import { ElasticClient } from '../ElasticClient' import nodeIndex from '../Definitions/nodeIndex' import Node from '../Definitions/Node' const findNodeWithOldestRefreshWithLimits = async (elastic: ElasticClient): Promise => { const currentTimestamp = const attemptLimitMilliseconds = parseInt(process.env.REATTEMPT_MINUTES ?? '60') * 60 * 1000 const attemptLimitDate = new Date(currentTimestamp - attemptLimitMilliseconds) const refreshLimitMilliseconds = parseInt(process.env.REFRESH_HOURS ?? '168') * 60 * 60 * 1000 const refreshLimitDate = new Date(currentTimestamp - refreshLimitMilliseconds) console.log('Searching instance not refreshed for longest time and before refreshLimit and attemptLimit', { refreshLimitMilliseconds, refreshLimitDate, attemptLimitDate, attemptLimitMilliseconds }) const result = await{ index: nodeIndex, body: { size: 1, sort: [{ refreshedAt: { order: 'asc' } }], query: { bool: { must: [ { range: { refreshedAt: { lt: refreshLimitDate.getTime() } } } ], should: [ { range: { refreshAttemptedAt: { lt: attemptLimitDate.getTime() } } }, { bool: { must_not: [{ exists: { field: 'refreshAttemptedAt' } }] } } ], minimum_should_match: 1 } } } }) if (result.hits.hits.length > 0) { const node = result.hits.hits[0]._source console.log('Found oldest node', { node }) return node } return null } export default findNodeWithOldestRefreshWithLimits