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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# copyright 2014 Hamilton Kibbe <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Gerber (RS-274X) Statements
**Gerber RS-274X file statement classes**
from .utils import (parse_gerber_value, write_gerber_value, decimal_string,
inch, metric)
from .am_statements import *
from .am_read import read_macro
from .am_eval import eval_macro
from .primitives import AMGroup
class Statement(object):
""" Gerber statement Base class
The statement class provides a type attribute.
type : string
String identifying the statement type.
type : string
String identifying the statement type.
def __init__(self, stype, units='inch'):
self.type = stype
self.units = units
def __str__(self):
s = "<{0} ".format(self.__class__.__name__)
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
s += "{0}={1} ".format(key, value)
s = s.rstrip() + ">"
return s
def to_inch(self):
self.units = 'inch'
def to_metric(self):
self.units = 'metric'
def offset(self, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
class ParamStmt(Statement):
""" Gerber parameter statement Base class
The parameter statement class provides a parameter type attribute.
param : string
two-character code identifying the parameter statement type.
param : string
Parameter type code
def __init__(self, param):
Statement.__init__(self, "PARAM")
self.param = param
class FSParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" FS - Gerber Format Specification Statement
def from_settings(cls, settings):
return cls('FS', settings.zero_suppression, settings.notation, settings.format)
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
param = stmt_dict.get('param')
if stmt_dict.get('zero') == 'L':
zeros = 'leading'
elif stmt_dict.get('zero') == 'T':
zeros = 'trailing'
zeros = 'none'
notation = 'absolute' if stmt_dict.get('notation') == 'A' else 'incremental'
fmt = tuple(map(int, stmt_dict.get('x')))
return cls(param, zeros, notation, fmt)
def __init__(self, param, zero_suppression='leading',
notation='absolute', format=(2, 4)):
""" Initialize FSParamStmt class
.. note::
The FS command specifies the format of the coordinate data. It
must only be used once at the beginning of a file. It must be
specified before the first use of coordinate data.
param : string
zero_suppression : string
Zero-suppression mode. May be either 'leading', 'trailing' or 'none' (all zeros are present)
notation : string
Notation mode. May be either 'absolute' or 'incremental'
format : tuple (int, int)
Gerber precision format expressed as a tuple containing:
(number of integer-part digits, number of decimal-part digits)
ParamStmt : FSParamStmt
Initialized FSParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
self.zero_suppression = zero_suppression
self.notation = notation
self.format = format
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
if settings:
zero_suppression = 'L' if settings.zero_suppression == 'leading' else 'T'
notation = 'A' if settings.notation == 'absolute' else 'I'
fmt = ''.join(map(str, settings.format))
zero_suppression = 'L' if self.zero_suppression == 'leading' else 'T'
notation = 'A' if self.notation == 'absolute' else 'I'
fmt = ''.join(map(str, self.format))
return '%FS{0}{1}X{2}Y{3}*%'.format(zero_suppression, notation, fmt, fmt)
def __str__(self):
return ('<Format Spec: %d:%d %s zero suppression %s notation>' %
(self.format[0], self.format[1], self.zero_suppression, self.notation))
class MOParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" MO - Gerber Mode (measurement units) Statement.
