki](https://gitlab.com/gridtracker.org/gridtracker/-/wikis/home) for the user documentation.
# Getting GridTracker
GridTracker can be downloaded for nearly all common platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi) from the [downloads](https://gridtracker.org/downloads/) page on our website GridTracker.org.