defmodule Backend.Util do @moduledoc false import Ecto.Query require Logger alias Backend.{Crawl, MostRecentCrawl, Repo} @doc """ Returns the given key from :backend, :crawler in the config. """ @spec get_config(atom) :: any def get_config(key) do Application.get_env(:backend, :crawler)[key] end @doc """ Takes two lists and returns a list of the union thereof (without duplicates). """ def list_union(list_one, list_two) do list_one |> |> (fn set -> MapSet.union(set, end).() |> MapSet.to_list() end @doc """ Returns `true` if `domain` ends with a blacklisted domain. If e.g. "" is blacklisted, allof its subdomains will return `true`. """ @spec is_blacklisted?(String.t()) :: boolean def is_blacklisted?(domain) do blacklist = case get_config(:blacklist) do nil -> [] other -> other end blacklist |> Enum.any?(fn blacklisted_domain -> String.ends_with?(domain, blacklisted_domain) end) end @doc """ Returns the key to use for non-directed edges (really, just the two domains sorted alphabetically) """ @spec get_interaction_key(String.t(), String.t()) :: String.t() def get_interaction_key(source, target) do [source, target] |> Enum.sort() |> List.to_tuple() end @doc """ Gets the current UTC time as a NaiveDateTime in a format that can be inserted into the database. """ def get_now do NaiveDateTime.truncate(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), :second) end @doc """ Returns the later of two NaiveDateTimes. """ @spec max_datetime(NaiveDateTime.t() | nil, NaiveDateTime.t() | nil) :: NaiveDateTime.t() def max_datetime(datetime_one, nil) do datetime_one end def max_datetime(nil, datetime_two) do datetime_two end def max_datetime(datetime_one, datetime_two) do case, datetime_two) do :gt -> datetime_one _ -> datetime_two end end @spec get_last_crawl(String.t()) :: Crawl.t() | nil def get_last_crawl(domain) do most_recent_crawl_subquery = MostRecentCrawl |> select([mrc], %{ most_recent_id: mrc.crawl_id }) |> where([mrc], mrc.instance_domain == ^domain) Crawl |> join(:inner, [c], mrc in subquery(most_recent_crawl_subquery), on: == mrc.most_recent_id ) |> end @spec get_last_crawl_timestamp(String.t()) :: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil def get_last_crawl_timestamp(domain) do crawl = get_last_crawl(domain) case crawl do nil -> nil _ -> crawl.inserted_at end end @doc """ Takes two maps with numeric values and merges them, adding the values of duplicate keys. """ def merge_count_maps(map1, map2) do map1 |> Enum.reduce(map2, fn {key, val}, acc -> Map.update(acc, key, val, &(&1 + val)) end) end @spec clean_domain(String.t()) :: String.t() def clean_domain(domain) do cleaned = domain |> String.replace_prefix("https://", "") |> String.trim_trailing("/") |> String.trim() |> String.downcase() Regex.replace(~r/(:\d+|\.)$/, cleaned, "") end def get_account(username, domain) do if username == nil or domain == nil do nil else "#{String.downcase(username)}@#{clean_domain(domain)}" end end @doc """ Converts a map with string keys to a map with atom keys. Be very careful with this -- only use it on maps where you know the keys! Never run it if the keys can be supplied by the user. """ # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] def convert_keys_to_atoms(map) do map |> {k, v} -> {String.to_atom(k), v} end) end @doc """ Gets and decodes a HTTP response. """ @spec get_and_decode(String.t(), Atom.t(), Integer.t()) :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, Jason.DecodeError.t() | HTTPoison.Error.t()} def get_and_decode(url, pool \\ :crawler, timeout \\ 15_000) do case HTTPoison.get(url, [{"User-Agent", get_config(:user_agent)}], hackney: [pool: pool], recv_timeout: timeout, timeout: timeout ) do {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}} -> Jason.decode(body) {:ok, %{status_code: 401}} -> Jason.decode("[]") {:ok, %{status_code: 404}} -> Jason.decode("[]") {:ok, %{body: body}} -> {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: "Non-200 response. Body: #{body}"}} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end @spec get_and_decode!(String.t()) :: any() def get_and_decode!(url) do case get_and_decode(url) do {:ok, decoded} -> decoded {:error, error} -> raise error end end @doc """ POSTS to a HTTP endpoint and decodes the JSON response. """ @spec post_and_decode(String.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, Jason.DecodeError.t() | HTTPoison.Error.t()} def post_and_decode(url, body \\ "") do case, body, [{"User-Agent", get_config(:user_agent)}], hackney: [pool: :crawler], recv_timeout: 15_000, timeout: 15_000 ) do {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: response_body}} -> Jason.decode(response_body) {:ok, _} -> {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: "Non-200 response"}} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end @spec post_and_decode!(String.t(), String.t()) :: any() def post_and_decode!(url, body \\ "") do case post_and_decode(url, body) do {:ok, decoded} -> decoded {:error, error} -> raise error end end @spec is_valid_domain?(String.t()) :: boolean def is_valid_domain?(domain) do Regex.match?(~r/^[\pL\d\.\-_]+\.[a-zA-Z]+$/, domain) end end