
1273 wiersze
59 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 Hamilton Kibbe <>
# Copyright 2022 Jan Sebastian Götte <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import io
import sys
import re
import warnings
import copy
import bisect
import textwrap
import itertools
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile
from collections import defaultdict
import tempfile
from .excellon import ExcellonFile, parse_allegro_ncparam, parse_allegro_logfile
from .rs274x import GerberFile
from .ipc356 import Netlist
from .cam import FileSettings, LazyCamFile
from .layer_rules import MATCH_RULES
from .utils import sum_bounds, setup_svg, MM, Tag, convex_hull
from . import graphic_objects as go
from . import graphic_primitives as gp
'mechanical outline',
'top copper',
'top mask',
'top silk',
'top paste',
'bottom copper',
'bottom mask',
'bottom silk',
'bottom paste',
'copper': '#cccccc',
'mask': '#004200bf',
'paste': '#999999',
'silk': '#e0e0e0',
'drill': '#303030',
'outline': '#F0C000',
class NamingScheme:
kicad = {
'top copper': '{board_name}-F.Cu.gbr',
'top mask': '{board_name}-F.Mask.gbr',
'top silk': '{board_name}-F.SilkS.gbr',
'top paste': '{board_name}-F.Paste.gbr',
'bottom copper': '{board_name}-B.Cu.gbr',
'bottom mask': '{board_name}-B.Mask.gbr',
'bottom silk': '{board_name}-B.SilkS.gbr',
'bottom paste': '{board_name}-B.Paste.gbr',
'inner copper': '{board_name}-In{layer_number}.Cu.gbr',
'mechanical outline': '{board_name}-Edge.Cuts.gbr',
'drill unknown': '{board_name}.drl',
'drill plated': '{board_name}-PTH.drl',
'drill nonplated': '{board_name}-NPTH.drl',
'other comments': '{board_name}-Cmts.User.gbr',
'other drawings': '{board_name}-Dwgs.User.gbr',
'top fabrication': '{board_name}-F.Fab.gbr',
'bottom fabrication': '{board_name}-B.Fab.gbr',
'top adhesive': '{board_name}-F.Adhes.gbr',
'bottom adhesive': '{board_name}-B.Adhes.gbr',
'top courtyard': '{board_name}-F.CrtYd.gbr',
'bottom courtyard': '{board_name}-B.CrtYd.gbr',
'other netlist': '{board_name}.d356',
altium = {
'top copper': '{board_name}.gtl',
'top mask': '{board_name}.gts',
'top silk': '{board_name}.gto',
'top paste': '{board_name}.gtp',
'bottom copper': '{board_name}.gbl',
'bottom mask': '{board_name}.gbs',
'bottom silk': '{board_name}.gbo',
'bottom paste': '{board_name}.gbp',
'inner copper': '{board_name}.gp{layer_number}',
'mechanical outline': '{board_name}.gko',
'drill unknown': '{board_name}.drl',
'drill plated': '{board_name}.plated.drl',
'drill nonplated': '{board_name}.nonplated.drl',
'other comments': '{board_name}.gm2',
'other drawings': '{board_name}.gm3',
'top courtyard': '{board_name}.gm13',
'bottom courtyard': '{board_name}.gm14',
'top fabrication': '{board_name}.gm15',
'bottom fabrication': '{board_name}.gm16',
def _match_files(filenames):
matches = {}
for generator, rules in MATCH_RULES.items():
already_matched = set()
gen = {}
matches[generator] = gen
for layer, regex in rules.items():
for fn in filenames:
if fn in already_matched:
if (m := re.fullmatch(regex,, re.IGNORECASE)):
if layer == 'inner copper':
target = 'inner_' + ''.join(e or '' for e in m.groups()) + ' copper'
target = layer
gen[target] = gen.get(target, []) + [fn]
return matches
def _best_match(filenames):
matches = _match_files(filenames)
matches = sorted(matches.items(), key=lambda pair: len(pair[1]))
generator, files = matches[-1]
return generator, files
def identify_file(data):
""" Identify file type from file contents. Returns either of the string constants :py:obj:`excellon`,
:py:obj:`gerber`, or :py:obj:`ipc356`, or returns :py:obj:`None` if the file format is unclear.
:param data: Contents of file as :py:obj:`str`
:rtype: :py:obj:`str`
if 'M48' in data:
return 'excellon'
if 'G90' in data and ';LEADER:' in data: # yet another allegro special case
return 'excellon'
if 'FSLAX' in data or 'FSTAX' in data:
return 'gerber'
if 'UNITS CUST' in data:
return 'ipc356'
return None
def _common_prefix(l):
out = []
for cand in l:
score = lambda n: sum(elem.startswith(cand[:n]) for elem in l)
baseline = score(1)
if len(l) - baseline > 5:
for n in range(len(cand) if '.' not in cand else cand.index('.')+1, 2, -1):
if len(l) - score(n) < 5:
if not out:
return ''
return sorted(out, key=len)[-1]
def _do_autoguess(filenames):
prefix = _common_prefix([ for f in filenames])
matches = {}
for f in filenames:
name = _layername_autoguesser([len(prefix):] if else
if name != 'unknown unknown':
matches[name] = matches.get(name, []) + [f]
inner_layers = [ m for m in matches if 'inner' in m ]
if len(inner_layers) >= 2 and 'copper top' not in matches and 'copper bottom' not in matches:
if 'inner_01 copper' in matches:
warnings.warn('Could not find copper layer. Re-assigning outermost inner layers to top/bottom copper.')
matches['top copper'] = matches.pop('inner_01 copper')
last_inner = sorted(inner_layers, key=lambda name: int(name.partition(' ')[0].partition('_')[2]))[-1]
matches['bottom copper'] = matches.pop(last_inner)
return matches
def _layername_autoguesser(fn):
fn, _, ext = fn.lower().rpartition('.')