def from_units(cls, units):
return cls(None, units)
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
param = stmt_dict.get('param')
if stmt_dict.get('mo') is None:
mo = None
elif stmt_dict.get('mo').lower() not in ('in', 'mm'):
raise ValueError('Mode may be mm or in')
elif stmt_dict.get('mo').lower() == 'in':
mo = 'inch'
mo = 'metric'
return cls(param, mo)
def __init__(self, param, mo):
""" Initialize MOParamStmt class
param : string
mo : string
Measurement units. May be either 'inch' or 'metric'
ParamStmt : MOParamStmt
Initialized MOParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
self.mode = mo
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
mode = 'MM' if self.mode == 'metric' else 'IN'
return '%MO{0}*%'.format(mode)
def to_inch(self):
self.mode = 'inch'
def to_metric(self):
self.mode = 'metric'
def __str__(self):
mode_str = 'millimeters' if self.mode == 'metric' else 'inches'
return ('<Mode: %s>' % mode_str)
class LPParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" LP - Gerber Level Polarity statement
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
param = stmt_dict['param']
lp = 'clear' if stmt_dict.get('lp') == 'C' else 'dark'
return cls(param, lp)
def __init__(self, param, lp):
""" Initialize LPParamStmt class
param : string
lp : string
Level polarity. May be either 'clear' or 'dark'
ParamStmt : LPParamStmt
Initialized LPParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
self.lp = lp
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
lp = 'C' if self.lp == 'clear' else 'D'
return '%LP{0}*%'.format(lp)
def __str__(self):
return '<Level Polarity: %s>' % self.lp
class ADParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" AD - Gerber Aperture Definition Statement
def rect(cls, dcode, width, height, hole_diameter=None, hole_width=None, hole_height=None):
'''Create a rectangular aperture definition statement'''
if hole_diameter is not None and hole_diameter > 0:
return cls('AD', dcode, 'R', ([width, height, hole_diameter],))
elif (hole_width is not None and hole_width > 0
and hole_height is not None and hole_height > 0):
return cls('AD', dcode, 'R', ([width, height, hole_width, hole_height],))
return cls('AD', dcode, 'R', ([width, height],))
def circle(cls, dcode, diameter, hole_diameter=None, hole_width=None, hole_height=None):
'''Create a circular aperture definition statement'''
if hole_diameter is not None and hole_diameter > 0:
return cls('AD', dcode, 'C', ([diameter, hole_diameter],))
elif (hole_width is not None and hole_width > 0
and hole_height is not None and hole_height > 0):
return cls('AD', dcode, 'C', ([diameter, hole_width, hole_height],))
return cls('AD', dcode, 'C', ([diameter],))
def obround(cls, dcode, width, height, hole_diameter=None, hole_width=None, hole_height=None):
'''Create an obround aperture definition statement'''
if hole_diameter is not None and hole_diameter > 0:
return cls('AD', dcode, 'O', ([width, height, hole_diameter],))
elif (hole_width is not None and hole_width > 0
and hole_height is not None and hole_height > 0):
return cls('AD', dcode, 'O', ([width, height, hole_width, hole_height],))
return cls('AD', dcode, 'O', ([width, height],))
def polygon(cls, dcode, diameter, num_vertices, rotation, hole_diameter=None, hole_width=None, hole_height=None):
'''Create a polygon aperture definition statement'''
if hole_diameter is not None and hole_diameter > 0:
return cls('AD', dcode, 'P', ([diameter, num_vertices, rotation, hole_diameter],))
elif (hole_width is not None and hole_width > 0
and hole_height is not None and hole_height > 0):
return cls('AD', dcode, 'P', ([diameter, num_vertices, rotation, hole_width, hole_height],))
return cls('AD', dcode, 'P', ([diameter, num_vertices, rotation],))
def macro(cls, dcode, name):
return cls('AD', dcode, name, '')
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
param = stmt_dict.get('param')
d = int(stmt_dict.get('d'))
shape = stmt_dict.get('shape')
modifiers = stmt_dict.get('modifiers')
return cls(param, d, shape, modifiers)
def __init__(self, param, d, shape, modifiers):
""" Initialize ADParamStmt class
param : string
Parameter code
d : int
Aperture D-code
shape : string
