from import BaseCommand, CommandError from funkwhale_api.common import utils from funkwhale_api.federation import models as federation_models from import models as music_models MODELS = [ (music_models.Artist, ["fid"]), (music_models.Album, ["fid"]), (music_models.Track, ["fid"]), (music_models.Upload, ["fid"]), (music_models.Library, ["fid", "followers_url"]), ( federation_models.Actor, [ "fid", "url", "outbox_url", "inbox_url", "following_url", "followers_url", "shared_inbox_url", ], ), (federation_models.Activity, ["fid"]), (federation_models.Follow, ["fid"]), (federation_models.LibraryFollow, ["fid"]), ] class Command(BaseCommand): help = """ Find and replace wrong protocol/domain in local federation ids. Use with caution and only if you know what you are doing. """ def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "old_base_url", type=str, help="The invalid url prefix you want to find and replace, e.g 'http://baddomain'", ) parser.add_argument( "new_base_url", type=str, help="The url prefix you want to use in place of the bad one, e.g 'https://gooddomain'", ) parser.add_argument( "--noinput", "--no-input", action="store_false", dest="interactive", help="Do NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-dry-run", action="store_false", dest="dry_run", help="Commit the changes to the database", ) def handle(self, *args, **options): results = {} old_prefix, new_prefix = options["old_base_url"], options["new_base_url"] for kls, fields in MODELS: results[kls] = {} for field in fields: candidates = kls.objects.filter(**{f"{field}__startswith": old_prefix}) results[kls][field] = candidates.count() total = sum([t for k in results.values() for t in k.values()]) self.stdout.write("") if total: self.stdout.write( "Will replace {} found occurrences of '{}' by '{}':".format( total, old_prefix, new_prefix ) ) ) self.stdout.write("") for kls, fields in results.items(): for field, count in fields.items(): self.stdout.write( "- {}/{} {}.{}".format( count, kls.objects.count(), kls._meta.label, field ) ) else: self.stdout.write(f"No objects found with prefix {old_prefix}, exiting.") return if options["dry_run"]: self.stdout.write( "Run this command with --no-dry-run to perform the replacement." ) return self.stdout.write("") if options["interactive"]: message = ( "Are you sure you want to perform the replacement on {} objects?\n\n" "Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: " ).format(total) if input("".join(message)) != "yes": raise CommandError("Command canceled.") for kls, fields in results.items(): for field, count in fields.items(): self.stdout.write(f"Replacing {field} on {count} {kls._meta.label}…") candidates = kls.objects.all() utils.replace_prefix(candidates, field, old=old_prefix, new=new_prefix) self.stdout.write("") self.stdout.write("Done!"))