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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# copyright 2015 Hamilton Kibbe <> and Paulo Henrique Silva
# <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from math import asin
import math
from .primitives import *
from .utils import validate_coordinates, inch, metric, rotate_point
# TODO: Add support for aperture macro variables
__all__ = ['AMPrimitive', 'AMCommentPrimitive', 'AMCirclePrimitive',
'AMVectorLinePrimitive', 'AMOutlinePrimitive', 'AMPolygonPrimitive',
'AMMoirePrimitive', 'AMThermalPrimitive', 'AMCenterLinePrimitive',
'AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive', 'AMUnsupportPrimitive']
class AMPrimitive(object):
""" Aperture Macro Primitive Base Class
code : int
primitive shape code
exposure : str
on or off Primitives with exposure on create a slid part of
the macro aperture, and primitives with exposure off erase the
solid part created previously in the aperture macro definition.
.. note::
The erasing effect is limited to the aperture definition in
which it occurs.
primitive : :class: `gerber.am_statements.AMPrimitive`
TypeError, ValueError
def __init__(self, code, exposure=None):
VALID_CODES = (0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21, 22, 9999)
if not isinstance(code, int):
raise TypeError('Aperture Macro Primitive code must be an integer')
elif code not in VALID_CODES:
raise ValueError('Invalid Code. Valid codes are %s.' %
', '.join(map(str, VALID_CODES)))
if exposure is not None and exposure.lower() not in ('on', 'off'):
raise ValueError('Exposure must be either on or off')
self.code = code
self.exposure = exposure.lower() if exposure is not None else None
def to_inch(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclass must implement `to-inch`')
def to_metric(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclass must implement `to-metric`')
def _level_polarity(self):
if self.exposure == 'off':
return 'clear'
return 'dark'
def to_primitive(self, units):
""" Return a Primitive instance based on the specified macro params.
print('Rendering {}s is not supported yet.'.format(str(self.__class__)))
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
class AMCommentPrimitive(AMPrimitive):
""" Aperture Macro Comment primitive. Code 0
The comment primitive has no image meaning. It is used to include human-
readable comments into the AM command.
.. seealso::
`The Gerber File Format Specification <>`_
**Section** Comment, primitive code 0
code : int
Aperture Macro primitive code. 0 Indicates an AMCommentPrimitive
comment : str
The comment as a string.
CommentPrimitive : :class:`gerber.am_statements.AMCommentPrimitive`
An Initialized AMCommentPrimitive
def from_gerber(cls, primitive):
primitive = primitive.strip()
code = int(primitive[0])
comment = primitive[1:]
return cls(code, comment)
def __init__(self, code, comment):
if code != 0:
raise ValueError('Not a valid Aperture Macro Comment statement')
super(AMCommentPrimitive, self).__init__(code)
self.comment = comment.strip(' *')
def to_inch(self):
def to_metric(self):
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return '0 %s *' % self.comment
def to_primitive(self, units):
Returns None - has not primitive representation
return None
def __str__(self):
return '<Aperture Macro Comment: %s>' % self.comment
class AMCirclePrimitive(AMPrimitive):
""" Aperture macro Circle primitive. Code 1
A circle primitive is defined by its center point and diameter.
.. seealso::
`The Gerber File Format Specification <>`_
**Section** Circle, primitive code 1
code : int
Circle Primitive code. Must be 1
exposure : string
'on' or 'off'
diameter : float
Circle diameter
position : tuple (<float>, <float>)
Position of the circle relative to the macro origin
CirclePrimitive : :class:`gerber.am_statements.AMCirclePrimitive`
An initialized AMCirclePrimitive
ValueError, TypeError
def from_gerber(cls, primitive):
modifiers = primitive.strip(' *').split(',')
code = int(modifiers[0])
exposure = 'on' if float(modifiers[1]) == 1 else 'off'
diameter = float(modifiers[2])
position = (float(modifiers[3]), float(modifiers[4]))
return cls(code, exposure, diameter, position)
def from_primitive(cls, primitive):
return cls(1, 'on', primitive.diameter, primitive.position)
def __init__(self, code, exposure, diameter, position):
if code != 1:
raise ValueError('CirclePrimitive code is 1')
super(AMCirclePrimitive, self).__init__(code, exposure)
self.diameter = diameter
self.position = position
def to_inch(self):
self.diameter = inch(self.diameter)
self.position = tuple([inch(x) for x in self.position])
def to_metric(self):
self.diameter = metric(self.diameter)
self.position = tuple([metric(x) for x in self.position])
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
data = dict(code=self.code,
exposure='1' if self.exposure == 'on' else 0,
return '{code},{exposure},{diameter},{x},{y}*'.format(**data)
def to_primitive(self, units):
return Circle((self.position), self.diameter, units=units, level_polarity=self._level_polarity)
class AMVectorLinePrimitive(AMPrimitive):
""" Aperture Macro Vector Line primitive. Code 2 or 20.
