# Get help with Funkwhale The Funkwhale community is always happy to help! Choose the best place to contact us based on the type of problem you're having. - The [Funkwhale support chatroom](https://matrix.to/#/#funkwhale-support:tchncs.de) is the best place to ask quick questions and get immediate feedback. - The [Funkwhale forum](https://forum.funkwhale.audio/t/support) is the best place to investigate trickier problems that require a lot of investigation. - The [Funkwhale GitLab](https://dev.funkwhale.audio) is the best place to raise bugs in the project code. ```{note} Please go to the forum or chatroom before opening an issue in GitLab. The Funkwhale community will help you work out what the issue is and whether a fix needs to be applied. ``` Before you raise an issue, please check out the [other guides in this section](index.md) to see if you can resolve the issue. If you still need help, please provide as much detail as possible. This includes things like: - Screenshots or recordings of the issue. - Logs or error messages you found during your investigation. - Details about your installation: - Operating system - Web server - Installation method - Web browser