if ext in ('log', 'err', 'fdl', 'py', 'sh', 'md', 'rst', 'zip', 'pdf', 'svg', 'ps', 'png', 'jpg', 'bmp'):
return 'unknown unknown'
side, use = 'unknown', 'unknown'
if'top|front|pri?m?(ary)?', fn):
side = 'top'
use = 'copper'
if'bot(tom)?|back|sec(ondary)?', fn):
side = 'bottom'
use = 'copper'
if'silks?(creen)?|symbol', fn):
use = 'silk'
elif'(solder)?paste|metalmask', fn):
use = 'paste'
elif'(solder)?(mask|resist)', fn):
use = 'mask'
elif'drill|rout?e?', fn):
side = 'drill'
use = 'unknown'
if'np(th|lt)?|(non|un)\W*plated|(non|un)\Wgalv', fn):
use = 'nonplated'
elif'pth|plated|galv|plt', fn):
use = 'plated'
elif (m :='(la?y?e?r?|in(ner)?|conduct(or|ive)?)\W*(?P<num>[0-9]+)', fn)):
use = 'copper'
side = f'inner_{int(m["num"]):02d}'
elif'film', fn):
use = 'copper'
elif'out(line)?', fn):
use = 'outline'
side = 'mechanical'
elif 'ipc' in fn and '356' in fn:
use = 'netlist'
side = 'other'
elif 'netlist' in fn:
use = 'netlist'
side = 'other'
if side == 'unknown':
if'[^a-z0-9]a', fn):
side = 'top'
elif'[^a-z0-9]b', fn):
side = 'bottom'
return f'{side} {use}'
def _sort_layername(val):
(side, use), _layer = val
if side == 'top':
return -1
if side == 'bottom':
return 1e99
assert side.startswith('inner_')
return int(side[len('inner_'):])
class LayerStack:
""" :py:class:`LayerStack` represents a set of Gerber files that describe different layers of the same board.
:ivar graphic_layers: :py:obj:`dict` mapping :py:obj:`(side, use)` tuples to the Gerber layers of the board.
:py:obj:`side` can be one of :py:obj:`"top"`, :py:obj:`"bottom"`, :py:obj:`"mechanical"`, or a
numbered internal layer such as :py:obj:`"inner2"`. :py:obj:`use` can be one of
:py:obj:`"silk", :py:obj:`mask`, :py:obj:`paste` or :py:obj:`copper`. For internal layers,
only :py:obj:`copper` is valid.
:ivar board_name: Name of this board as parse from the input filenames, as a :py:obj:`str`. You can overwrite this
attribute with a different name, which will then be used during saving with the built-in file
naming rules.
:ivar netlist: The :py:class:`~.ipc356.Netlist` of this board, or :py:obj:`None`
:ivar original_path: The path to the directory or zip file that this board was loaded from.
:ivar was_zipped: True if this board was loaded from a zip file.
:ivar generator: A string containing an educated guess on which EDA tool generated this file. Example:
def __init__(self, graphic_layers=None, drill_pth=None, drill_npth=None, drill_layers=(), netlist=None,
board_name=None, original_path=None, was_zipped=False, generator=None, courtyard=False,
fabrication=False, adhesive=False):
if not drill_layers and (graphic_layers, drill_pth, drill_npth) == (None, None, None):
graphic_layers = {tuple(layer.split()): GerberFile()
for layer in ('top paste', 'top silk', 'top mask', 'top copper',
'bottom copper', 'bottom mask', 'bottom silk', 'bottom paste',
'mechanical outline')}
if courtyard:
graphic_layers = {('top', 'courtyard'): GerberFile(),
('bottom', 'courtyard'): GerberFile()}
if fabrication:
graphic_layers = {('top', 'fabrication'): GerberFile(),
('bottom', 'fabrication'): GerberFile()}
if adhesive:
graphic_layers = {('top', 'adhesive'): GerberFile(),
('bottom', 'adhesive'): GerberFile()}
drill_pth = ExcellonFile()
drill_npth = ExcellonFile()
self.graphic_layers = graphic_layers
self.drill_pth = drill_pth
self.drill_npth = drill_npth
self._drill_layers = list(drill_layers)
self.drill_mixed = None
self.board_name = board_name
self.netlist = netlist
self.original_path = original_path
self.was_zipped = was_zipped
self.generator = generator
def open(kls, path, board_name=None, lazy=False, overrides=None, autoguess=True):
""" Load a board from the given path.
* The path can be a single file, in which case a :py:class:`LayerStack` containing only that file on a custom
layer is returned.
* The path can point to a directory, in which case the content's of that directory are analyzed for their file
type and function.
* The path can point to a zip file, in which case that zip file's contents are analyzed for their file type and
* Finally, the path can be the string :py:obj:`"-"`, in which case this function will attempt to read a zip file
from standard input.
:param path: Path to a gerber file, directory or zip file, or the string :py:obj:`"-"`
:param board_name: Override board name for the returned :py:class:`LayerStack` instance instead of guessing the
board name from the found file names.
:param lazy: Do not parse files right away, instead return a :py:class:`LayerStack` containing` instances.
:param overrides: :py:obj:`dict` containing a filename regex to layer type mapping that will override
gerbonara's built-in automatic rules. Each key must be a :py:obj:`str` containing a regex, and
each value must be a :py:obj:`(side, use)` :py:obj:`tuple` of :py:obj:`str`.