A vector line is a rectangle defined by its line width, start, and end
points. The line ends are rectangular.
.. seealso::
`The Gerber File Format Specification <>`_
**Section** Vector Line, primitive code 2 or 20.
code : int
Vector Line Primitive code. Must be either 2 or 20.
exposure : string
'on' or 'off'
width : float
Line width
start : tuple (<float>, <float>)
coordinate of line start point
end : tuple (<float>, <float>)
coordinate of line end point
rotation : float
Line rotation about the origin.
LinePrimitive : :class:`gerber.am_statements.AMVectorLinePrimitive`
An initialized AMVectorLinePrimitive
ValueError, TypeError
def from_primitive(cls, primitive):
return cls(2, 'on', primitive.aperture.width, primitive.start, primitive.end, 0)
def from_gerber(cls, primitive):
modifiers = primitive.strip(' *').split(',')
code = int(modifiers[0])
exposure = 'on' if float(modifiers[1]) == 1 else 'off'
width = float(modifiers[2])
start = (float(modifiers[3]), float(modifiers[4]))
end = (float(modifiers[5]), float(modifiers[6]))
rotation = float(modifiers[7])
return cls(code, exposure, width, start, end, rotation)
def __init__(self, code, exposure, width, start, end, rotation):
if code not in (2, 20):
raise ValueError('VectorLinePrimitive codes are 2 or 20')
super(AMVectorLinePrimitive, self).__init__(code, exposure)
self.width = width
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.rotation = rotation
def to_inch(self):
self.width = inch(self.width)
self.start = tuple([inch(x) for x in self.start])
self.end = tuple([inch(x) for x in self.end])
def to_metric(self):
self.width = metric(self.width)
self.start = tuple([metric(x) for x in self.start])
self.end = tuple([metric(x) for x in self.end])
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
fmtstr = '{code},{exp},{width},{startx},{starty},{endx},{endy},{rotation}*'
data = dict(code=self.code,
exp=1 if self.exposure == 'on' else 0,
return fmtstr.format(**data)
def to_primitive(self, units):
Convert this to a primitive. We use the Outline to represent this (instead of Line)
because the behaviour of the end caps is different for aperture macros compared to Lines
when rotated.
# Use a line to generate our vertices easily
line = Line(self.start, self.end, Rectangle(None, self.width, self.width))
vertices = line.vertices
aperture = Circle((0, 0), 0)
lines = []
prev_point = rotate_point(vertices[-1], self.rotation, (0, 0))
for point in vertices:
cur_point = rotate_point(point, self.rotation, (0, 0))
lines.append(Line(prev_point, cur_point, aperture))
return Outline(lines, units=units, level_polarity=self._level_polarity)
class AMOutlinePrimitive(AMPrimitive):
""" Aperture Macro Outline primitive. Code 4.
An outline primitive is an area enclosed by an n-point polygon defined by
its start point and n subsequent points. The outline must be closed, i.e.
the last point must be equal to the start point. Self intersecting
outlines are not allowed.
.. seealso::
`The Gerber File Format Specification <>`_
**Section** Outline, primitive code 4.
code : int
OutlinePrimitive code. Must be 6.
exposure : string
'on' or 'off'
start_point : tuple (<float>, <float>)
coordinate of outline start point
points : list of tuples (<float>, <float>)
coordinates of subsequent points
rotation : float
outline rotation about the origin.
