defmodule Backend.Api do @moduledoc """ Functions used in the API controllers. Most of these simply return data from the database. """ alias Backend.{Edge, Instance, Repo} import Backend.Util import Ecto.Query @type instance_sort_field :: :name | :user_count | :status_count | :insularity @type sort_direction :: :asc | :desc @spec get_instances(Integer.t() | nil, instance_sort_field | nil, sort_direction | nil) :: Scrivener.Page.t() def get_instances(page \\ nil, sort_field \\ nil, sort_direction \\ nil) do Instance |> where([i], not is_nil(i.type) and not i.opt_out) |> maybe_order_by(sort_field, sort_direction) |> Repo.paginate(page: page) end defp maybe_order_by(query, sort_field, sort_direction) do cond do sort_field == nil and sort_direction != nil -> query sort_field != nil and sort_direction == nil -> query |> order_by(desc: ^sort_field) sort_direction == :asc -> query |> order_by(asc_nulls_last: ^sort_field) sort_direction == :desc -> query |> order_by(desc_nulls_last: ^sort_field) true -> query end end @spec get_instance(String.t()) :: Instance.t() | nil def get_instance(domain) do Instance |> Repo.get_by(domain: domain) end @spec get_instance_with_relationships(String.t()) :: Instance.t() | nil def get_instance_with_relationships(domain) do Instance |> preload(:peers) |> preload(:federation_restrictions) |> Repo.get_by(domain: domain) end def update_instance(instance) do Repo.insert( instance, on_conflict: {:replace, [:opt_in, :opt_out]}, conflict_target: :domain ) end @doc """ Returns a list of instances that * have a user count (required to give the instance a size on the graph) * the user count is > the threshold * have x and y coordinates If `domain` is passed, then this function only returns nodes that are neighbors of that instance. """ @spec list_nodes() :: [Instance.t()] def list_nodes(domain \\ nil) do user_threshold = get_config(:personal_instance_threshold) Instance |> where( [i], not is_nil(i.x) and not is_nil(i.y) and not is_nil(i.user_count) and (i.user_count >= ^user_threshold or i.opt_in) and not i.opt_out ) |> maybe_filter_nodes_to_neighborhood(domain) |> select([c], [:domain, :user_count, :x, :y, :type, :statuses_per_day]) |> Repo.all() end # if we're getting the sub-graph around a given domain, only return neighbors. defp maybe_filter_nodes_to_neighborhood(query, domain) do case domain do nil -> query _ -> query |> join(:inner, [i], outgoing_edges in Edge, on: outgoing_edges.source_domain == i.domain) |> join(:inner, [i], incoming_edges in Edge, on: incoming_edges.target_domain == i.domain) |> where( [i, outgoing_edges, incoming_edges], outgoing_edges.target_domain == ^domain or incoming_edges.source_domain == ^domain or i.domain == ^domain ) |> distinct(true) end end @spec list_edges() :: [Edge.t()] # credo:disable-for-next-line Credo.Check.Refactor.CyclomaticComplexity def list_edges(domain \\ nil) do user_threshold = get_config(:personal_instance_threshold) Edge |> join(:inner, [e], i1 in Instance, on: e.source_domain == i1.domain) |> join(:inner, [e], i2 in Instance, on: e.target_domain == i2.domain) |> maybe_filter_edges_to_neighborhood(domain) |> select([e], [:id, :source_domain, :target_domain, :weight]) |> where( [e, i1, i2], not is_nil(i1.x) and not is_nil(i1.y) and not is_nil(i2.x) and not is_nil(i2.y) and (i1.user_count >= ^user_threshold or i1.opt_in) and (i2.user_count >= ^user_threshold or i2.opt_in) and not i1.opt_out and not i2.opt_out ) |> Repo.all() end defp maybe_filter_edges_to_neighborhood(query, domain) do case domain do nil -> query _ -> # we want all edges in the neighborhood -- not just edges connected to `domain` query |> join(:inner, [e], neighbor_edges in Edge, on: neighbor_edges.source_domain == e.target_domain or neighbor_edges.target_domain == e.source_domain ) |> where( [e, i1, i2, neighbor_edges], e.source_domain == ^domain or e.target_domain == ^domain or neighbor_edges.source_domain == ^domain or neighbor_edges.target_domain == ^domain ) |> distinct(true) end end def search_instances(query, filters, from \\ 0) do page_size = 50 search_response = Backend.Elasticsearch.Cluster, "/instances/_search", build_es_query(query, filters, page_size, from) ) with {:ok, result} <- search_response do hits = get_in(result, ["hits", "hits"]) |> h -> h |> Map.get("_source") |> convert_keys_to_atoms() end) next = if length(hits) < page_size do nil else from + page_size end %{ hits: hits, next: next } end end defp build_es_query(query, filters, page_size, from) do opt_out_filter = %{"term" => %{"opt_out" => "false"}} filters = [opt_out_filter | filters] %{ "sort" => "_score", "from" => from, "size" => page_size, # This must be >0, otherwise all documents will be returned "min_score" => 1, "query" => %{ "bool" => %{ "filter" => filters, "should" => [ %{ "multi_match" => %{ "query" => query, "fields" => [ "description.*", "domain.english" ] } }, %{ # If the query exactly matches a domain, that instance should always be the first result. "wildcard" => %{ "domain.keyword" => %{ "value" => query, "boost" => 100 } } }, %{ # Give substring matches in domains a large boost, too. "wildcard" => %{ "domain.keyword" => %{ "value" => "*#{query}*", "boost" => 10 } } } ] } } } end end