:param autoguess: :py:obj:`bool` to enable or disable gerbonara's built-in automatic filename-based layer
function guessing. When :py:obj:`False`, layer functions are deduced only from
:rtype: :py:class:`LayerStack`
if str(path) == '-':
data_io = io.BytesIO(
return kls.from_zip_data(data_io, original_path='<stdin>', board_name=board_name, lazy=lazy)
path = Path(path)
if path.is_dir():
return kls.open_dir(path, board_name=board_name, lazy=lazy, overrides=overrides, autoguess=autoguess)
elif path.suffix.lower() == '.zip' or is_zipfile(path):
return kls.open_zip(path, board_name=board_name, lazy=lazy, overrides=overrides, autoguess=autoguess)
return kls.from_files([path], board_name=board_name, lazy=lazy, overrides=overrides, autoguess=False)
def open_zip(kls, file, original_path=None, board_name=None, lazy=False, overrides=None, autoguess=True):
""" Load a board from a ZIP file. Refer to :py:meth:`` for the meaning of the other
:param file: file-like object
:param original_path: Override the :py:obj:`original_path` of the resulting :py:class:`LayerStack` with the
given value.
:rtype: :py:class:`LayerStack`
tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
tmp_indir = Path( / 'input'
with ZipFile(file) as f:
inst = kls.open_dir(tmp_indir, board_name=board_name, lazy=lazy)
inst.tmpdir = tmpdir
inst.original_path = Path(original_path or file)
inst.was_zipped = True
return inst
def open_dir(kls, directory, board_name=None, lazy=False, overrides=None, autoguess=True):
""" Load a board from a directory. Refer to :py:meth:`` for the meaning of the options.
:param directory: Path of the directory to process.
:rtype: :py:class:`LayerStack`
directory = Path(directory)
if not directory.is_dir():
raise FileNotFoundError(f'{directory} is not a directory')
files = [ path for path in directory.glob('**/*') if path.is_file() ]
return kls.from_files(files, board_name=board_name, lazy=lazy, original_path=directory, overrides=overrides,
inst.original_path = directory
return inst
def from_files(kls, files, board_name=None, lazy=False, original_path=None, was_zipped=False, overrides=None,
""" Load a board from a directory. Refer to :py:meth:`` for the meaning of the options.
:param files: List of paths of the files to load.
:param original_path: Override the :py:obj:`original_path` of the resulting :py:class:`LayerStack` with the
given value.
:param was_zipped: Override the :py:obj:`was_zipped` attribute of the resulting :py:class:`LayerStack` with the
given value.
:rtype: :py:class:`LayerStack`
if autoguess:
generator, filemap = _best_match(files)
generator = 'custom'
if overrides:
filemap = {}
filemap = {'unknown unknown': files}
all_generator_hints = set()
if overrides:
for fn in files:
for expr, layer in overrides.items():
if re.fullmatch(expr,
if layer == 'ignore':
for entries in filemap.values():
if fn in entries:
if layer in filemap and fn in filemap[layer]:
filemap[layer] = filemap.get(layer, []) + [fn]
if sum(len(files) for files in filemap.values()) < 6 and autoguess:
warnings.warn('Ambiguous gerber filenames. Trying last-resort autoguesser.')
generator = None
filemap = _do_autoguess(files)
if len(filemap) < 6:
raise ValueError('Cannot figure out gerber file mapping. Partial map is: ', filemap)
excellon_settings, external_tools = None, None
if generator == 'geda':
# geda is written by geniuses who waste no bytes of unnecessary output so it doesn't actually include the
# number format in files that use imperial units. Unfortunately it also doesn't include any hints that the
# file was generated by geda, so we have to guess by context whether this is just geda being geda or
# potential user error.
excellon_settings = FileSettings(number_format=(2, 4))
elif generator == 'allegro':
# Allegro puts information that is absolutely vital for parsing its excellon files... into another file,
# next to the actual excellon file. Despite pretty much everyone else having figured out a way to put that
# info into the excellon file itself, even if only as a comment.
if 'excellon params' in filemap:
excellon_settings = parse_allegro_ncparam(filemap['excellon params'][0].read_text())
for file in filemap['excellon params']:
if (external_tools := parse_allegro_logfile(file.read_text())):
del filemap['excellon params']
# Ignore if we can't find the param file -- maybe the user has convinced Allegro to actually put this
# information into a comment, or maybe they have made Allegro just use decimal points like XNC does.
filemap = _do_autoguess([ f for files in filemap.values() for f in files ])
if len(filemap) < 6:
raise SystemError('Cannot figure out gerber file mapping')
# FIXME use layer metadata from comments and ipc file if available
elif generator == 'zuken':
filemap = _do_autoguess([ f for files in filemap.values() for f in files ])
if len(filemap) < 6:
raise SystemError('Cannot figure out gerber file mapping')
# FIXME use layer metadata from comments and ipc file if available
elif generator == 'altium':
if 'mechanical outline' in filemap:
# Use lowest-numbered mechanical layer as outline, ignore others.
mechs = {}
for layer in filemap['mechanical outline']:
filemap['mechanical outline'] = [layer]
if (m := re.match(r'.*\.gm([0-9]+)',, re.IGNORECASE)):
mechs[int(m[1])] = layer
filemap['mechanical outline'] = [sorted(mechs.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])[0][1]]
excellon_settings = None
ambiguous = [ f'{key} ({", ".join( for x in value)})' for key, value in filemap.items() if len(value) > 1 and not 'drill' in key ]
if ambiguous:
raise SystemError(f'Ambiguous layer names: {", ".join(ambiguous)}')
drill_pth, drill_npth = None, None
drill_layers = []
netlist = None
layers = {} # { tuple(key.split()): None for key in STANDARD_LAYERS }
for key, paths in filemap.items():
if len(paths) > 1 and not 'drill' in key:
raise ValueError(f'Multiple matching files found for {key} layer: {", ".join(value)}')
for path in paths:
id_result = identify_file(path.read_text())
if 'netlist' in key:
layer = LazyCamFile(Netlist, path)
elif ('outline' in key or 'drill' in key) and id_result != 'gerber':
if id_result is None:
