import type { Dispatch, Module } from 'vuex' import type { RootState } from '~/store/index' import axios from 'axios' import { CLIENT_RADIOS } from '~/utils/clientRadios' import useLogger from '~/composables/useLogger' export interface State { current: null | CurrentRadio running: boolean } export interface ObjectId { username: string fullUsername: string } export interface CurrentRadio { clientOnly: boolean session: null type: 'account' // TODO (wvffle): Find correct type customRadioId: unknown config: RadioConfig objectId: ObjectId } // TODO (wvffle): Find correct type export type RadioConfig = { type: 'tag', names: string[] } | { type: 'artist', ids: string[] } export interface PopulateQueuePayload { current: CurrentRadio playNow: boolean dispatch: Dispatch } const logger = useLogger() const store: Module = { namespaced: true, state: { current: null, running: false }, getters: { types: () => { return { 'actor-content': { name: 'Your content', description: 'Picks from your own libraries' }, random: { name: 'Random', description: "Totally random picks, maybe you'll discover new things?" }, favorites: { name: 'Favorites', description: 'Play your favorites tunes in a never-ending happiness loop.' }, 'less-listened': { name: 'Less listened', description: "Listen to tracks you usually don't. It's time to restore some balance." }, 'recently-added': { name: 'Recently Added', description: 'Newest content on the network. Get some fresh air.' } } } }, mutations: { reset (state) { state.running = false state.current = null }, current: (state, value) => { state.current = value }, running: (state, value) => { state.running = value } }, actions: { start ({ commit, dispatch }, { type, objectId, customRadioId, clientOnly, config }) { const params = { radio_type: type, related_object_id: objectId, custom_radio: customRadioId, config: config } if (clientOnly) { commit('current', { type, objectId, customRadioId, clientOnly, config }) commit('running', true) dispatch('populateQueue', true) return } return'radios/sessions/', params).then((response) => {'Successfully started radio ', type) commit('current', { type, objectId, session:, customRadioId }) commit('running', true) dispatch('populateQueue', true) }, () => { logger.error('Error while starting radio', type) }) }, stop ({ commit, state }) { if (state.current?.clientOnly) { CLIENT_RADIOS[state.current.type].stop() } commit('current', null) commit('running', false) }, async populateQueue ({ commit, rootState, state, dispatch }, playNow) { if (!state.running) { return } if (rootState.player.errorCount >= rootState.player.maxConsecutiveErrors - 1) { return } const params = { session: state.current?.session } if (state.current?.clientOnly) { return CLIENT_RADIOS[state.current.type].populateQueue({ current: state.current, dispatch, playNow }) } try { const response = await'radios/tracks/', params)'Adding track to queue from radio') await dispatch('queue/append', { track: }, { root: true }) if (playNow) { await dispatch('queue/last', null, { root: true }) await dispatch('player/resumePlayback', null, { root: true }) } } catch (error) { logger.error('Error while adding track to queue from radio', error) commit('reset') } } } } export default store