OutlinePrimitive : :class:`gerber.am_statements.AMOutlineinePrimitive`
An initialized AMOutlinePrimitive
ValueError, TypeError
def from_primitive(cls, primitive):
start_point = (round(primitive.primitives[0].start[0], 6), round(primitive.primitives[0].start[1], 6))
points = []
for prim in primitive.primitives:
points.append((round(prim.end[0], 6), round(prim.end[1], 6)))
rotation = 0.0
return cls(4, 'on', start_point, points, rotation)
def from_gerber(cls, primitive):
modifiers = primitive.strip(' *').split(",")
code = int(modifiers[0])
exposure = "on" if float(modifiers[1]) == 1 else "off"
n = int(float(modifiers[2]))
start_point = (float(modifiers[3]), float(modifiers[4]))
points = []
for i in range(n):
points.append((float(modifiers[5 + i * 2]),
float(modifiers[5 + i * 2 + 1])))
rotation = float(modifiers[-1])
return cls(code, exposure, start_point, points, rotation)
def __init__(self, code, exposure, start_point, points, rotation):
""" Initialize AMOutlinePrimitive
for point in points:
if code != 4:
raise ValueError('OutlinePrimitive code is 4')
super(AMOutlinePrimitive, self).__init__(code, exposure)
self.start_point = start_point
if points[-1] != start_point:
raise ValueError('OutlinePrimitive must be closed')
self.points = points
self.rotation = rotation
def to_inch(self):
self.start_point = tuple([inch(x) for x in self.start_point])
self.points = tuple([(inch(x), inch(y)) for x, y in self.points])
def to_metric(self):
self.start_point = tuple([metric(x) for x in self.start_point])
self.points = tuple([(metric(x), metric(y)) for x, y in self.points])
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
data = dict(
exposure="1" if self.exposure == "on" else "0",
start_point="%.6g,%.6g" % self.start_point,
points=",\n".join(["%.6g,%.6g" % point for point in self.points]),
return "{code},{exposure},{n_points},{start_point},{points},{rotation}*".format(**data)
def to_primitive(self, units):
Convert this to a drawable primitive. This uses the Outline instead of Line
primitive to handle differences in end caps when rotated.
lines = []
prev_point = rotate_point(self.start_point, self.rotation)
for point in self.points:
cur_point = rotate_point(point, self.rotation)
lines.append(Line(prev_point, cur_point, Circle((0,0), 0)))
prev_point = cur_point
if lines[0].start != lines[-1].end:
raise ValueError('Outline must be closed')
return Outline(lines, units=units, level_polarity=self._level_polarity)
class AMPolygonPrimitive(AMPrimitive):
""" Aperture Macro Polygon primitive. Code 5.
A polygon primitive is a regular polygon defined by the number of
vertices, the center point, and the diameter of the circumscribed circle.
.. seealso::
`The Gerber File Format Specification <>`_
**Section** Polygon, primitive code 5.
code : int
PolygonPrimitive code. Must be 5.
exposure : string
'on' or 'off'
vertices : int, 3 <= vertices <= 12
Number of vertices
position : tuple (<float>, <float>)
X and Y coordinates of polygon center
diameter : float
diameter of circumscribed circle.
rotation : float
polygon rotation about the origin.
PolygonPrimitive : :class:`gerber.am_statements.AMPolygonPrimitive`
An initialized AMPolygonPrimitive
ValueError, TypeError
def from_primitive(cls, primitive):
return cls(5, 'on', primitive.sides, primitive.position, primitive.diameter, primitive.rotation)
def from_gerber(cls, primitive):
modifiers = primitive.strip(' *').split(",")
code = int(modifiers[0])
exposure = "on" if float(modifiers[1]) == 1 else "off"
vertices = int(float(modifiers[2]))
position = (float(modifiers[3]), float(modifiers[4]))
diameter = float(modifiers[5])
diameter = 0
rotation = float(modifiers[6])
return cls(code, exposure, vertices, position, diameter, rotation)
def __init__(self, code, exposure, vertices, position, diameter, rotation):
""" Initialize AMPolygonPrimitive
if code != 5:
raise ValueError('PolygonPrimitive code is 5')
super(AMPolygonPrimitive, self).__init__(code, exposure)
if vertices < 3 or vertices > 12:
raise ValueError('Number of vertices must be between 3 and 12')
self.vertices = vertices
self.position = position
self.diameter = diameter
self.rotation = rotation
def to_inch(self):
self.position = tuple([inch(x) for x in self.position])
self.diameter = inch(self.diameter)
def to_metric(self):
self.position = tuple([metric(x) for x in self.position])
self.diameter = metric(self.diameter)
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
data = dict(
exposure="1" if self.exposure == "on" else "0",
position="%.4g,%.4g" % self.position,
diameter='%.4g' % self.diameter,
fmt = "{code},{exposure},{vertices},{position},{diameter},{rotation}*"
return fmt.format(**data)
def to_primitive(self, units):
return Polygon(self.position, self.vertices, self.diameter / 2.0, 0, rotation=math.radians(self.rotation), units=units, level_polarity=self._level_polarity)
class AMMoirePrimitive(AMPrimitive):
""" Aperture Macro Moire primitive. Code 6.