# Since e.g. altium uses ".txt" as the extension for its drill files, we have to assume the
# current file might not be a drill file after all.
if 'nonplated' in key:
plated = False
elif 'plated' in key:
plated = True
plated = None
layer = LazyCamFile(ExcellonFile, path, plated=plated, settings=excellon_settings, external_tools=external_tools)
layer = LazyCamFile(GerberFile, path)
if not lazy:
layer = layer.instance
if key == 'mechanical outline':
layers['mechanical', 'outline'] = layer
elif 'drill' in key:
if 'nonplated' in key and drill_npth is None:
drill_npth = layer
elif 'plated' in key and drill_pth is None:
drill_pth = layer
elif 'netlist' in key:
if netlist:
warnings.warn(f'Found multiple netlist files, using only first one. Have: {}, got {}')
netlist = layer
side, _, use = key.partition(' ')
layers[(side, use)] = layer
if not lazy:
hints = set(layer.generator_hints) | { generator }
all_generator_hints |= hints
if len(hints) > 1:
warnings.warn('File identification returned ambiguous results. Please raise an issue on the '
'gerbonara tracker and if possible please provide these input files for reference.')
if not board_name:
board_name = _common_prefix([ for l in layers.values() if l is not None])
board_name = re.sub(r'^\W+', '', board_name)
board_name = re.sub(r'\W+$', '', board_name)
return kls(layers, drill_pth, drill_npth, drill_layers, board_name=board_name,
original_path=original_path, was_zipped=was_zipped, generator=[*all_generator_hints, None][0])
def save_to_zipfile(self, path, prefix='', overwrite_existing=True, board_name=None, naming_scheme={},
gerber_settings=None, excellon_settings=None):
""" Save this board into a zip file at the given path. For other options, see
:param path: Path of output zip file
:param overwrite_existing: Bool specifying whether override an existing zip file. If :py:obj:`False` and
:py:obj:`path` exists, a :py:obj:`ValueError` is raised.
:param board_name: Board name to use when naming the Gerber/Excellon files
:param prefix: Store output files under the given prefix inside the zip file
if path.is_file():
if overwrite_existing:
raise ValueError('output zip file already exists and overwrite_existing is False')
if gerber_settings and not excellon_settings:
excellon_settings = gerber_settings
with ZipFile(path, 'w') as le_zip:
for path, layer in self._save_files_iter(board_name=board_name, naming_scheme=naming_scheme):
with + str(path), 'w') as out:
def save_to_directory(self, path, naming_scheme={}, overwrite_existing=True, board_name=None,
gerber_settings=None, excellon_settings=None):
""" Save this board into a directory at the given path. If the given path does not exist, a new directory is
created in its place.
:param path: Output directory
:param naming_scheme: :py:obj:`dict` specifying the naming scheme to use for the individual layer files. When
not specified, the original filenames are kept where available, and a default naming
scheme is used. You can provide your own :py:obj:`dict` here, mapping :py:obj:`"side use"`
strings to filenames, or use one of :py:attr:`~.layers.NamingScheme.kicad` or
:param board_name: Board name to use when naming the Gerber/Excellon files
:param overwrite_existing: Bool specifying whether override an existing directory. If :py:obj:`False` and
:py:obj:`path` exists, a :py:obj:`ValueError` is raised. Note that a
:py:obj:`ValueError` will still be raised if the target exists and is not a
:param gerber_settings: :py:class:`` to use for Gerber file export. When not given, the input
file's original settings are re-used if available. If those can't be found anymore, sane
defaults are used. We recommend you set this to the result of
outdir = Path(path)
outdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=overwrite_existing)
if gerber_settings and not excellon_settings:
excellon_settings = gerber_settings
for path, layer in self._save_files_iter(board_name=board_name, naming_scheme=naming_scheme):
out = outdir / path
if out.exists() and not overwrite_existing:
raise SystemError(f'Path exists but overwrite_existing is False: {out}')
def _save_files_iter(self, board_name=None, naming_scheme={}):
board_name = board_name or self.board_name
if board_name is None:
import inspect
frame = inspect.currentframe()
if frame is None:
board_name = 'board'
while frame is not None:
import sys
if not frame.f_globals['__name__'].startswith('gerbonara'):
board_name = frame.f_code.co_name
del frame
old_frame, frame = frame, frame.f_back
del old_frame
def get_name(layer_type, layer):
nonlocal naming_scheme, board_name
if (m := re.match('inner_([0-9]+) copper', layer_type)):
layer_type = 'inner copper'
num = int(m[1])
num = None
if layer_type in naming_scheme:
path = naming_scheme[layer_type].format(layer_number=num, board_name=board_name)
elif layer.original_path and
path =
path = NamingScheme.kicad[layer_type].format(layer_number=num, board_name=board_name)
#ext = 'drl' if isinstance(layer, ExcellonFile) else 'gbr'
#path = f'{board_name}-{layer_type.replace(" ", "_")}.{ext}'
return path
for (side, use), layer in self.graphic_layers.items():
yield get_name(f'{side} {use}', layer), layer
if self.drill_pth is not None:
yield get_name('drill plated', self.drill_pth), self.drill_pth
if self.drill_npth is not None:
yield get_name('drill nonplated', self.drill_npth), self.drill_npth
for layer in self._drill_layers:
yield get_name('drill unknown', layer), layer
if self.netlist:
yield get_name('other netlist', self.netlist), self.netlist
def __str__(self):
names = [ f'{side} {use}' for side, use in self.graphic_layers ]
num_drill_layers = len(list(self.drill_layers))
return f'<LayerStack {self.board_name} [{", ".join(names)}] and {num_drill_layers} drill layers>'
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def to_svg(self, margin=0, side_re='.*', drills=True, arg_unit=MM, svg_unit=MM, force_bounds=None, colors=None, tag=Tag):
""" Convert this layer stack to a plain SVG string. This is intended for use cases where the resulting SVG will
be processed by other tools, and thus styling with colors or extra markup like Inkscape layer information are
unwanted. If you want to instead generate a nice-looking preview image for display or graphical editing in tools
such as Inkscape, use :py:meth:`~.layers.LayerStack.to_pretty_svg` instead.
