import { createGlobalState, tryOnMounted, useIntervalFn, useRafFn, useStorage, useTimeoutFn, whenever } from '@vueuse/core' import { computed, ref, watch, watchEffect, type Ref } from 'vue' import { useTracks } from '~/composables/audio/tracks' import { setGain } from './audio-api' import { useQueue, currentIndex, currentTrack } from './queue' import { useStore } from '~/store' import axios from 'axios' import { useClamp } from '@vueuse/math' import useLogger from '~/composables/useLogger' // Looping export enum LoopingMode { None, LoopTrack, LoopQueue } // Pausing export enum PauseReason { UserInput, EndOfQueue, MediaSession, Errored, EndOfRadio } const logger = useLogger() const MODE_MAX = 1 + Math.max(...Object.values(LoopingMode).filter(mode => typeof mode === 'number') as number[]) export const looping: Ref = useStorage('player:looping', LoopingMode.None) export const toggleLooping = () => { looping.value += 1 looping.value %= MODE_MAX } // Is playing export const isPlaying = ref(false) // Use Player export const usePlayer = createGlobalState(() => { const { currentSound } = useTracks() const { playNext } = useQueue() const pauseReason = ref(PauseReason.UserInput) watchEffect(() => { const sound = currentSound.value if (!sound) return if (isPlaying.value) { return } pauseReason.value = PauseReason.UserInput return sound.pause() }) // Create first track when we initialize the page // NOTE: We want to have it called only once, hence we're using createGlobalState const initializeFirstTrack = createGlobalState(() => tryOnMounted(() => { const { initialize } = useTracks() initialize() const { trackRadioPopulating } = useQueue() trackRadioPopulating() trackListenSubmissions() })) // Volume const lastVolume = useStorage('player:last-volume', 0.7) const volume: Ref = useClamp(useStorage('player:volume', 0.7), 0, 1) watch(volume, (gain) => setGain(gain), { immediate: true }) const mute = () => { if (volume.value > 0) { lastVolume.value = volume.value volume.value = 0 return } if (lastVolume.value === 0) { volume.value = 0.7 return } volume.value = lastVolume.value } watchEffect(() => { const sound = currentSound.value if (!sound) return sound.looping = looping.value === LoopingMode.LoopTrack }) watch(currentSound, sound => { sound?.onSoundLoop(() => { currentTime.value = 0 }) }) // Duration const duration = ref(0) watchEffect(() => { const sound = currentSound.value if (sound?.isLoaded.value === true) { duration.value = sound.duration ?? 0 currentTime.value = sound.currentTime return } duration.value = 0 }) // Current time const currentTime = ref(0) useIntervalFn(() => { const sound = currentSound.value if (!sound) { currentTime.value = 0 return } currentTime.value = sound.currentTime }, 1000) // Submit listens const listenSubmitted = ref(false) const trackListenSubmissions = () => { const store = useStore() whenever(listenSubmitted, async () => { logger.log('Listening submitted!') if (!store.state.auth.authenticated) return if (!currentTrack.value) return await'history/listenings/', { track: }) .catch((error) => logger.error('Could not record track in history', error)) }) } watch(currentTime, (time) => { const sound = currentSound.value if (!sound) { listenSubmitted.value = false return } // listenSubmitted.value = time > Math.min(sound.duration / 2, 4 * 60) }) // Seeking const seekBy = async (seconds: number) => { const sound = currentSound.value if (!sound) return await sound.seekBy(seconds) currentTime.value = sound.currentTime } const seekTo = async (seconds: number) => { const sound = currentSound.value if (!sound) return await sound.seekTo(seconds) currentTime.value = sound.currentTime } // Buffer progress const bufferProgress = ref(0) useIntervalFn(() => { const sound = currentSound.value if (!sound) { bufferProgress.value = 0 return } bufferProgress.value = sound.buffered / sound.duration * 100 }, 1000) // Progress let lastProgress = 0 useRafFn(() => { const sound = currentSound.value const progress = sound ? +(sound.currentTime / sound.duration * 100).toFixed(Math.log(window.innerWidth)) : 0 if (progress !== lastProgress) { lastProgress = !isNaN(progress) ? progress : 0 for (const bar of document.querySelectorAll('.ui.progress')) {'--fw-track-progress', `${lastProgress}%`) } } }) // Loading const loading = computed(() => { const sound = currentSound.value if (!sound) return false return !sound.isLoaded.value }) // Errored const errored = computed(() => { const sound = currentSound.value if (!sound) return false return sound.isErrored.value }) const { start: startErrorTimeout, stop: stopErrorTimeout } = useTimeoutFn(() => { if (looping.value !== LoopingMode.LoopTrack) { return playNext() } isPlaying.value = false pauseReason.value = PauseReason.Errored }, 3000, { immediate: false }) watch(currentIndex, stopErrorTimeout) whenever(errored, startErrorTimeout) return { initializeFirstTrack, isPlaying, pauseReason, PauseReason, volume, mute, looping, LoopingMode, toggleLooping, duration, currentTime, seekBy, seekTo, bufferProgress, loading, errored } })