The moire primitive is a cross hair centered on concentric rings (annuli).
Exposure is always on.
.. seealso::
`The Gerber File Format Specification <>`_
**Section** Moire, primitive code 6.
code : int
Moire Primitive code. Must be 6.
position : tuple (<float>, <float>)
X and Y coordinates of moire center
diameter : float
outer diameter of outer ring.
ring_thickness : float
thickness of concentric rings.
gap : float
gap between concentric rings.
max_rings : float
maximum number of rings
crosshair_thickness : float
thickness of crosshairs
crosshair_length : float
length of crosshairs
rotation : float
moire rotation about the origin.
MoirePrimitive : :class:`gerber.am_statements.AMMoirePrimitive`
An initialized AMMoirePrimitive
ValueError, TypeError
def from_gerber(cls, primitive):
modifiers = primitive.strip(' *').split(",")
code = int(modifiers[0])
position = (float(modifiers[1]), float(modifiers[2]))
diameter = float(modifiers[3])
ring_thickness = float(modifiers[4])
gap = float(modifiers[5])
max_rings = int(float(modifiers[6]))
crosshair_thickness = float(modifiers[7])
crosshair_length = float(modifiers[8])
rotation = float(modifiers[9])
return cls(code, position, diameter, ring_thickness, gap, max_rings, crosshair_thickness, crosshair_length, rotation)
def __init__(self, code, position, diameter, ring_thickness, gap, max_rings, crosshair_thickness, crosshair_length, rotation):
""" Initialize AMoirePrimitive
if code != 6:
raise ValueError('MoirePrimitive code is 6')
super(AMMoirePrimitive, self).__init__(code, 'on')
self.position = position
self.diameter = diameter
self.ring_thickness = ring_thickness = gap
self.max_rings = max_rings
self.crosshair_thickness = crosshair_thickness
self.crosshair_length = crosshair_length
self.rotation = rotation
def to_inch(self):
self.position = tuple([inch(x) for x in self.position])
self.diameter = inch(self.diameter)
self.ring_thickness = inch(self.ring_thickness) = inch(
self.crosshair_thickness = inch(self.crosshair_thickness)
self.crosshair_length = inch(self.crosshair_length)
def to_metric(self):
self.position = tuple([metric(x) for x in self.position])
self.diameter = metric(self.diameter)
self.ring_thickness = metric(self.ring_thickness) = metric(
self.crosshair_thickness = metric(self.crosshair_thickness)
self.crosshair_length = metric(self.crosshair_length)
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
data = dict(
position="%.4g,%.4g" % self.position,
fmt = "{code},{position},{diameter},{ring_thickness},{gap},{max_rings},{crosshair_thickness},{crosshair_length},{rotation}*"
return fmt.format(**data)
def to_primitive(self, units):
#raise NotImplementedError()
return None
class AMThermalPrimitive(AMPrimitive):
""" Aperture Macro Thermal primitive. Code 7.
The thermal primitive is a ring (annulus) interrupted by four gaps.
Exposure is always on.
.. seealso::
`The Gerber File Format Specification <>`_
**Section** Thermal, primitive code 7.
code : int
Thermal Primitive code. Must be 7.
position : tuple (<float>, <float>)
X and Y coordinates of thermal center
outer_diameter : float
outer diameter of thermal.
inner_diameter : float
inner diameter of thermal.
gap : float
gap thickness
rotation : float
thermal rotation about the origin.