WARNING: The SVG files generated by this function preserve the Gerber coordinates 1:1, so the file will be
mirrored vertically.
:param margin: Export SVG file with given margin around the board's bounding box.
:param side_re: A regex, such as ``'top'``, ``'bottom'``, or ``'.*'`` (default). Selects which layers to export.
The default includes inner layers.
:param drills: :py:obj:`bool` setting if drills are included (default) or not.
:param arg_unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``). Which unit ``margin`` and
``force_bounds`` are specified in. Default: mm
:param svg_unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``). Which unit to use inside the SVG file.
Default: mm
:param force_bounds: Use bounds given as :py:obj:`((min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y))` tuple for the output SVG
file instead of deriving them from this board's bounding box and ``margin``. Note that this
will not scale or move the board, but instead will only crop the viewport.
:param colors: Dict mapping ``f'{side} {use}'`` strings to SVG colors.
:param tag: Extension point to support alternative XML serializers in addition to the built-in one.
:rtype: :py:obj:`str`
if force_bounds:
bounds = svg_unit.convert_bounds_from(arg_unit, force_bounds)
bounds = self.bounding_box(svg_unit, default=((0, 0), (0, 0)))
stroke_attrs = {'stroke_linejoin': 'round', 'stroke_linecap': 'round'}
if colors is None:
colors = defaultdict(lambda: 'black')
tags = []
layer_transform = f'translate(0 {bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1]}) scale(1 -1)'
for (side, use), layer in reversed(self.graphic_layers.items()):
if re.fullmatch(side_re, side) and (fg := colors.get(f'{side} {use}')):
tags.append(tag('g', list(layer.svg_objects(svg_unit=svg_unit, fg=fg, bg="white", tag=Tag)),
**stroke_attrs, id=f'l-{side}-{use}', transform=layer_transform))
if drills:
if self.drill_pth and (fg := colors.get('drill pth')):
tags.append(tag('g', list(self.drill_pth.svg_objects(svg_unit=svg_unit, fg=fg, bg="white", tag=Tag)),
**stroke_attrs, id=f'l-drill-pth', transform=layer_transform))
if self.drill_npth and (fg := colors.get('drill npth')):
tags.append(tag('g', list(self.drill_npth.svg_objects(svg_unit=svg_unit, fg=fg, bg="white", tag=Tag)),
**stroke_attrs, id=f'l-drill-npth', transform=layer_transform))
if (fg := colors.get('drill unknown')):
for i, layer in enumerate(self._drill_layers):
tags.append(tag('g', list(layer.svg_objects(svg_unit=svg_unit, fg=fg, bg="white", tag=Tag)),
**stroke_attrs, id=f'l-drill-{i}', transform=layer_transform))
return setup_svg(tags, bounds, margin=margin, arg_unit=arg_unit, svg_unit=svg_unit, tag=tag)
def to_pretty_svg(self, side='top', margin=0, arg_unit=MM, svg_unit=MM, force_bounds=None, tag=Tag, inkscape=False,
colors=None, use=True):
""" Convert this layer stack to a pretty SVG string that is suitable for display or for editing in tools such as
Inkscape. If you want to process the resulting SVG in other tools, consider using
:py:meth:`~layers.LayerStack.to_svg` instead, which produces output without color styling or blending based on
SVG filter effects.
:param side: One of the strings :py:obj:`"top"` or :py:obj:`"bottom"` specifying which side of the board to
:param margin: Export SVG file with given margin around the board's bounding box.
:param arg_unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``). Which unit ``margin`` and
``force_bounds`` are specified in. Default: mm
:param svg_unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``). Which unit to use inside the SVG file.
Default: mm
:param force_bounds: Use bounds given as :py:obj:`((min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y))` tuple for the output SVG
file instead of deriving them from this board's bounding box and ``margin``. Note that this
will not scale or move the board, but instead will only crop the viewport.
:param tag: Extension point to support alternative XML serializers in addition to the built-in one.
:param inkscape: :py:obj:`bool` enabling Inkscape-specific markup such as Inkscape-native layers
:param colors: Colorscheme to use, or :py:obj:`None` for the built-in pseudo-realistic green solder mask default
color scheme. When given, must be a dict mapping semantic :py:obj:`"side use"` layer names such
as :py:obj:`"top copper"` to a HTML-like hex color code such as :py:obj:`#ff00ea`. Transparency
is supported through 8-digit color codes. When 8 digits are given, the last two digits are used
as the layer's alpha channel. Valid side values in the layer name strings are :py:obj:`"top"`,
:py:obj:`"bottom"`, and :py:obj:`"mechanical"` as well as :py:obj:`"inner1"`, :py:obj:`"inner2"`
etc. for internal layers. Valid use values are :py:obj:`"mask"`, :py:obj:`"silk"`,
:py:obj:`"paste"`, and :py:obj:`"copper"`. For internal layers, only :py:obj:`"copper"` is valid.
:param use: Enable/disable ``<use>`` tags for aperture flashes. Defaults to :py:obj:`True` (enabled).