aperture name
modifiers : list of lists of floats
Shape modifiers
ParamStmt : ADParamStmt
Initialized ADParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
self.d = d
self.shape = shape
if isinstance(modifiers, tuple):
self.modifiers = modifiers
elif modifiers:
self.modifiers = [tuple([float(x) for x in m.split("X") if len(x)])
for m in modifiers.split(",") if len(m)]
self.modifiers = [tuple()]
def to_inch(self):
if self.units == 'metric':
self.units = 'inch'
self.modifiers = [tuple([inch(x) for x in modifier])
for modifier in self.modifiers]
def to_metric(self):
if self.units == 'inch':
self.units = 'metric'
self.modifiers = [tuple([metric(x) for x in modifier])
for modifier in self.modifiers]
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
if any(self.modifiers):
return '%ADD{0}{1},{2}*%'.format(self.d, self.shape, ','.join(['X'.join(["%.4g" % x for x in modifier]) for modifier in self.modifiers]))
return '%ADD{0}{1}*%'.format(self.d, self.shape)
def __str__(self):
if self.shape == 'C':
shape = 'circle'
elif self.shape == 'R':
shape = 'rectangle'
elif self.shape == 'O':
shape = 'obround'
shape = self.shape
return '<Aperture Definition: %d: %s>' % (self.d, shape)
class AMParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" AM - Aperture Macro Statement
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
return cls(**stmt_dict)
def __init__(self, param, name, macro):
""" Initialize AMParamStmt class
param : string
Parameter code
name : string
Aperture macro name
macro : string
Aperture macro string
ParamStmt : AMParamStmt
Initialized AMParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) = name
self.macro = macro
self.instructions =
self.primitives = []
def read(self, macro):
return read_macro(macro)
def build(self, modifiers=[[]]):
self.primitives = []
for primitive in eval_macro(self.instructions, modifiers[0]):
if primitive[0] == '0':
elif primitive[0] == '1':
elif primitive[0:2] in ('2,', '20'):
elif primitive[0:2] == '21':
elif primitive[0:2] == '22':
elif primitive[0] == '4':
elif primitive[0] == '5':
elif primitive[0] == '6':
elif primitive[0] == '7':
return AMGroup(self.primitives, stmt=self, units=self.units)
def to_inch(self):
if self.units == 'metric':
self.units = 'inch'
for primitive in self.primitives:
def to_metric(self):
if self.units == 'inch':
self.units = 'metric'
for primitive in self.primitives:
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return '%AM{0}*{1}%'.format(, "".join([primitive.to_gerber() for primitive in self.primitives]))
def __str__(self):
return '<Aperture Macro %s: %s>' % (, self.macro)
class ASParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" AS - Axis Select. (Deprecated)
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
param = stmt_dict.get('param')
mode = stmt_dict.get('mode')
return cls(param, mode)
def __init__(self, param, mode):
""" Initialize ASParamStmt class
param : string
Parameter string.
mode : string
Axis select. May be either 'AXBY' or 'AYBX'
ParamStmt : ASParamStmt
Initialized ASParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
self.mode = mode
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return '%AS{0}*%'.format(self.mode)
def __str__(self):
return ('<Axis Select: %s>' % self.mode)
class INParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" IN - Image Name Statement (Deprecated)
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
return cls(**stmt_dict)
def __init__(self, param, name):
""" Initialize INParamStmt class
param : string
Parameter code
name : string
Image name
ParamStmt : INParamStmt
Initialized INParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) = name
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return '%IN{0}*%'.format(
def __str__(self):
return '<Image Name: %s>' %
class IPParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" IP - Gerber Image Polarity Statement. (Deprecated)
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
param = stmt_dict.get('param')
ip = 'positive' if stmt_dict.get('ip') == 'POS' else 'negative'
return cls(param, ip)
def __init__(self, param, ip):
""" Initialize IPParamStmt class
param : string
Parameter string.
