
305 wiersze
13 KiB

#ifndef __PARAMETERS_H__
#define __PARAMETERS_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "nvs.h"
// #include "flashsize.h"
// #include "uniqueid.h"
// #include "stm32f10x_flash.h"
#include "nmea.h"
#include "format.h"
// Parameters stored in Flash
class FlashParameters
{ public:
{ uint32_t AcftID; // identification: Private:AcftType:AddrType:Address - must be different for every tracker
{ uint32_t Address:24; // address (ID)
uint8_t AddrType:2;
uint8_t AcftType:4;
bool NoTrack:1;
bool Stealth:1;
} ;
} ;
int16_t RFchipFreqCorr; // [10Hz] frequency correction for crystal frequency offset
int8_t RFchipTxPower; // [dBm] highest bit set => HW module (up to +20dBm Tx power)
int8_t RFchipTempCorr; // [degC] correction to the temperature measured in the RF chip
uint32_t CONbaud; // [bps] Console baud rate
uint16_t PressCorr; // [0.25Pa] pressure correction for the baro
{ uint16_t Flags;
{ bool SaveToFlash:1; // Save parameters from the config file to Flash
bool hasBT:1; // has BT interface on the console
bool BT_ON:1; // BT on after power up
} ;
} ; //
// char BTname[8];
// char BTpin[4];
// char Pilot[16];
// char Copilot[16]
// char Category[16]
// static const uint32_t Words=sizeof(FlashParameters)/sizeof(uint32_t);
int8_t getTxPower(void) const { int8_t Pwr=RFchipTxPower&0x7F; if(Pwr&0x40) Pwr|=0x80; return Pwr; }
void setTxPower(int8_t Pwr) { RFchipTxPower = (RFchipTxPower&0x80) | (Pwr&0x7F); }
void setTxTypeHW(void) { RFchipTxPower|=0x80; }
void clrTxTypeHW(void) { RFchipTxPower&=0x7F; }
uint8_t isTxTypeHW(void) const { return RFchipTxPower& 0x80; } // if this RFM69HW (Tx power up to +20dBm) ?
static const uint32_t CheckInit = 0x89ABCDEF;
// void setDefault(void) { setDefaults(UniqueID[0] ^ UniqueID[1] ^ UniqueID[2]); }
void setDefault(uint32_t UniqueID)
{ AcftID = 0x07000000 | (UniqueID&0x00FFFFFF);
RFchipFreqCorr = 0; // [10Hz]
#ifdef WITH_RFM69W
RFchipTxPower = 13; // [dBm] for RFM69W
RFchipTxPower = 0x80 | 14; // [dBm] for RFM69HW
RFchipTempCorr = 0; // [degC]
PressCorr = 0; // [0.25Pa]
CONbaud = 115200; // [bps]
uint32_t static CheckSum(const uint32_t *Word, uint32_t Words) // calculate check-sum of pointed data
{ uint32_t Check=CheckInit;
for(uint32_t Idx=0; Idx<Words; Words++)
{ Check+=Word[Idx]; }
return Check; }
uint32_t CheckSum(void) const // calc. check-sum of this class data
{ return CheckSum((uint32_t *)this, sizeof(FlashParameters)/sizeof(uint32_t) ); }
esp_err_t WriteToNVS(const char *Name="Parameters", const char *NameSpace="TRACKER")
{ nvs_handle Handle;
esp_err_t Err = nvs_open(NameSpace, NVS_READWRITE, &Handle);
if(Err!=ESP_OK) return Err;
Err = nvs_set_blob(Handle, Name, this, sizeof(FlashParameters));
if(Err==ESP_OK) Err = nvs_commit(Handle);
return Err; }
esp_err_t ReadFromNVS(const char *Name="Parameters", const char *NameSpace="TRACKER")
{ nvs_handle Handle;
esp_err_t Err = nvs_open(NameSpace, NVS_READWRITE, &Handle);
if(Err!=ESP_OK) return Err;
size_t Size=0;
Err = nvs_get_blob(Handle, Name, 0, &Size);
if( (Err==ESP_OK) && (Size==sizeof(FlashParameters)) )
Err = nvs_get_blob(Handle, Name, this, &Size);
return Err; }
static uint32_t *DefaultFlashAddr(void) { return FlashStart+((uint32_t)(getFlashSizeKB()-1)<<8); }
int8_t ReadFromFlash(uint32_t *Addr=0) // read parameters from Flash
{ if(Addr==0) Addr = DefaultFlashAddr();
const uint32_t Words=sizeof(FlashParameters)/sizeof(uint32_t);
uint32_t Check=CheckSum(Addr, Words); // check-sum of Flash data
if(Check!=Addr[Words]) return -1; // agree with the check-sum in Flash ?