ThermalPrimitive : :class:`gerber.am_statements.AMThermalPrimitive`
An initialized AMThermalPrimitive
ValueError, TypeError
def from_gerber(cls, primitive):
modifiers = primitive.strip(' *').split(",")
code = int(modifiers[0])
position = (float(modifiers[1]), float(modifiers[2]))
outer_diameter = float(modifiers[3])
inner_diameter = float(modifiers[4])
gap = float(modifiers[5])
rotation = float(modifiers[6])
return cls(code, position, outer_diameter, inner_diameter, gap, rotation)
def __init__(self, code, position, outer_diameter, inner_diameter, gap, rotation):
if code != 7:
raise ValueError('ThermalPrimitive code is 7')
super(AMThermalPrimitive, self).__init__(code, 'on')
self.position = position
self.outer_diameter = outer_diameter
self.inner_diameter = inner_diameter = gap
self.rotation = rotation
def to_inch(self):
self.position = tuple([inch(x) for x in self.position])
self.outer_diameter = inch(self.outer_diameter)
self.inner_diameter = inch(self.inner_diameter) = inch(
def to_metric(self):
self.position = tuple([metric(x) for x in self.position])
self.outer_diameter = metric(self.outer_diameter)
self.inner_diameter = metric(self.inner_diameter) = metric(
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
data = dict(
position="%.4g,%.4g" % self.position,
fmt = "{code},{position},{outer_diameter},{inner_diameter},{gap},{rotation}*"
return fmt.format(**data)
def _approximate_arc_cw(self, start_angle, end_angle, radius, center):
Get an arc as a series of points
start_angle : The start angle in radians
end_angle : The end angle in radians
radius`: Radius of the arc
center : The center point of the arc (x, y) tuple
array of point tuples
# The total sweep
sweep_angle = end_angle - start_angle
num_steps = 10
angle_step = sweep_angle / num_steps
radius = radius
center = center
points = []
for i in range(num_steps + 1):
current_angle = start_angle + (angle_step * i)
nextx = (center[0] + math.cos(current_angle) * radius)
nexty = (center[1] + math.sin(current_angle) * radius)
points.append((nextx, nexty))
return points
def to_primitive(self, units):
# We start with calculating the top right section, then duplicate it
inner_radius = self.inner_diameter / 2.0
outer_radius = self.outer_diameter / 2.0
# Calculate the start angle relative to the horizontal axis
inner_offset_angle = asin( / 2.0 / inner_radius)
outer_offset_angle = asin( / 2.0 / outer_radius)
rotation_rad = math.radians(self.rotation)
inner_start_angle = inner_offset_angle + rotation_rad
inner_end_angle = math.pi / 2 - inner_offset_angle + rotation_rad
outer_start_angle = outer_offset_angle + rotation_rad
outer_end_angle = math.pi / 2 - outer_offset_angle + rotation_rad
outlines = []
aperture = Circle((0, 0), 0)
points = (self._approximate_arc_cw(inner_start_angle, inner_end_angle, inner_radius, self.position)
+ list(reversed(self._approximate_arc_cw(outer_start_angle, outer_end_angle, outer_radius, self.position))))
# Add in the last point since outlines should be closed
# There are four outlines at rotated sections
for rotation in [0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0]:
lines = []
prev_point = rotate_point(points[0], rotation, self.position)
for point in points[1:]:
cur_point = rotate_point(point, rotation, self.position)
lines.append(Line(prev_point, cur_point, aperture))
prev_point = cur_point
outlines.append(Outline(lines, units=units, level_polarity=self._level_polarity))
return outlines
class AMCenterLinePrimitive(AMPrimitive):
""" Aperture Macro Center Line primitive. Code 21.
The center line primitive is a rectangle defined by its width, height, and center point.
.. seealso::
`The Gerber File Format Specification <>`_
**Section** Center Line, primitive code 21.
code : int
Center Line Primitive code. Must be 21.
exposure : str
'on' or 'off'
width : float
Width of rectangle
height : float
Height of rectangle
center : tuple (<float>, <float>)
X and Y coordinates of line center
rotation : float
rectangle rotation about its center.