:rtype: :py:obj:`str`
if colors is None:
use_use = use
colors_alpha = {}
for layer, color in colors.items():
if isinstance(color, str):
if re.match(r'#[0-9a-fA-F]{8}', color):
colors_alpha[layer] = (color[:-2], int(color[-2:], 16)/255)
colors_alpha[layer] = (color, 1)
colors_alpha[layer] = color
if force_bounds:
bounds = svg_unit.convert_bounds_from(arg_unit, force_bounds)
bounds = self.board_bounds(unit=svg_unit, default=((0, 0), (0, 0)))
filter_defs = []
for layer, (color, alpha) in colors_alpha.items():
<filter id="f-{layer}">
<feFlood result="flood-black" flood-color="black" flood-opacity="1"/>
<feFlood result="flood-green" flood-color="{color}"/>
<feBlend in="SourceGraphic" in2="flood-black" result="overlay" mode="normal"/>
<feBlend in="overlay" in2="flood-green" result="colored" mode="multiply"/>
<feColorMatrix in="overlay" type="matrix" result="alphaOut" values="0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
{alpha} 0 0 0 0"/>
<feComposite in="colored" in2="alphaOut" operator="in"/>
inkscape_attrs = lambda label: dict(inkscape__groupmode='layer', inkscape__label=label) if inkscape else {}
stroke_attrs = {'stroke_linejoin': 'round', 'stroke_linecap': 'round'}
layer_transform=f'translate(0 {bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1]}) scale(1 -1)'
use_defs = []
layers = []
for use in ['copper', 'mask', 'silk', 'paste']:
if (side, use) not in self:
warnings.warn(f'Layer "{side} {use}" not found. Found layers: {", ".join(side + " " + use for side, use in self.graphic_layers)}')
layer = self[(side, use)].instance
fg, bg = ('white', 'black') if use != 'mask' else ('black', 'white')
default_fill = {'copper': fg, 'mask': fg, 'silk': 'none', 'paste': fg}[use]
default_stroke = {'copper': 'none', 'mask': 'none', 'silk': fg, 'paste': 'none'}[use]
use_map = {}
if use_use:
for obj in layer.objects:
if hasattr(obj, 'aperture') and obj.polarity_dark and obj.aperture not in use_map:
children = [prim.to_svg(fg, bg, tag=tag)
for prim in obj.aperture.flash(0, 0, svg_unit, polarity_dark=True)]
use_id = f'a{len(use_defs)}'
use_defs.append(tag('g', children, id=use_id))
use_map[obj.aperture] = use_id
objects = []
for obj in layer.instance.svg_objects(svg_unit=svg_unit, fg=fg, bg=bg, aperture_map=use_map, tag=Tag):
if obj.attrs.get('fill') == default_fill:
del obj.attrs['fill']
elif 'fill' not in obj.attrs:
obj.attrs['fill'] = 'none'
if obj.attrs.get('stroke') == default_stroke:
del obj.attrs['stroke']
elif default_stroke != 'none' and 'stroke' not in obj.attrs:
obj.attrs['stroke'] = 'none'
if use == 'mask':
objects.insert(0, tag('path', id='outline-path', d=self.outline_svg_d(unit=svg_unit), fill='white'))
layers.append(tag('g', objects, id=f'l-{side}-{use}', filter=f'url(#f-{use})',
fill=default_fill, stroke=default_stroke, **stroke_attrs,
**inkscape_attrs(f'{side} {use}'), transform=layer_transform))
for i, layer in enumerate(self.drill_layers):
layers.append(tag('g', list(layer.instance.svg_objects(svg_unit=svg_unit, fg='white', bg='black', tag=Tag)),
id=f'l-drill-{i}', filter=f'url(#f-drill)', **stroke_attrs, **inkscape_attrs(f'drill-{i}'),
if self.outline:
layers.append(tag('g', list(self.outline.instance.svg_objects(svg_unit=svg_unit, fg='white', bg='black', tag=Tag)),
id=f'l-mechanical-outline', **stroke_attrs, **inkscape_attrs(f'outline'),
sc_y, tl_y = -1, (bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1])
if side == 'bottom':
sc_x, tl_x = -1, (bounds[0][0] + bounds[1][0])
sc_x, tl_x = 1, 0
layer_group = tag('g', layers, transform=f'translate({tl_x} {tl_y}) scale({sc_x} {sc_y})')
tags = [tag('defs', filter_defs + use_defs), layer_group]
return setup_svg(tags, bounds, margin=margin, arg_unit=arg_unit, svg_unit=svg_unit, pagecolor="white", tag=tag, inkscape=inkscape)
def bounding_box(self, unit=MM, default=None):
""" Calculate and return the bounding box of this layer stack. This bounding box will include all graphical
objects on all layers and drill files. Consider using :py:meth:`~.layers.LayerStack.board_bounds` instead if you
are interested in the actual board's bounding box, which usually will be smaller since there could be graphical
objects sticking out of the board's outline, especially on drawing or silkscreen layers.
:param unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``). Which unit to return results in. Default: mm
:param default: Default value to return if there are no objects on any layer.
:returns: ``((x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max))`` tuple of floats.
:rtype: tuple
return sum_bounds(( layer.bounding_box(unit, default=default)
for layer in itertools.chain(self.graphic_layers.values(), self.drill_layers) ), default=default)
def board_bounds(self, unit=MM, default=None):
""" Calculate and return the bounding box of this board's outline. If this board has no outline, this function
falls back to :py:meth:`~.layers.LayerStack.bounding_box`, returning the bounding box of all objects on all
layers and drill files instead.
:param unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``). Which unit to return results in. Default: mm
:param default: Default value to return if there are no objects on any layer.
:returns: ``((x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max))`` tuple of floats.
:rtype: tuple
if self.outline:
return self.outline.instance.bounding_box(unit=unit, default=default)
return self.bounding_box(unit=unit, default=default)
def offset(self, x=0, y=0, unit=MM):
""" Move all objects on all layers and drill files by the given amount in X and Y direction.
:param x: :py:obj:`float` with length to move objects along X axis.
:param y: :py:obj:`float` with length to move objects along Y axis.
:param unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``). Which unit ``x`` and ``y`` are specified
in. Default: mm
for layer in itertools.chain(self.graphic_layers.values(), self.drill_layers):
layer.offset(x, y, unit=unit)
def rotate(self, angle, cx=0, cy=0, unit=MM):
""" Rotate all objects on all layers and drill files by the given angle around the given center of rotation
(default: coordinate origin (0, 0)).