uint32_t *Dst = (uint32_t *)this;
for(uint32_t Idx=0; Idx<Words; Idx++) // read data from Flash
{ Dst[Idx] = Addr[Idx]; }
return 1; } // return: correct
int8_t CompareToFlash(uint32_t *Addr=0)
{ if(Addr==0) Addr = DefaultFlashAddr(); // address in the Flash
const uint32_t Words=sizeof(FlashParameters)/sizeof(uint32_t);
uint32_t Check=CheckSum(Addr, Words); // check-sum of Flash data
if(Check!=Addr[Words]) return 0; // agree with the check-sum in Flash ?
uint32_t *Dst = (uint32_t *)this;
for(uint32_t Idx=0; Idx<Words; Idx++) // read data from Flash
{ if(Dst[Idx]!=Addr[Idx]) return 0; }
return 1; } // return: correct
int8_t WriteToFlash(uint32_t *Addr=0) const // write parameters to Flash
{ if(Addr==0) Addr = DefaultFlashAddr();
const uint32_t Words=sizeof(FlashParameters)/sizeof(uint32_t);
FLASH_Unlock(); // unlock Flash
FLASH_ErasePage((uint32_t)Addr); // erase Flash page
uint32_t *Data=(uint32_t *)this; // take data of this object
for(uint32_t Idx=0; Idx<Words; Idx++) // word by word
{ FLASH_ProgramWord((uint32_t)Addr, Data[Idx]); Addr++; } // !=FLASH_COMPLETE ? // write to Flash
FLASH_ProgramWord((uint32_t)Addr, CheckSum(Data, Words) ); // write the check-sum
FLASH_Lock(); // re-lock Flash
if(CheckSum(Addr, Words)!=Addr[Words]) return -1; // verify check-sum in Flash
return 0; }
uint8_t Print(char *Line) // print parameters on a single line, suitable for console output
{ uint8_t Len=0;
Line[Len++]=HexDigit(AcftType); Line[Len++]=':';
Line[Len++]=HexDigit(AddrType); Line[Len++]=':';
Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Address, 6);
#ifdef WITH_RFM69
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, " RFM69");
if(isTxTypeHW()) Line[Len++]='H';
#ifdef WITH_RFM95
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, " RFM95");
Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, (int16_t)getTxPower());
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "dBm");
Line[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, (int32_t)RFchipFreqCorr/10, 2, 1); Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "kHz");
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, " CON:");
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, CONbaud);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "bps\n");
return Len; }
{ const char *Parm; int8_t Val;
Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(0); // [0..15] aircraft-type: 1=glider, 2=tow plane, 3=helicopter, ...
{ Val=Read_Hex1(Parm[0]);
if( (Val>=0) && (Val<16) ) AcftType=Val; }
Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(1); // [0..3] addr-type: 1=ICAO, 2=FLARM, 3=OGN
{ Val=Read_Hex1(Parm[0]);
if( (Val>=0) && (Val<4) ) AddrType=Val; }
Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(2); // [HHHHHH] Address (ID): 6 hex digits, 24-bit
uint32_t Addr;
int8_t Len=Read_Hex(Addr, Parm);
if( (Len==6) && (Addr<0x01000000) ) Address=Addr;
Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(3); // [0..1] RFM69HW (up to +20dBm) or W (up to +13dBm)
{ Val=Read_Dec1(Parm[0]);
if(Val==0) clrTxTypeHW();
else if(Val==1) setTxTypeHW(); }
Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(4); // [dBm] Tx power
int32_t TxPwr;
Len=Read_SignDec(TxPwr, Parm);
if( (Len>0) && (TxPwr>=(-10)) && (TxPwr<=20) ) setTxPower(TxPwr);
Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(5); // [kHz] Tx/Rx frequency correction
int32_t FreqCorr;
Len=Read_Float1(FreqCorr, Parm);
if( (Len>0) && (FreqCorr>=(-1000)) && (FreqCorr<=1000) ) RFchipFreqCorr = 10*FreqCorr;
Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(6); // [bps] Console baud rate
uint32_t BaudRate;
Len=Read_UnsDec(BaudRate, Parm);
