
333 wiersze
15 KiB

#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "mbedtls/md5.h"
#include "mbedtls/rsa.h"
#include "hal.h"
#include "gps.h"
#include "sdlog.h"
#include "timesync.h"
#include "fifo.h"
// ============================================================================================
static char LogFileName[32];
static FILE *LogFile = 0;
static uint16_t LogDate = 0; // [~days] date = FatTime>>16
static TickType_t LogOpenTime; // [msec] when was the log file (re)open
static const TickType_t LogReopen = 20000; // [msec] when to close and re-open the log file
const size_t FIFOsize = 16384;
static FIFO<char, FIFOsize> Log_FIFO; // 16K buffer for SD-log
SemaphoreHandle_t Log_Mutex; // Mutex for the FIFO to prevent mixing between threads
void Log_Write(char Byte) // write a byte into the log file buffer (FIFO)
{ if(Log_FIFO.Write(Byte)>0) return; // if byte written into FIFO return
while(Log_FIFO.Write(Byte)<=0) vTaskDelay(1); } // wait while the FIFO is full - we have to use vTaskDelay not TaskYIELD
int Log_Free(void) { return Log_FIFO.Free(); } // how much space left in the buffer
static int Log_Open(void)
{ LogDate=GPS_FatTime>>16; // get the FAT-time date part
int32_t Day = LogDate &0x1F; // get day, month, year
int32_t Month = (LogDate>>5)&0x0F;
int32_t Year = (LogDate>>9)-20;
uint32_t Date = 0;
if(Year>=0) Date = Day*10000 + Month*100 + Year; // create DDMMYY number for easy printout
strcpy(LogFileName, "/sdcard/CONS/TR000000.LOG");
Format_UnsDec(LogFileName+15, Date, 6); // format the date into the log file name
LogFile = fopen(LogFileName, "at"); // try to open the file
if(LogFile==0) // if this fails
{ if(mkdir("/sdcard/CONS", 0777)<0) return -1; // try to create the sub-directory
LogFile = fopen(LogFileName, "at"); if(LogFile==0) return -1; } // and again attempt to open the log file
return 0; }
// TaskYIELD would not give time to lower priority task like log-writer
static void Log_Check(void) // time check:
{ if(!LogFile) return; // if last operation in error then don't do anything
TickType_t TimeSinceOpen = xTaskGetTickCount()-LogOpenTime; // when did we (re)open the log file last time
{ if(TimeSinceOpen<LogReopen) return; } // if fresh (less than 30 seconds) then nothing to do
{ if(TimeSinceOpen<(LogReopen/4)) return; }
fclose(LogFile); LogFile=0; // close and reopen the log file when older than 10 seconds
uint32_t Time = TimeSync_Time();
struct stat LogStat;
struct utimbuf LogTime;
if(stat(LogFileName, &LogStat)>=0) // get file attributes (maybe not really needed)
{ LogTime.actime = Time; // set access and modification times of the dest. file
LogTime.modtime = Time;
utime(LogFileName, &LogTime); }
static int WriteLog(size_t MaxBlock=FIFOsize/2) // process the queue of lines to be written to the log
{ if(!LogFile) return 0;
int Count=0;
for( ; ; )
{ char *Block; size_t Len=Log_FIFO.getReadBlock(Block); if(Len==0) break;
if(Len>MaxBlock) Len/=2;
int Write=fwrite(Block, 1, Len, LogFile);
if(Write!=Len) { fclose(LogFile); LogFile=0; return -1; }
Count+=Write; }
return Count; }
// ============================================================================================
const char *IGC_Path = "/sdcard/IGC";
const int IGC_PathLen = 11;
const uint32_t IGC_SavePeriod = 20;
// constexpr int IGC_PathLen = strlen(IGC_Path);
char IGC_Serial[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
char IGC_FileName[32];
static FILE *IGC_File=0; //
static uint32_t IGC_SaveTime=0;
uint16_t IGC_FlightNum=0; // flight counter
static mbedtls_md5_context IGC_MD5; //
static uint8_t IGC_Digest[16]; //
static void IGC_TimeStamp(void)
{ struct stat FileStat;
struct utimbuf FileTime;
if(stat(IGC_FileName, &FileStat)>=0) // get file attributes (maybe not needed really ?
