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2022-01-01 19:37:33 +00:00
# FediSearch
Search accounts and channels to follow on Fediverse
App makes queries to Fedistore app using graphql api.
2022-01-01 19:37:33 +00:00
Only fulltext search is currently supported. More precise filtering is planned for one of the future releases.
## Config
Configuration is done using environmental variables or command flags
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| Env variable | Command argument | Description | Value example | Default value |
| `MATOMO_URL` | `--matomo-url` | _Optional_ url of Matomo server for collecting usage statistics. Leaving it empty disables collecting analytics. | `https://matomo.myserver.tld` | empty |
| `MATOMO_SITE_ID` | `--matomo-site-id` | _Optional_ Matomo site id parameter for collecting usage statistics. Leaving it empty disables collecting analytics. | `8` | `0` |
| `GRAPHQL_URL` | `--graphql-url` | *Required* Fedistore graphql api url | `https://fedistore.example/api` | `/api/graphql` |
2022-01-01 19:37:33 +00:00
## Deploy
App is designed to be run in docker container and deployed using docker-compose. More info can be found
in [FediSearch example docker-compose](https://github.com/Stopka/fedisearch-compose) project