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# https://book.huihoo.com/iptables-tutorial/c3742.htm
# Tables: raw, mangle, nat, filter
from typing import Generator
import argparse
# Determine How To Handle Traffic
def generate_iptable_rules(addresses: list[dict], args: argparse.Namespace) -> Generator[str, dict, None]:
if args.policy == "DNAT":
return redirect_traffic(addresses=addresses, args=args)
return filter_traffic(addresses=addresses, args=args)
# For Redirecting Traffic
def redirect_traffic(addresses: list[dict], args: argparse.Namespace) -> Generator[str, dict, None]:
# sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s -j DNAT --to-destination :8080
# Commands
sudo: str = args.sudo_path
iptables: str = args.iptables_path
ip6tables: str = args.ip6tables_path
# Variables
chain_name: str = "PROTECT_FEDI"
firewall_chain_name: str = "PROTECT_FEDI_FIREWALL"
policy: str = args.policy
destination: str = args.destination
destination_port: str = destination.split(":")[1] if ":" in destination else None
is_destination_self: bool = True if destination.startswith(":") else False
protocol: str = args.protocol
handle_firewall: bool = args.handle_firewall
# IP Tables Setup
create_chain: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t nat -N {chain_name}"
delete_chain: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t nat -X {chain_name}"
empty_chain: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t nat -F {chain_name}"
add_chain_to_prerouting_packets: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -j {chain_name}"
remove_chain_from_prerouting_packets: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t nat -D PREROUTING -j {chain_name}"
# IP Tables Firewall Setup
create_chain_firewall: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -N {firewall_chain_name}"
delete_chain_firewall: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -X {firewall_chain_name}"
empty_chain_firewall: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -F {firewall_chain_name}"
add_firewall_chain_to_incoming_packets: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -I INPUT 1 -j {firewall_chain_name}"
remove_firewall_chain_from_incoming_packets: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -D INPUT -j {firewall_chain_name}"
open_port_firewall: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -A {firewall_chain_name} -p {protocol} -m {protocol} --dport {destination_port} -j ACCEPT"
close_port_firewall: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -D {firewall_chain_name} -p {protocol} -m {protocol} --dport {destination_port} -j ACCEPT"
# IPV6 Tables Setup
create_chain_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t nat -N {chain_name}"
delete_chain_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t nat -X {chain_name}"
empty_chain_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t nat -F {chain_name}"
add_chain_to_prerouting_packets_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -j {chain_name}"
remove_chain_from_prerouting_packets_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t nat -D PREROUTING -j {chain_name}"
# IPV6 Tables Firewall Setup
create_chain_firewall_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -N {firewall_chain_name}"
delete_chain_firewall_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -X {firewall_chain_name}"
empty_chain_firewall_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -F {firewall_chain_name}"
add_firewall_chain_to_incoming_packets_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -I INPUT 1 -j {firewall_chain_name}"
remove_firewall_chain_from_incoming_packets_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -D INPUT -j {firewall_chain_name}"
open_port_firewall_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -A {firewall_chain_name} -p {protocol} -m {protocol} --dport {destination_port} -j ACCEPT"
close_port_firewall_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -D {firewall_chain_name} -p {protocol} -m {protocol} --dport {destination_port} -j ACCEPT"
# Route Strings
handle_route: str = "{sudo} {iptables} -t nat -A {chain_name} -p {protocol} -m {protocol} -s {address} -j {policy} --to-destination {destination}"
handle_route_v6: str = "{sudo} {ip6tables} -t nat -A {chain_name} -p {protocol} -m {protocol} -s {address} -j {policy} --to-destination {destination}"
# Only run this when handling firewall
if handle_firewall and is_destination_self and destination_port is not None:
# Open Firewall Stage
yield close_port_firewall
yield empty_chain_firewall
yield remove_firewall_chain_from_incoming_packets
yield delete_chain_firewall
yield create_chain_firewall
yield add_firewall_chain_to_incoming_packets
yield open_port_firewall
# Open IPV6 Firewall Stage
yield close_port_firewall_v6
yield empty_chain_firewall_v6
yield remove_firewall_chain_from_incoming_packets_v6
yield delete_chain_firewall_v6
yield create_chain_firewall_v6
yield add_firewall_chain_to_incoming_packets_v6
yield open_port_firewall_v6
# Setup Stage
yield empty_chain
yield remove_chain_from_prerouting_packets
yield delete_chain
yield create_chain
yield add_chain_to_prerouting_packets
# Setup IPV6 Stage
yield empty_chain_v6
yield remove_chain_from_prerouting_packets_v6
yield delete_chain_v6
yield create_chain_v6
yield add_chain_to_prerouting_packets_v6
# I was going to pipe data directly from one generator to the other, but that made the code far more complex than is needed
# If the addresses list get's large enough to warrant piping, it may be time to look into another method of handling blocking Meta
for address in addresses:
if type(address) is dict and "route" in address:
if "ip_version" in address and address["ip_version"] == 6:
yield handle_route_v6.format(sudo=sudo, ip6tables=ip6tables, chain_name=chain_name, address=address["route"], policy=policy, protocol=protocol, destination=destination)
yield handle_route.format(sudo=sudo, iptables=iptables, chain_name=chain_name, address=address["route"], policy=policy, protocol=protocol, destination=destination)
# For Filtering Traffic
def filter_traffic(addresses: list[dict], args: argparse.Namespace) -> Generator[str, dict, None]:
# Commands
sudo: str = args.sudo_path
iptables: str = args.iptables_path
ip6tables: str = args.ip6tables_path
# Variables
chain_name: str = "PROTECT_FEDI"
policy: str = args.policy # REJECT tells the server you're dropping them, DROP is more evil in that you drop the connection silently
# IP Tables Setup
create_chain: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -N {chain_name}"
delete_chain: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -X {chain_name}"
empty_chain: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -F {chain_name}"
add_chain_to_incoming_packets: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -I INPUT 1 -j {chain_name}"
remove_chain_from_incoming_packets: str = f"{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -D INPUT -j {chain_name}"
# IPV6 Tables Setup
create_chain_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -N {chain_name}"
delete_chain_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -X {chain_name}"
empty_chain_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -F {chain_name}"
add_chain_to_incoming_packets_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -I INPUT 1 -j {chain_name}"
remove_chain_from_incoming_packets_v6: str = f"{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -D INPUT -j {chain_name}"
# Route Strings
handle_route: str = "{sudo} {iptables} -t filter -A {chain_name} -s {address} -j {policy}"
handle_route_v6: str = "{sudo} {ip6tables} -t filter -A {chain_name} -s {address} -j {policy}"
# Setup Stage
yield empty_chain
yield remove_chain_from_incoming_packets
yield delete_chain
yield create_chain
yield add_chain_to_incoming_packets
# Setup IPV6 Stage
yield empty_chain_v6
yield remove_chain_from_incoming_packets_v6
yield delete_chain_v6
yield create_chain_v6
yield add_chain_to_incoming_packets_v6
# I was going to pipe data directly from one generator to the other, but that made the code far more complex than is needed
# If the addresses list get's large enough to warrant piping, it may be time to look into another method of handling blocking Meta
for address in addresses:
if type(address) is dict and "route" in address:
if "ip_version" in address and address["ip_version"] == 6:
yield handle_route_v6.format(sudo=sudo, ip6tables=ip6tables, chain_name=chain_name, address=address["route"], policy=policy)
yield handle_route.format(sudo=sudo, iptables=iptables, chain_name=chain_name, address=address["route"], policy=policy)