CenterLinePrimitive : :class:`gerber.am_statements.AMCenterLinePrimitive`
An initialized AMCenterLinePrimitive
ValueError, TypeError
def from_primitive(cls, primitive):
width = primitive.width
height = primitive.height
center = primitive.position
rotation = math.degrees(primitive.rotation)
return cls(21, 'on', width, height, center, rotation)
def from_gerber(cls, primitive):
modifiers = primitive.strip(' *').split(",")
code = int(modifiers[0])
exposure = 'on' if float(modifiers[1]) == 1 else 'off'
width = float(modifiers[2])
height = float(modifiers[3])
center = (float(modifiers[4]), float(modifiers[5]))
rotation = float(modifiers[6])
return cls(code, exposure, width, height, center, rotation)
def __init__(self, code, exposure, width, height, center, rotation):
if code != 21:
raise ValueError('CenterLinePrimitive code is 21')
super(AMCenterLinePrimitive, self).__init__(code, exposure)
self.width = width
self.height = height
validate_coordinates(center) = center
self.rotation = rotation
def to_inch(self): = tuple([inch(x) for x in])
self.width = inch(self.width)
self.height = inch(self.height)
def to_metric(self): = tuple([metric(x) for x in])
self.width = metric(self.width)
self.height = metric(self.height)
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
data = dict(
exposure = '1' if self.exposure == 'on' else '0',
width = self.width,
height = self.height,
center="%.4g,%.4g" %,
fmt = "{code},{exposure},{width},{height},{center},{rotation}*"
return fmt.format(**data)
def to_primitive(self, units):
x =[0]
y =[1]
half_width = self.width / 2.0
half_height = self.height / 2.0
points = []
points.append((x - half_width, y + half_height))
points.append((x - half_width, y - half_height))
points.append((x + half_width, y - half_height))
points.append((x + half_width, y + half_height))
aperture = Circle((0, 0), 0)
lines = []
prev_point = rotate_point(points[3], self.rotation,
for point in points:
cur_point = rotate_point(point, self.rotation,
lines.append(Line(prev_point, cur_point, aperture))
return Outline(lines, units=units, level_polarity=self._level_polarity)
class AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive(AMPrimitive):
""" Aperture Macro Lower Left Line primitive. Code 22.
The lower left line primitive is a rectangle defined by its width, height, and the lower left point.
.. seealso::
`The Gerber File Format Specification <>`_
**Section** Lower Left Line, primitive code 22.
code : int
Center Line Primitive code. Must be 22.
exposure : str
'on' or 'off'
width : float
Width of rectangle
height : float
Height of rectangle
lower_left : tuple (<float>, <float>)
X and Y coordinates of lower left corner
rotation : float
rectangle rotation about its origin.
LowerLeftLinePrimitive : :class:`gerber.am_statements.AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive`
An initialized AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive
ValueError, TypeError
def from_gerber(cls, primitive):
modifiers = primitive.strip(' *').split(",")
code = int(modifiers[0])
exposure = 'on' if float(modifiers[1]) == 1 else 'off'
width = float(modifiers[2])
height = float(modifiers[3])
lower_left = (float(modifiers[4]), float(modifiers[5]))
rotation = float(modifiers[6])
return cls(code, exposure, width, height, lower_left, rotation)
def __init__(self, code, exposure, width, height, lower_left, rotation):
if code != 22:
raise ValueError('LowerLeftLinePrimitive code is 22')
super (AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive, self).__init__(code, exposure)
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.lower_left = lower_left
self.rotation = rotation
def to_inch(self):
self.lower_left = tuple([inch(x) for x in self.lower_left])
self.width = inch(self.width)
self.height = inch(self.height)
def to_metric(self):
self.lower_left = tuple([metric(x) for x in self.lower_left])
self.width = metric(self.width)
self.height = metric(self.height)
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
data = dict(
exposure = '1' if self.exposure == 'on' else '0',
width = self.width,
height = self.height,
lower_left="%.4g,%.4g" % self.lower_left,
fmt = "{code},{exposure},{width},{height},{lower_left},{rotation}*"
return fmt.format(**data)
class AMUnsupportPrimitive(AMPrimitive):
def from_gerber(cls, primitive):
return cls(primitive)
def __init__(self, primitive):
super(AMUnsupportPrimitive, self).__init__(9999)
self.primitive = primitive
def to_inch(self):
def to_metric(self):
def to_gerber(self, settings=None):
return self.primitive