# Migrate to a new server You can migrate your Funkwhale installation if you are setting up a new server. This can be useful if you are moving to a different hosting provider or upgrading your server. In this guide we refer to your servers like this: ```{glossary} Original server The server on which you are running Funkwhale. Destination server The server to which you want to move your Funkwhale installation. ``` ```{note} Make sure you [back up your data](../upgrade_docs/backup.md) before proceeding. This ensures you don't lose anything during the migration. ``` ```{contents} :local: ``` ## Requirements To get started with your new setup, you need to do the following: - [Set up SSH access between both servers](https://kerneltalks.com/howto/establish-passwordless-ssh-between-two-servers/). - Install [rsync](https://linux.die.net/man/1/rsync) on the {term}`destination server`. ## 1. Install Funkwhale on your destination server Before you move your data, you need to install Funkwhale on your {term}`destination server`. ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Debian :sync: debian On your {term}`destination server`, follow the [installation guide](debian.md). Skip the following steps: - Don't enable the `unaccent` and `citext` extensions when you set up the database. - Don't run the `manage.py migrate` command to migrate the database. - Don't create a superuser. Once you have finished the installation, stop the Funkwhale services. These shouldn't be running when you copy your existing data over. ```{code-block} sh sudo systemctl stop funkwhale.target ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Docker :sync: docker On your {term}`destination server`, follow the [installation guide](docker.md). Skip the following steps: - Don't run the `manage.py migrate` command to migrate the database. - Don't create a superuser. Once you have finished the installation, stop the Funkwhale services. These shouldn't be running when you copy your existing data over. ```{code-block} sh docker-compose stop ``` ::: :::: ## 2. Create a database backup You need to create a database backup on your {term}`original server` so that you can migrate your database. To do this, run the following command: ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Debian :sync: debian ```{code-block} sh sudo -u postgres -H pg_dump funkwhale > /srv/funkwhale/dump.sql ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Docker :sync: docker ```{code-block} sh docker-compose exec postgres pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > dump.sql ``` ::: :::: ## 3. Copy files to your destination server Next, you can copy your files from your {term}`original server` to your {term}`destination server`. You need to copy the following data: - Your `.env` file. - The database backup. - The `/srv/funkwhale/data/media` directory. - The `/srv/funkwhale/data/music` directory. To do this: 1. Log in to your {term}`destination server`. 2. Export your server hostname or IP address and your user name on the server. In this example, the IP address is `` and the username is `funkwhale`. ```{code-block} sh export ORIGIN="" export USERNAME="funkwhale" ``` 3. Use `rsync` to copy the information to your {term}`destination server`. ```{code-block} sh rsync -a $username@$origin:/srv/funkwhale/data/media/ /srv/funkwhale/data/media/ rsync -a #Copy the media folder $username@$origin:/srv/funkwhale/data/music/ /srv/funkwhale/data/music/ rsync -a # Copy the music folder $username@$origin:/srv/funkwhale/config/.env /srv/funkwhale/config/ rsync -a # Copy the .env file $username@$origin:/srv/funkwhale/dump.sql /srv/funkwhale/ # Copy your database backup ``` ## 4. Restore your database backup When you've copied everything to the {term}`destination server`, you need to import your database backup. To do this: ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Debian :sync: debian Run the following on your {term}`destination server`: ```{code-block} sh sudo psql -d funkwhale dump.sql ``` When the import finishes, run the `manage.py migrate` command to set up the database. ```{code-block} sh cd /srv/funkwhale/api poetry run python manage.py migrate ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Docker :sync: docker You need to initialize the postgres container on your {term}`destination server`. To do this: 1. Export the permissions and create an `init.sql` database dump. ```{code-block} sh echo "CREATE DATABASE "funkwhale" WITH ENCODING 'utf8'; \ CREATE USER funkwhale; \ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE funkwhale TO funkwhale;" > init.sql # Create an init.sql file with the correct permissions docker-compose run --rm postgres psql -U postgres -d postgres < "init.sql" # Import the init.sql file ``` 2. Import your database backup. ```{code-block} sh docker-compose run --rm postgres psql -U postgres -d postgres < "dump.sql" ``` 3. When the import finishes, run the `manage.py migrate` command to set up the database. ```{code-block} sh docker-compose run --rm api python manage.py migrate ``` ::: :::: ## 5. Check your DNS settings Before you start Funkwhale on your {term}`destination server`, check your DNS changes have propagated. Once your hostname is pointing to your {term}`destination server's ` IP address, proceed to the next step. ## 6. Start your new Funkwhale installation Once you confirm DNS points to your {term}`destination server`, start the Funkwhale services: ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Debian :sync: debian ```{code-block} sh sudo systemctl start funkwhale.target ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Docker :sync: docker ```{code-block} sh docker-compose up -d ``` ::: :::: That's it! You've migrated your Funkwhale instance to a new server.