# Purge user data ```{warning} Purging a user's data removes all objects and caches associated to that user. This impacts users who have objects from these users in their libraries. ``` When users follow users from another domain their content is visible on your {term}`pod`. If a user posts illegal or offensive content you can purge the content associated with them. :::{dropdown} Required permissions :icon: key - {guilabel}`Moderation` – provides access to the administration and moderation menus. ::: To purge a user's content: ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Desktop :sync: desktop 1. Log in to your {term}`pod`. 2. Select the wrench icon ({fa}`wrench`) at the top of the sidebar to open the {guilabel}`Administration` menu. 3. Select {guilabel}`Moderation`. The {guilabel}`Reports` page opens. 4. Select {guilabel}`Accounts` at the top of the page. The {guilabel}`Accounts` page opens. You can see a list of known accounts on this page. 5. Select the checkbox ({fa}`square`) next to the account(s) you want to purge. Selected accounts show a tick ({fa}`check-square`). 6. Select {guilabel}`Purge` in the {guilabel}`Actions` dropdown. 7. Select {guilabel}`Go`. A {guilabel}`Do you want to launch purge on {count} element(s)` warning appears. 8. Select {guilabel}`Launch`. ::: :::{tab-item} Mobile :sync: mobile 1. Log in to your {term}`pod`. 2. Select the wrench icon ({fa}`wrench`) at the top of the screen to open the {guilabel}`Administration` menu. 3. Select {guilabel}`Moderation`. The {guilabel}`Reports` page opens. 4. Select {guilabel}`Accounts` at the top of the page. The {guilabel}`Accounts` page opens. You can see a list of known accounts on this page. 5. Select the checkbox ({fa}`square`) next to the account(s) you want to purge. Selected accounts show a tick ({fa}`check-square`). 6. Select {guilabel}`Purge` in the {guilabel}`Actions` dropdown. 7. Select {guilabel}`Go`. A {guilabel}`Do you want to launch purge on {count} element(s)` warning appears. 8. Select {guilabel}`Launch`. ::: :::: You're done! Your pod clears all the content associated with the selected users.