ip : string
Image polarity. May be either'positive' or 'negative'
ParamStmt : IPParamStmt
Initialized IPParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
self.ip = ip
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
ip = 'POS' if self.ip == 'positive' else 'NEG'
return '%IP{0}*%'.format(ip)
def __str__(self):
return ('<Image Polarity: %s>' % self.ip)
class IRParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" IR - Image Rotation Param (Deprecated)
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
angle = int(stmt_dict['angle'])
return cls(stmt_dict['param'], angle)
def __init__(self, param, angle):
""" Initialize IRParamStmt class
param : string
Parameter code
angle : int
Image angle
ParamStmt : IRParamStmt
Initialized IRParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
self.angle = angle
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return '%IR{0}*%'.format(self.angle)
def __str__(self):
return '<Image Angle: %s>' % self.angle
class MIParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" MI - Image Mirror Param (Deprecated)
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
param = stmt_dict.get('param')
a = int(stmt_dict.get('a', 0))
b = int(stmt_dict.get('b', 0))
return cls(param, a, b)
def __init__(self, param, a, b):
""" Initialize MIParamStmt class
param : string
Parameter code
a : int
Mirror for A output devices axis (0=disabled, 1=mirrored)
b : int
Mirror for B output devices axis (0=disabled, 1=mirrored)
ParamStmt : MIParamStmt
Initialized MIParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
self.a = a
self.b = b
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
ret = "%MI"
if self.a is not None:
ret += "A{0}".format(self.a)
if self.b is not None:
ret += "B{0}".format(self.b)
ret += "*%"
return ret
def __str__(self):
return '<Image Mirror: A=%d B=%d>' % (self.a, self.b)
class OFParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" OF - Gerber Offset statement (Deprecated)
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
param = stmt_dict.get('param')
a = float(stmt_dict.get('a', 0))
b = float(stmt_dict.get('b', 0))
return cls(param, a, b)
def __init__(self, param, a, b):
""" Initialize OFParamStmt class
param : string
a : float
Offset along the output device A axis
b : float
Offset along the output device B axis
ParamStmt : OFParamStmt
Initialized OFParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
self.a = a
self.b = b
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
ret = '%OF'
if self.a is not None:
ret += 'A' + decimal_string(self.a, precision=5)
if self.b is not None:
ret += 'B' + decimal_string(self.b, precision=5)
return ret + '*%'
def to_inch(self):
if self.units == 'metric':
self.units = 'inch'
if self.a is not None:
self.a = inch(self.a)
if self.b is not None:
self.b = inch(self.b)
def to_metric(self):
if self.units == 'inch':
self.units = 'metric'
if self.a is not None:
self.a = metric(self.a)
if self.b is not None:
self.b = metric(self.b)
def offset(self, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
if self.a is not None:
self.a += x_offset
if self.b is not None:
self.b += y_offset
def __str__(self):
offset_str = ''
if self.a is not None:
offset_str += ('X: %f ' % self.a)
if self.b is not None:
offset_str += ('Y: %f ' % self.b)
return ('<Offset: %s>' % offset_str)
class SFParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" SF - Scale Factor Param (Deprecated)
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
param = stmt_dict.get('param')
a = float(stmt_dict.get('a', 1))
b = float(stmt_dict.get('b', 1))
return cls(param, a, b)
def __init__(self, param, a, b):
""" Initialize OFParamStmt class
param : string
a : float
Scale factor for the output device A axis
b : float
Scale factor for the output device B axis
ParamStmt : SFParamStmt
Initialized SFParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
self.a = a
self.b = b
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
ret = '%SF'
if self.a is not None:
ret += 'A' + decimal_string(self.a, precision=5)
if self.b is not None:
ret += 'B' + decimal_string(self.b, precision=5)
return ret + '*%'
def to_inch(self):
if self.units == 'metric':
self.units = 'inch'
if self.a is not None:
self.a = inch(self.a)
if self.b is not None:
self.b = inch(self.b)
def to_metric(self):
if self.units == 'inch':
self.units = 'metric'
if self.a is not None:
self.a = metric(self.a)
if self.b is not None:
self.b = metric(self.b)
def offset(self, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
if self.a is not None:
self.a += x_offset
if self.b is not None:
self.b += y_offset
def __str__(self):
scale_factor = ''
if self.a is not None:
scale_factor += ('X: %g ' % self.a)
if self.b is not None:
scale_factor += ('Y: %g' % self.b)
return ('<Scale Factor: %s>' % scale_factor)
class LNParamStmt(ParamStmt):
""" LN - Level Name Statement (Deprecated)
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict):
return cls(**stmt_dict)
def __init__(self, param, name):
""" Initialize LNParamStmt class
param : string
Parameter code
name : string
Level name
ParamStmt : LNParamStmt
Initialized LNParamStmt class.
ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) = name
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return '%LN{0}*%'.format(
def __str__(self):
return '<Level Name: %s>' %
class DeprecatedStmt(Statement):
""" Unimportant deprecated statement, will be parsed but not emitted.
def from_gerber(cls, line):
return cls(line)
def __init__(self, line):
""" Initialize DeprecatedStmt class
line : string
Deprecated statement text
Initialized DeprecatedStmt class.
Statement.__init__(self, "DEPRECATED")
self.line = line
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return self.line
def __str__(self):
return '<Deprecated Statement: \'%s\'>' % self.line
class CoordStmt(Statement):
""" Coordinate Data Block
OP_DRAW = 'D01'
OP_MOVE = 'D02'
OP_FLASH = 'D03'
def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict, settings):
function = stmt_dict['function']
x = stmt_dict.get('x')
y = stmt_dict.get('y')
i = stmt_dict.get('i')
j = stmt_dict.get('j')
op = stmt_dict.get('op')
if x is not None:
x = parse_gerber_value(stmt_dict.get('x'), settings.format,
if y is not None:
y = parse_gerber_value(stmt_dict.get('y'), settings.format,
if i is not None:
i = parse_gerber_value(stmt_dict.get('i'), settings.format,
if j is not None:
j = parse_gerber_value(stmt_dict.get('j'), settings.format,
return cls(function, x, y, i, j, op, settings)
def move(cls, func, point):
if point:
return cls(func, point[0], point[1], None, None, CoordStmt.OP_MOVE, None)
# No point specified, so just write the function. This is normally for ending a region (D02*)
return cls(func, None, None, None, None, CoordStmt.OP_MOVE, None)
def line(cls, func, point):
return cls(func, point[0], point[1], None, None, CoordStmt.OP_DRAW, None)
def mode(cls, func):
return cls(func, None, None, None, None, None, None)
def arc(cls, func, point, center):
return cls(func, point[0], point[1], center[0], center[1], CoordStmt.OP_DRAW, None)
def flash(cls, point):
if point:
return cls(None, point[0], point[1], None, None, CoordStmt.OP_FLASH, None)
return cls(None, None, None, None, None, CoordStmt.OP_FLASH, None)
def __init__(self, function, x, y, i, j, op, settings):
""" Initialize CoordStmt class
function : string
x : float
X coordinate
y : float
Y coordinate
i : float
Coordinate offset in the X direction
j : float
Coordinate offset in the Y direction
op : string
Operation code
settings : dict {'zero_suppression', 'format'}
Gerber file coordinate format
Statement : CoordStmt
Initialized CoordStmt class.