:param angle: Rotation angle in radians.
:param cx: :py:obj:`float` with X coordinate of center of rotation. Default: :py:obj:`0`.
:param cy: :py:obj:`float` with Y coordinate of center of rotation. Default: :py:obj:`0`.
:param unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``). Which unit ``cx`` and ``cy`` are specified
in. Default: mm
for layer in itertools.chain(self.graphic_layers.values(), self.drill_layers):
layer.rotate(angle, cx, cy, unit=unit)
def scale(self, factor, unit=MM):
""" Scale all objects on all layers and drill files by the given scaling factor. Only uniform scaling with one
common factor for both X and Y is supported since non-uniform scaling would not work with either arcs or
apertures in Gerber or Excellon files.
:param factor: Scale factor. :py:obj:`1.0` for no scaling, :py:obj:`2.0` for doubling in both directions.
:param unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``) for compatibility with other transform
methods. Default: mm
for layer in itertools.chain(self.graphic_layers.values(), self.drill_layers):
def merge_drill_layers(self):
""" Merge all drill layers of this board into a single drill layer containing all objects. You can access this
drill layer under the :py:attr:`.LayerStack.drill_mixed` attribute. The original layers are removed from the
board. """
target = ExcellonFile(comments=['Drill files merged by gerbonara'])
for layer in self.drill_layers:
if isinstance(layer, GerberFile):
layer = layer.to_excellon()
self.drill_pth = self.drill_npth = None
self.drill_mixed = target
def normalize_drill_layers(self):
""" Take everything from all drill layers of this board, and sort it into three new drill layers: One with all
non-plated objects, one with all plated objects, and one for all leftover objects with unknown plating. This
method replaces the board's drill layers with these three sorted ones. """
# TODO: maybe also separate into drill and route?
drill_pth, drill_npth, drill_aux = [], [], []
for layer in self.drill_layers:
if isinstance(layer, GerberFile):
layer = layer.to_excellon()
if layer.is_plated:
elif layer.is_nonplated:
pth_out, *rest = drill_pth or [ExcellonFile()]
for layer in rest:
npth_out, *rest = drill_npth or [ExcellonFile()]
for layer in rest:
unknown_out = ExcellonFile()
for layer in drill_aux:
for obj in layer.objects:
if obj.plated is None:
elif obj.plated:
self.drill_pth, self.drill_npth = pth_out, npth_out
self._drill_layers = [unknown_out] if unknown_out else []
def drill_layers(self):
""" Generator iterating all of this board's drill layers. """
if self.drill_pth:
yield self.drill_pth
if self.drill_npth:
yield self.drill_npth
if self._drill_layers:
yield from self._drill_layers
def drill_layers(self, value):
self._drill_layers = value
self.drill_pth = self.drill_npth = None
def __len__(self):
return len(self.graphic_layers)
def get(self, index, default=None):
if index in self:
return self[index]
return default
def __contains__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, str):
side, _, use = index.partition(' ')
return (side, use) in self.graphic_layers
elif isinstance(index, tuple):
return index in self.graphic_layers
return index < len(self.copper_layers)
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, str):
side, _, use = index.partition(' ')
return self.graphic_layers[(side, use)]
elif isinstance(index, tuple):
return self.graphic_layers[index]
return self.copper_layers[index][1]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
if isinstance(index, str):
side, _, use = index.partition(' ')
self.graphic_layers[(side, use)] = value
elif isinstance(index, tuple):
self.graphic_layers[index] = value
raise IndexError('Layer {index} not found. Valid layer indices are "{side} {use}" strings or (side, use) tuples.')
def add_layer(self, index):
self[index] = GerberFile()
def copper_layers(self):
""" Return all copper layers of this board as a list of ((side, use), layer) tuples. Returns an empty list if
the board does not have any copper layers. """
layers = [((side, use), layer) for (side, use), layer in self.graphic_layers.items() if use == 'copper']
return sorted(layers, key=_sort_layername)
def inner_layers(self):
""" Return all inner copper layers of this board as a list of ((side, use), layer) tuples. Returns an empty list
if the board does not have any inner layers. """
layers = [((side, use), layer) for (side, use), layer in self.graphic_layers.items() if side.startswith('inner')]
return sorted(layers, key=_sort_layername)
def top_side(self):
""" Return a dict containing the subset of layers from :py:meth:`~.layers.LayerStack.graphic_layers` that are on
the board's top side. Includes the board outline layer, if available. """
return { key: self[key] for key in ('top copper', 'top mask', 'top silk', 'top paste', 'mechanical outline') }
def bottom_side(self):
""" Return a dict containing the subset of layers from :py:meth:`~.layers.LayerStack.graphic_layers` that are on
the board's bottom side. Includes the board outline layer, if available. """
return { key: self[key] for key in ('bottom copper', 'bottom mask', 'bottom silk', 'bottom paste', 'mechanical outline') }
def outline(self):
""" Return this board's outline layer if available, or :py:obj:`None`. """
return self.get('mechanical outline')
def outline_svg_d(self, tol=0.01, unit=MM):
""" Return this board's outline as SVG path data.
