from unittest.mock import patch from pprint import pprint # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from Crypto.PublicKey.RSA import RsaKey from federation.entities.activitypub.constants import ( CONTEXTS_DEFAULT, CONTEXT_MANUALLY_APPROVES_FOLLOWERS, CONTEXT_LD_SIGNATURES, CONTEXT_DIASPORA) from federation.entities.activitypub.entities import ActivitypubAccept from federation.tests.fixtures.keys import PUBKEY from federation.types import UserType class TestEntitiesConvertToAS2: def test_accept_to_as2(self, activitypubaccept): result = activitypubaccept.to_as2() assert result == { "@context": CONTEXTS_DEFAULT, "id": "https://localhost/accept", "type": "Accept", "actor": "https://localhost/profile", "object": { "@context": CONTEXTS_DEFAULT, "id": "https://localhost/follow", "type": "Follow", "actor": "https://localhost/profile", "object": "", }, } def test_accounce_to_as2(self, activitypubannounce): result = activitypubannounce.to_as2() assert result == { "@context": CONTEXTS_DEFAULT, "id": "", "type": "Announce", "actor": "", "object": "", 'published': '2019-08-05T00:00:00', } def test_comment_to_as2(self, activitypubcomment): result = activitypubcomment.to_as2() assert result == { '@context': [ '', {"pyfed": ""}, {'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag'}, '', {'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}, ], 'type': 'Create', 'id': '', 'actor': '', 'object': { 'id': '', 'type': 'Note', 'attributedTo': '', 'content': '


', 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', 'inReplyTo': '', 'sensitive': False, 'summary': None, 'tag': [], 'url': '', 'source': { 'content': 'raw_content', 'mediaType': 'text/markdown', }, }, 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', } def test_comment_to_as2__url_in_raw_content(self, activitypubcomment): activitypubcomment.raw_content = 'raw_content' result = activitypubcomment.to_as2() assert result == { '@context': [ '', {"pyfed": ""}, {'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag'}, '', {'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}, ], 'type': 'Create', 'id': '', 'actor': '', 'object': { 'id': '', 'type': 'Note', 'attributedTo': '', 'content': '

raw_content ' '

', 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', 'inReplyTo': '', 'sensitive': False, 'summary': None, 'tag': [], 'url': '', 'source': { 'content': 'raw_content', 'mediaType': 'text/markdown', }, }, 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', } def test_follow_to_as2(self, activitypubfollow): result = activitypubfollow.to_as2() assert result == { "@context": CONTEXTS_DEFAULT, "id": "https://localhost/follow", "type": "Follow", "actor": "https://localhost/profile", "object": "" } def test_follow_to_as2__undo(self, activitypubundofollow): result = activitypubundofollow.to_as2() result["object"]["id"] = "https://localhost/follow" # Real object will have a random UUID postfix here assert result == { "@context": CONTEXTS_DEFAULT, "id": "https://localhost/undo", "type": "Undo", "actor": "https://localhost/profile", "object": { "id": "https://localhost/follow", "type": "Follow", "actor": "https://localhost/profile", "object": "", } } def test_post_to_as2(self, activitypubpost): result = activitypubpost.to_as2() assert result == { '@context': [ '', {"pyfed": ""}, {'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag'}, '', {'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}, ], 'type': 'Create', 'id': '', 'actor': '', 'object': { 'id': '', 'type': 'Note', 'attributedTo': '', 'content': '


', 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', 'inReplyTo': None, 'sensitive': False, 'summary': None, 'tag': [], 'url': '', 'source': { 'content': '# raw_content', 'mediaType': 'text/markdown', }, }, 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', } def test_post_to_as2__with_mentions(self, activitypubpost_mentions): activitypubpost_mentions.pre_send() result = activitypubpost_mentions.to_as2() assert result == { '@context': [ '', {"pyfed": ""}, {'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag'}, '', {'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}, ], 'type': 'Create', 'id': '', 'actor': '', 'object': { 'id': '', 'type': 'Note', 'attributedTo': '', 'content': '



