# Regenerate thumbnails We increased the quality of thumbnails from 70px to 95px in Funkwhale 1.0. This action removes visual artifacts that affect lower quality thumbnails. You can run the `funkwhale-manage` command line interface to generate new thumbnails. If you want to keep thumbnails at their original quality, add `THUMBNAIL_JPEG_RESIZE_QUALITY=70` to your `.env` file. ```{note} If you're using S3 storage, the `__sized__` folder is located in your S3 bucket. ``` To generate new thumbnails: ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Debian :sync: debian 1. SSH into your Funkwhale server. 2. Navigate to your Funkwhale directory. ```{code-block} sh cd /srv/funkwhale ``` 3. Delete the `__sized__` directory inside your `MEDIA_ROOT` directory. By default this is `/srv/funkwhale/data/media`. This directory contains the current thumbnails. ```{code-block} sh rm -r __sized__/ ``` 4. Run the `funkwhale-manage` command line interface to regenerate the thumbnails. ```{code-block} sh venv/bin/funkwhale-manage fw media generate-thumbnails ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Docker :sync: docker 1. SSH into your Funkwhale server. 2. Navigate to your Funkwhale directory. ```{code-block} sh cd /srv/funkwhale/ ``` 3. Delete the `__sized__` directory inside your `MEDIA_ROOT` directory. By default this is `/srv/funkwhale/data/media`. This directory contains the current thumbnails. ```{code-block} sh rm -r data/media/__sized__/ ``` 4. Run the `funkwhale-manage` command line interface to regenerate the thumbnails. ```{code-block} sh sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage fw media generate-thumbnails ``` ::: :::: The script generates new thumbnails for all album and artist art on your pod.