{ FileTime.actime = IGC_SaveTime; // set access and modification tim$
FileTime.modtime = IGC_SaveTime;
utime(IGC_FileName, &FileTime); } // write to the FAT
static void IGC_Close(void)
{ if(IGC_File) // if a file open, then close it and increment the flight number
{ xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "IGC_Close: ");
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, IGC_FileName);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n");
fclose(IGC_File); IGC_File=0; IGC_FlightNum++; }
IGC_SaveTime = TimeSync_Time();
struct stat FileStat;
struct utimbuf FileTime;
if(stat(IGC_FileName, &FileStat)>=0) // get file attributes (maybe not needed really ?
{ FileTime.actime = IGC_SaveTime; // set access and modification tim$
FileTime.modtime = IGC_SaveTime;
utime(IGC_FileName, &FileTime); } // write to the FAT
static int IGC_Open(void)
{ IGC_Close(); // close the previous file, if open
if(!SD_isMounted()) return -1; // -1 => SD not mounted
memcpy(IGC_FileName, IGC_Path, IGC_PathLen); // copy path
IGC_FileName[IGC_PathLen]='/'; // slash after the path
Flight.ShortName(IGC_FileName+IGC_PathLen+1, IGC_FlightNum, IGC_Serial); // full name
IGC_File=fopen(IGC_FileName, "rt"); // attempt to open for read, just to try if the file is already there
if(IGC_File) { IGC_Close(); return -2; } // -2 => file already exists
IGC_File=fopen(IGC_FileName, "wt"); // open for write
if(IGC_File==0) // failed: maybe sub-dir does not exist ?
{ if(mkdir(IGC_Path, 0777)<0) return -3; // -3 => can't create sub-dir
IGC_File=fopen(IGC_FileName, "wt"); } // retry to open for write
{ IGC_SaveTime = TimeSync_Time();
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "IGC_Open: ");
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, IGC_FileName);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n");
xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); }
return IGC_File ? 0:-4; } // -4 => can't open for write
static void IGC_Reopen(void)
{ if(IGC_File)
{ fclose(IGC_File);
IGC_SaveTime = TimeSync_Time();
IGC_File=fopen(IGC_FileName, "at"); }
static int IGC_LogLine(const char *Line, int Len)
{ int Written = fwrite(Line, 1, Len, IGC_File);
mbedtls_md5_update_ret(&IGC_MD5, (uint8_t *)Line, Written);
return Written; }
static int IGC_LogLine(const char *Line)
{ return IGC_LogLine(Line, strlen(Line)); }
static char Line[192];
static int IGC_HeadParm(const char *Name, const char *Parm1, const char *Parm2=0, const char *Parm3=0)
{ int Len=Format_String(Line, Name);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, Parm1);
if(Parm2 && Parm2[0]) { Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, Parm2); }
if(Parm3 && Parm3[0]) { Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, Parm3); }
Line[Len++]='\n'; Line[Len]=0;
IGC_LogLine(Line, Len);
return 0; }
static int IGC_Header(const GPS_Position &Pos) // write the top of the IGC file
{ IGC_LogLine("AGNE001Tracker\n");
{ int Len=Format_String(Line, "HFDTEDate:"); // date
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (uint16_t)Pos.Day , 2); // from the GPS position
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (uint16_t)Pos.Month, 2);
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (uint16_t)Pos.Year , 2);
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (uint16_t)IGC_FlightNum, 2); // flight number of the day
Line[Len++]='\n'; Line[Len]=0;
IGC_LogLine(Line, Len); }
IGC_HeadParm("HFPLTPilotincharge:", Parameters.Pilot); // Pilot
IGC_HeadParm("HFGTYGliderType:", Parameters.Type, Parameters.Manuf, Parameters.Model); // aircraft type like ASK-21
IGC_HeadParm("HFGIDGliderID:", Parameters.Reg); // aircraft registration like D-8329
IGC_HeadParm("HFCM2Crew2:", Parameters.Crew); // Crew member
IGC_HeadParm("HFCCLCompetitionClass:", Parameters.Class); // competition class
IGC_HeadParm("HFCIDCompetitionID:", Parameters.ID); // competition ID
#ifdef WITH_FollowMe
int Len=Format_String(Line, "HFRHWHardwareVersion:FollowMe");
int Len=Format_String(Line, "HFRHWHardwareVersion:ESP32-SX1276"); // hardware version
Line[Len++]='\n'; Line[Len]=0;
IGC_LogLine(Line, Len); }
IGC_LogLine("HFRFWFirmwareVersion:ESP32-OGN-TRACKER " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n"); // firmware version, compile date/time
IGC_LogLine("HFGPSReceiver:L80\n"); // GPS sensor
IGC_LogLine("HFPRSPressAltSensor:BMP280\n"); // pressure sensor
return 0; }
int IGC_ID(void)
{ uint32_t Time = TimeSync_Time();
int Len=Format_String(Line, "LOGN");
Len+=Format_HHMMSS(Line+Len, Time);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "ID ");
Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Parameters.AcftID);
Line[Len++]='\n'; Line[Len]=0;
IGC_LogLine(Line, Len);
uint64_t MAC = getUniqueID();
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "MAC ");
Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, (uint16_t)(MAC>>32)); // ESP32 48-bit ID
Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, (uint32_t) MAC );
Line[Len++]='\n'; Line[Len]=0;
IGC_LogLine(Line, Len);
return 0; }
static int IGC_Log(const GPS_Position &Pos) // log GPS position as B-record
{ int Len=Pos.WriteIGC(Line);
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, Line);
int Written=IGC_LogLine(Line, Len);
if(Written!=Len) IGC_Close();
return Written; }
static void IGC_Check(void) // check if new GPS position
{ static uint8_t PrevPosIdx=0;
if(GPS_PosIdx==PrevPosIdx) return;
const uint8_t PosPipeIdxMask = GPS_PosPipeSize-1; // get the GPS position just before in the pipe
uint8_t PosIdx = GPS_PosIdx-1; PosIdx&=PosPipeIdxMask;
bool inFlight = Flight.inFlight(); // in-flight or on-the-ground ?
