# Maloja plugin The **Maloja** plugin enables you to submit ({term}`scrobble `) listens to your Maloja server. [Maloja](https://github.com/krateng/maloja) is a self-hosted scrobbling service similar to [Last.fm](https://last.fm) and [ListenBrainz](https://listenbrainz.org). Check out [their documentation](https://github.com/krateng/maloja#how-to-install) to set up your own server. Scrobbling listens helps you build up a profile of your music tastes. It also enables you to keep a record of your listens. To set up the **Maloja plugin**: ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Desktop :sync: desktop 1. Log in to your account. 2. Select the cog icon ({fa}`cog`) or your avatar to expand the user menu. 3. Select {guilabel}`Settings`. 4. Scroll down to the {guilabel}`Plugins` section. 5. Select {guilabel}`Manage plugins`. 6. Find the {guilabel}`Maloja` plugin. 7. Toggle the {guilabel}`Enabled` switch. 8. Enter your {guilabel}`Maloja server URL`. This is the URL you set up for your Maloja server. 9. Enter {guilabel}`Your Maloja API key`. Check out [Maloja's documentation](https://github.com/krateng/maloja#how-to-scrobble) for more information. 10. Select {guilabel}`Save`. ::: :::{tab-item} Desktop :sync: desktop 1. Log in to your account. 2. Select the cog icon ({fa}`cog`) or your avatar to open the {guilabel}`Options` menu. 3. Select {guilabel}`Settings`. 4. Scroll down to the {guilabel}`Plugins` section. 5. Select {guilabel}`Manage plugins`. 6. Find the {guilabel}`Maloja` plugin. 7. Toggle the {guilabel}`Enabled` switch. 8. Enter your {guilabel}`Maloja server URL`. This is the URL you set up for your Maloja server. 9. Enter {guilabel}`Your Maloja API key`. Check out [Maloja's documentation](https://github.com/krateng/maloja#how-to-scrobble) for more information. 10. Select {guilabel}`Save`. ::: :::: That's it! You've set up the **Maloja** plugin. When you listen to tracks, the plugin sends the information to your Maloja server.