import type { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router' import settings from './settings' import library from './library' import content from './content' import manage from './manage' import store from '~/store' import auth from './auth' import user from './user' import { requireLoggedIn } from '~/router/guards' export default [ { path: '/', name: 'index', component: () => import('~/components/Home.vue'), beforeEnter (to, from, next) { if (store.state.auth.authenticated) return next('/library') return next() } }, { path: '/instance-chooser', name: 'instance-chooser', component: () => import('~/views/ChooseInstance.vue'), }, { path: '/index.html', redirect: to => { const { hash, query } = to return { name: 'index', hash, query } } }, { path: '/front', name: 'front', redirect: to => { const { hash, query } = to return { name: 'index', hash, query } } }, { path: '/about', name: 'about', component: () => import('~/components/About.vue') }, { // TODO (wvffle): Make it a child of /about to have the active style on the sidebar link path: '/about/pod', name: 'about-pod', component: () => import('~/components/AboutPod.vue') }, { path: '/notifications', name: 'notifications', component: () => import('~/views/Notifications.vue') }, { path: '/search', name: 'search', component: () => import('~/views/Search.vue') }, ...auth, ...settings, ...user, { path: '/favorites', name: 'favorites', component: () => import('~/components/favorites/List.vue'), props: route => ({ defaultOrdering: route.query.ordering, defaultPage: ? : undefined }), beforeEnter: requireLoggedIn() }, ...content, ...manage, ...library, { path: '/channels/:id', props: true, component: () => import('~/views/channels/DetailBase.vue'), children: [ { path: '', name: 'channels.detail', component: () => import('~/views/channels/DetailOverview.vue') }, { path: 'episodes', name: 'channels.detail.episodes', component: () => import('~/views/channels/DetailEpisodes.vue') } ] }, { path: '/subscriptions', name: 'subscriptions', component: () => import('~/views/channels/SubscriptionsList.vue'), props: route => ({ defaultQuery: route.query.q }) }, { path: '/:pathMatch(.*)*', name: '404', component: () => import('~/components/PageNotFound.vue') } ] as RouteRecordRaw[]