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "IGC_Check() [");
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "] ");
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, Line);
if(IGC_File) // if IGC file already open
{ IGC_Log(GPS_Pos[PosIdx]); // log position
if(!inFlight) // if no longer in flight
{ mbedtls_md5_finish_ret(&IGC_MD5, IGC_Digest);
Line[0]='G'; // produce G-record with MD5
for(int Idx=0; Idx<16; Idx++) // 16 MD5 bytes
Format_Hex(Line+1+2*Idx, IGC_Digest[Idx]); // printed as hex
Line[33]='\n'; Line[34]=0; // end-of-line, end-of-string
IGC_LogLine(Line, 34); // write to IGC
IGC_Close(); IGC_TimeStamp(); } // then close the IGC file
{ uint32_t Time=TimeSync_Time();
{ IGC_Reopen(); }
else // if IGC file is not open
{ if(inFlight) // and in-flight
{ for(int Try=0; Try<8; Try++)
{ int Err=IGC_Open(); if(Err!=(-2)) break; } // try to open a new IGC file but don't overwrite the old ones
if(IGC_File) // if open succesfully
{ mbedtls_md5_starts_ret(&IGC_MD5); // start the MD5 calculation
IGC_Header(GPS_Pos[PosIdx]); // then write header
IGC_Log(GPS_Pos[PosIdx]); } // log first B-record
#endif // WITH_SDLOG
// ============================================================================================
extern "C"
void vTaskSDLOG(void* pvParameters)
{ uint32_t ID = getUniqueAddress();
IGC_Serial[2] = Flight.Code36(ID%36); ID/=36;
IGC_Serial[1] = Flight.Code36(ID%36); ID/=36;
IGC_Serial[0] = Flight.Code36(ID%36);
for( ; ; )
{ if(!SD_isMounted()) // if SD ia not mounted:
{ vTaskDelay(5000); SD_Mount(); IGC_Check(); continue; } // try to (Re)mount it after a delay of 5sec
// if(GPS_Event)
// { EventBits_t GPSevt = xEventGroupWaitBits(GPS_Event, GPSevt_NewPos, pdTRUE, pdFALSE, 100);
// if(GPSevt&GPSevt_NewPos) LogIGC(); }
if(!LogFile) // when SD mounted and log file not open:
{ Log_Open(); // try to (re)open it
if(!LogFile) { IGC_Check(); SD_Unmount(); vTaskDelay(1000); continue; } // if can't be open then unmount the SD and retry at a delay of 1sec
if(Log_FIFO.Full()<FIFOsize/4) { IGC_Check(); vTaskDelay(50); } // if little data to copy, then wait 0.1sec for more data
int Write;
do { Write=WriteLog(); } while(Write>0); // write the console output to the log file
if(Write<0) { SD_Unmount(); vTaskDelay(1000); continue; } // if write fails then unmount the SD card and (re)try after a delay of 1sec
// if(Write==0) vTaskDelay(100);
Log_Check(); } // make sure the log is well saved by regular close-reopen
extern "C"
void vTaskIGC(void* pvParameters)
for( ; ; )
{ EventBits_t GPSevt = xEventGroupWaitBits(GPS_Event, GPSevt_NewPos, pdTRUE, pdFALSE, 2000);
if((GPSevt&GPSevt_NewPos)==0) continue;
#endif // WITH_SDLOG