Statement.__init__(self, "COORD")
self.function = function
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.i = i
self.j = j
self.op = op
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
ret = ''
if self.function:
ret += self.function
if self.x is not None:
ret += 'X{0}'.format(write_gerber_value(self.x, settings.format,
if self.y is not None:
ret += 'Y{0}'.format(write_gerber_value(self.y, settings.format,
if self.i is not None:
ret += 'I{0}'.format(write_gerber_value(self.i, settings.format,
if self.j is not None:
ret += 'J{0}'.format(write_gerber_value(self.j, settings.format,
if self.op:
ret += self.op
return ret + '*'
def to_inch(self):
if self.units == 'metric':
self.units = 'inch'
if self.x is not None:
self.x = inch(self.x)
if self.y is not None:
self.y = inch(self.y)
if self.i is not None:
self.i = inch(self.i)
if self.j is not None:
self.j = inch(self.j)
if self.function == "G71":
self.function = "G70"
def to_metric(self):
if self.units == 'inch':
self.units = 'metric'
if self.x is not None:
self.x = metric(self.x)
if self.y is not None:
self.y = metric(self.y)
if self.i is not None:
self.i = metric(self.i)
if self.j is not None:
self.j = metric(self.j)
if self.function == "G70":
self.function = "G71"
def offset(self, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
if self.x is not None:
self.x += x_offset
if self.y is not None:
self.y += y_offset
if self.i is not None:
self.i += x_offset
if self.j is not None:
self.j += y_offset
def __str__(self):
coord_str = ''
if self.function:
coord_str += 'Fn: %s ' % self.function
if self.x is not None:
coord_str += 'X: %g ' % self.x
if self.y is not None:
coord_str += 'Y: %g ' % self.y
if self.i is not None:
coord_str += 'I: %g ' % self.i
if self.j is not None:
coord_str += 'J: %g ' % self.j
if self.op:
if self.op == 'D01':
op = 'Lights On'
elif self.op == 'D02':
op = 'Lights Off'
elif self.op == 'D03':
op = 'Flash'
op = self.op
coord_str += 'Op: %s' % op
return '<Coordinate Statement: %s>' % coord_str
def only_function(self):
Returns if the statement only set the function.
# TODO I would like to refactor this so that the function is handled separately and then
# TODO this isn't required
return self.function != None and self.op == None and self.x == None and self.y == None and self.i == None and self.j == None
class ApertureStmt(Statement):
""" Aperture Statement
def __init__(self, d, deprecated=None):
Statement.__init__(self, "APERTURE")
self.d = int(d)
self.deprecated = True if deprecated is not None and deprecated is not False else False
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
if self.deprecated:
return 'G54D{0}*'.format(self.d)
return 'D{0}*'.format(self.d)
def __str__(self):
return '<Aperture: %d>' % self.d
class CommentStmt(Statement):
""" Comment Statment
def __init__(self, comment):
Statement.__init__(self, "COMMENT")
self.comment = comment if comment is not None else ""
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return 'G04{0}*'.format(self.comment)
def __str__(self):
return '<Comment: %s>' % self.comment
class EofStmt(Statement):
""" EOF Statement
def __init__(self):
Statement.__init__(self, "EOF")
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return 'M02*'
def __str__(self):
return '<EOF Statement>'
class QuadrantModeStmt(Statement):
def single(cls):
return cls('single-quadrant')
def multi(cls):
return cls('multi-quadrant')
def from_gerber(cls, line):
if 'G74' not in line and 'G75' not in line:
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid quadrant mode statement'
% line)
return (cls('single-quadrant') if line[:3] == 'G74'
else cls('multi-quadrant'))
def __init__(self, mode):
super(QuadrantModeStmt, self).__init__('QuadrantMode')
mode = mode.lower()
if mode not in ['single-quadrant', 'multi-quadrant']:
raise ValueError('Quadrant mode must be "single-quadrant" \
or "multi-quadrant"')
self.mode = mode
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return 'G74*' if self.mode == 'single-quadrant' else 'G75*'
class RegionModeStmt(Statement):
def from_gerber(cls, line):
if 'G36' not in line and 'G37' not in line:
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid region mode statement' % line)
return (cls('on') if line[:3] == 'G36' else cls('off'))
def on(cls):
return cls('on')
def off(cls):
return cls('off')
def __init__(self, mode):
super(RegionModeStmt, self).__init__('RegionMode')
mode = mode.lower()
if mode not in ['on', 'off']:
raise ValueError('Valid modes are "on" or "off"')
self.mode = mode
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return 'G36*' if self.mode == 'on' else 'G37*'
class UnknownStmt(Statement):
""" Unknown Statement
def __init__(self, line):
Statement.__init__(self, "UNKNOWN")
self.line = line
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return self.line
def __str__(self):
return '<Unknown Statement: \'%s\'>' % self.line