:param tol: :py:obj:`float` setting the tolerance below which two points are considered equal
:param unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``). SVG document unit. Default: mm
chains = self.outline_polygons(tol, unit)
polys = []
for chain in chains:
outline = [ (chain[0].x1, chain[0].y1), *((elem.x2, elem.y2) for elem in chain) ]
arcs = [ (elem.clockwise, (, if isinstance(elem, gp.Arc) else None for elem in chain ]
poly = gp.ArcPoly(outline=outline, arc_centers=arcs)
polys.append(' '.join(poly.path_d()) + ' Z')
return ' '.join(polys)
def outline_convex_hull(self, tol=0.01, unit=MM):
points = []
for obj in self.outline.instance.objects:
if isinstance(obj, go.Line):
line = obj.as_primitive(unit)
points.append((line.x1, line.y1))
points.append((line.x2, line.y2))
elif isinstance(obj, go.Arc):
for obj in obj.approximate(tol, unit):
line = obj.as_primitive(unit)
points.append((line.x1, line.y1))
points.append((line.x2, line.y2))
return convex_hull(points)
def outline_polygons(self, tol=0.01, unit=MM):
""" Iterator yielding this boards outline as a list of ordered :py:class:`~.graphic_objects.Arc` and
:py:class:`~.graphic_objects.Line` objects. This method first sorts all lines and arcs on the outline layer into
connected components, then orders them such that one object's end point is the next object's start point,
flipping them where necessary. It yields one list of (likely mixed) :py:class:`~.graphic_objects.Arc` and
:py:class:`~.graphic_objects.Line` objects per connected component.
This method exists because the only convention in Gerber or Excellon outline files is that the outline segments
are *visually contiguous*, but that does not necessarily mean that they will be in any particular order inside
the G-code.
:param tol: :py:obj:`float` setting the tolerance below which two points are considered equal
:param unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str (``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``). SVG document unit. Default: mm
polygons = []
lines = [ obj.as_primitive(unit) for obj in self.outline.instance.objects if isinstance(obj, (go.Line, go.Arc)) ]
by_x = sorted([ (obj.x1, obj) for obj in lines ] + [ (obj.x2, obj) for obj in lines ], key=lambda x: x[0])
dist_sq = lambda x1, y1, x2, y2: (x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2
joins = {}
for cur in lines:
# Special case: An arc may describe a complete circle, in which case we have to return it as-is since it
# is the only primitive that can join itself.
if isinstance(cur, gp.Arc) and cur.is_circle:
yield [cur]
for (i, x, y) in [(0, cur.x1, cur.y1), (1, cur.x2, cur.y2)]:
x_left = bisect.bisect_left (by_x, x, key=lambda elem: elem[0] + tol)
x_right = bisect.bisect_right(by_x, x, key=lambda elem: elem[0] - tol)
selected = { elem for elem_x, elem in by_x[x_left:x_right] if elem != cur }
if not selected:
continue # loose end
nearest = sorted(selected, key=lambda elem: min(dist_sq(elem.x1, elem.y1, x, y), dist_sq(elem.x2, elem.y2, x, y)))[0]
d1, d2 = dist_sq(nearest.x1, nearest.y1, x, y), dist_sq(nearest.x2, nearest.y2, x, y)
j = 0 if d1 < d2 else 1
if (nearest, j) in joins and joins[(nearest, j)] != (cur, i):
warnings.warn(f'Three-way intersection on outline layer at: {(nearest, j)}; {(cur, i)}; and {joins[(nearest, j)]}. Falling back to returning the convex hull of the outline layer.')
return self.outline_convex_hull(tol, unit)
if (cur, i) in joins and joins[(cur, i)] != (nearest, j):
warnings.warn(f'three-way intersection on outline layer at: {(nearest, j)}; {(cur, i)}; and {joins[(nearest, j)]}. Falling back to returning the convex hull of the outline layer.')
return self.outline_convex_hull(tol, unit)
joins[(cur, i)] = (nearest, j)
joins[(nearest, j)] = (cur, i)
def flip_if(obj, cond):
if cond:
return obj.flip()
return obj
while joins:
(first, i), (cur, j) = joins.popitem()
del joins[(cur, j)]
l = [ flip_if(first, not i), flip_if(cur, j) ]
while cur != first and (cur, not j) in joins:
cur, j = joins.pop((cur, not j))
del joins[(cur, j)]
l.append(flip_if(cur, j))
yield l
def _merge_layer(self, target, source, mode='above'):
if source is None:
if self[target] is None:
self[target] = source
self[target].merge(source, mode)
def merge(self, other, mode='above'):
""" Merge ``other`` into ``self``, i.e. for all layers, add all objects that are in ``other`` to ``self``. This
resets :py:attr:`.import_settings` and :py:attr:`~.CamFile.generator` on all layers. Units and other
file-specific settings are handled automatically. For the meaning of the ``mode`` parameter, see
Layers are matched by their logical side and function as they are found in
:py:meth:`.LayerStack.graphic_layers`. Drill layers are normalized before merging, which splits them into
exactly three drill layers: An non-plated one, a plated one, and a (hopefully empty) unknown plating one.
all_keys = set(self.graphic_layers.keys()) | set(other.graphic_layers.keys())
exclude = { tuple(key.split()) for key in STANDARD_LAYERS }
all_keys = { key for key in all_keys if key not in exclude }
if all_keys:
warnings.warn('Cannot merge unknown layer types: {" ".join(all_keys)}')
for side in 'top', 'bottom':
for use in 'copper', 'mask', 'silk', 'paste':
if (side, use) in other:
self._merge_layer((side, use), other[side, use], mode)
our_inner, their_inner = self.copper_layers[1:-1], other.copper_layers[1:-1]
if bool(our_inner) != bool(their_inner):
warnings.warn('Merging board without inner layers into board with inner layers, inner layers will be empty on first board.')
elif our_inner and their_inner:
warnings.warn('Merging boards with different inner layer counts. Will fill inner layers starting at core.')
diff = len(our_inner) - len(their_inner)
their_inner = ([None] * max(0, diff//2)) + their_inner + ([None] * max(0, diff//2))
our_inner = ([None] * max(0, -diff//2)) + their_inner + ([None] * max(0, -diff//2))
new_inner = []
for ours, theirs in zip(our_inner, their_inner):
if ours is None:
elif theirs is None:
for i, layer in enumerate(new_inner, start=1):
self[f'inner_{i} copper'] = layer
self._merge_layer('mechanical outline', other['mechanical outline'])
if self.netlist:
self.netlist = other.netlist