@{someone@localhost.local} @' 'Bob Bobértson

', 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', 'inReplyTo': None, 'sensitive': False, 'summary': None, 'tag': [ { "type": "Mention", "href": "", "name": "", }, { "type": "Mention", "href": "http://localhost.local/someone", "name": "http://localhost.local/someone", }, { "type": "Mention", "href": "jaywink@localhost.local", "name": "jaywink@localhost.local", }, { "type": "Mention", "href": "someone@localhost.local", "name": "someone@localhost.local", }, ], 'url': '', 'source': { 'content': '# raw_content\n\n@{someone@localhost.local} @{http://localhost.local/someone}', 'mediaType': 'text/markdown', }, }, 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', } def test_post_to_as2__with_tags(self, activitypubpost_tags): result = activitypubpost_tags.to_as2() assert result == { '@context': [ '', {"pyfed": ""}, {'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag'}, '', {'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}, ], 'type': 'Create', 'id': '', 'actor': '', 'object': { 'id': '', 'type': 'Note', 'attributedTo': '', 'content': '


\n' '

#foobar\n' '#barfoo

', 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', 'inReplyTo': None, 'sensitive': False, 'summary': None, 'tag': [ { "type": "Hashtag", "href": "", "name": "#barfoo", }, { "type": "Hashtag", "href": "", "name": "#foobar", }, ], 'url': '', 'source': { 'content': '# raw_content\n#foobar\n#barfoo', 'mediaType': 'text/markdown', }, }, 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', } def test_post_to_as2__with_images(self, activitypubpost_images): result = activitypubpost_images.to_as2() assert result == { '@context': [ '', {"pyfed": ""}, {'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag'}, '', {'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}, ], 'type': 'Create', 'id': '', 'actor': '', 'object': { 'id': '', 'type': 'Note', 'attributedTo': '', 'content': '


', 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', 'inReplyTo': None, 'sensitive': False, 'summary': None, 'tag': [], 'url': '', 'attachment': [ { 'type': 'Image', 'mediaType': 'image/jpeg', 'name': '', 'url': 'foobar', 'pyfed:inlineImage': False, }, { 'type': 'Image', 'mediaType': 'image/jpeg', 'name': 'spam and eggs', 'url': 'barfoo', 'pyfed:inlineImage': False, }, ], 'source': { 'content': 'raw_content', 'mediaType': 'text/markdown', }, }, 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', } def test_post_to_as2__with_diaspora_guid(self, activitypubpost_diaspora_guid): result = activitypubpost_diaspora_guid.to_as2() assert result == { '@context': [ '', {"pyfed": ""}, {'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag'}, '', {'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}, {'diaspora': ''}, ], 'type': 'Create', 'id': '', 'actor': '', 'object': { 'id': '', 'diaspora:guid': 'totallyrandomguid', 'type': 'Note', 'attributedTo': '', 'content': '


', 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', 'inReplyTo': None, 'sensitive': False, 'summary': None, 'tag': [], 'url': '', 'source': { 'content': 'raw_content', 'mediaType': 'text/markdown', }, }, 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', } # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @patch("federation.entities.base.fetch_content_type", return_value="image/jpeg") def test_profile_to_as2(self, mock_fetch, activitypubprofile): result = activitypubprofile.to_as2() assert result == { "@context": CONTEXTS_DEFAULT + [ CONTEXT_LD_SIGNATURES, CONTEXT_MANUALLY_APPROVES_FOLLOWERS, ], "endpoints": { "sharedInbox": "", }, "followers": "", "following": "", "id": "", "inbox": "", "manuallyApprovesFollowers": False, "name": "Bob Bobertson", "outbox": "", "publicKey": { "id": "", "owner": "", "publicKeyPem": PUBKEY, }, "type": "Person", "url": "", "summary": "foobar", "icon": { "type": "Image", "url": "urllarge", "mediaType": "image/jpeg", "name": "", "pyfed:inlineImage": False, } } # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @patch("federation.entities.base.fetch_content_type", return_value="image/jpeg") def test_profile_to_as2__with_diaspora_guid(self, mock_fetch, activitypubprofile_diaspora_guid): result = activitypubprofile_diaspora_guid.to_as2() assert result == { "@context": CONTEXTS_DEFAULT + [ CONTEXT_LD_SIGNATURES, CONTEXT_MANUALLY_APPROVES_FOLLOWERS, CONTEXT_DIASPORA, ], "endpoints": { "sharedInbox": "", }, "followers": "", "following": "", "id": "", "diaspora:guid": "totallyrandomguid", "diaspora:handle": "", "inbox": "", "manuallyApprovesFollowers": False, "name": "Bob Bobertson", "outbox": "", "publicKey": { "id": "", "owner": "", "publicKeyPem": PUBKEY, }, "type": "Person", "url": "", "summary": "foobar", "icon": { "type": "Image", "url": "urllarge", "mediaType": "image/jpeg", "name": "", "pyfed:inlineImage": False, } } def test_retraction_to_as2(self, activitypubretraction): result = activitypubretraction.to_as2() assert result == { '@context': [ '', {"pyfed": ""}, ], 'type': 'Delete', 'id': '', 'actor': '', 'object': { 'id': '', 'type': 'Tombstone', }, 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', } def test_retraction_to_as2__announce(self, activitypubretraction_announce): result = activitypubretraction_announce.to_as2() assert result == { '@context': [ '', {"pyfed": ""}, ], 'type': 'Undo', 'id': '', 'actor': '', 'object': { 'id': '', 'type': 'Announce', }, 'published': '2019-04-27T00:00:00', } class TestEntitiesPostReceive: @patch("federation.utils.activitypub.retrieve_and_parse_profile", autospec=True) @patch("federation.entities.activitypub.entities.handle_send", autospec=True) def test_follow_post_receive__sends_correct_accept_back( self, mock_send, mock_retrieve, activitypubfollow, profile ): mock_retrieve.return_value = profile activitypubfollow.post_receive() args, kwargs = mock_send.call_args_list[0] assert isinstance(args[0], ActivitypubAccept) assert args[0].activity_id.startswith("") assert args[0].actor_id == "" assert args[0].target_id == "https://localhost/follow" assert isinstance(args[1], UserType) assert args[1].id == "" assert isinstance(args[1].private_key, RsaKey) assert kwargs['recipients'] == [{ "endpoint": "", "fid": "https://localhost/profile", "protocol": "activitypub", "public": False, }] @patch("federation.entities.activitypub.entities.bleach.linkify", autospec=True) def test_post_post_receive__linkifies_if_not_markdown(self, mock_linkify, activitypubpost): activitypubpost._media_type = 'text/html' activitypubpost.post_receive() mock_linkify.assert_called_once() @patch("federation.entities.activitypub.entities.bleach.linkify", autospec=True) def test_post_post_receive__skips_linkify_if_markdown(self, mock_linkify, activitypubpost): activitypubpost.post_receive() mock_linkify.assert_not_called() class TestEntitiesPreSend: def test_post_inline_images_are_attached(self, activitypubpost_embedded_images): activitypubpost_embedded_images.pre_send() assert len(activitypubpost_embedded_images._children) == 4 image = activitypubpost_embedded_images._children[0] assert image.url == "" assert == "" assert image.inline image = activitypubpost_embedded_images._children[1] assert image.url == "" assert == "" assert image.inline image = activitypubpost_embedded_images._children[2] assert image.url == "" assert == "foobar" assert image.inline image = activitypubpost_embedded_images._children[3] assert image.url == "" assert == "foobar barfoo" assert image.inline