if( (Len>0) && (BaudRate<=230400) ) CONbaud = BaudRate;
return 0; }
static char *SkipBlanks(char *Inp)
{ for( ; ; )
{ char ch=(*Inp); if(ch==0) break;
if(ch>' ') break;
Inp++; }
return Inp; }
bool ReadLine(char *Line)
{ char *Name = SkipBlanks(Line); if((*Name)==0) return 0;
Line = Name;
for( ; ; )
{ char ch=(*Line);
if(ch<=' ') break;
if(ch=='=') break;
Line++; }
char *NameEnd=Line;
Line=SkipBlanks(Line); if((*Line)!='=') return 0;
char *Value = SkipBlanks(Line+1); if((*Value)<=' ') return 0;
return ReadParam(Name, Value); }
bool ReadParam(const char *Name, const char *Value)
{ if(strcmp(Name, "Address")==0)
{ uint32_t Addr=0; if(Read_Int(Addr, Value)<=0) return 0;
Address=Addr; return 1; }
if(strcmp(Name, "AddrType")==0)
{ uint32_t Type=0; if(Read_Int(Type, Value)<=0) return 0;
AddrType=Type; return 1; }
if(strcmp(Name, "AcftType")==0)
{ uint32_t Type=0; if(Read_Int(Type, Value)<=0) return 0;
AcftType=Type; return 1; }
if(strcmp(Name, "Console")==0)
{ uint32_t Baud=0; if(Read_Int(Baud, Value)<=0) return 0;
CONbaud=Baud; return 1; }
if(strcmp(Name, "TxPower")==0)
{ int32_t TxPower=0; if(Read_Int(TxPower, Value)<=0) return 0;
setTxPower(TxPower); return 1; }
if(strcmp(Name, "FreqCorr")==0)
{ int32_t Corr=0; if(Read_Float1(Corr, Value)<=0) return 0;
RFchipFreqCorr=10*Corr; return 1; }
if(strcmp(Name, "PressCorr")==0)
{ int32_t Corr=0; if(Read_Float1(Corr, Value)<=0) return 0;
PressCorr=4*Corr/10; return 1; }
return 0; }
int ReadFile(FILE *File)
{ char Line[80];
size_t Lines=0;
for( ; ; )
{ if(fgets(Line, 80, File)==0) break;
if(strchr(Line, '\n')==0) break;
if(ReadLine(Line)) Lines++; }
return Lines; }
int ReadFile(const char *Name = "/spiffs/TRACKER.CFG")
{ FILE *File=fopen(Name, "rt"); if(File==0) return 0;
int Lines=ReadFile(File);
fclose(File); return Lines; }
int Write_Hex(char *Line, const char *Name, uint32_t Value, uint8_t Digits)
{ uint8_t Len=Format_String(Line, Name);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "=0x");
Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Value, Digits);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, ";");
Line[Len]=0; return Len; }
int Write_UnsDec(char *Line, const char *Name, uint32_t Value)
{ uint8_t Len=Format_String(Line, Name);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "=");
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, Value);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, ";");
Line[Len]=0; return Len; }
int Write_SignDec(char *Line, const char *Name, int32_t Value)
{ uint8_t Len=Format_String(Line, Name);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "=");
Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, Value);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, ";");
Line[Len]=0; return Len; }
int Write_Float1(char *Line, const char *Name, int32_t Value)
{ uint8_t Len=Format_String(Line, Name);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "=");
Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, Value, 2, 1);
Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, ";");
Line[Len]=0; return Len; }
int WriteFile(FILE *File)
{ char Line[80];
Write_Hex (Line, "Address" , Address , 6); strcat(Line, " # [24-bit]\n"); if(fputs(Line, File)==EOF) return EOF;
Write_Hex (Line, "AddrType", AddrType, 1); strcat(Line, " # [2-bit]\n"); if(fputs(Line, File)==EOF) return EOF;
Write_Hex (Line, "AcftType", AcftType, 1); strcat(Line, " # [4-bit]\n"); if(fputs(Line, File)==EOF) return EOF;
Write_UnsDec (Line, "Console", CONbaud); strcat(Line, " # [bps]\n"); if(fputs(Line, File)==EOF) return EOF;
Write_SignDec(Line, "TxPower", getTxPower()); strcat(Line, " # [ dBm]\n"); if(fputs(Line, File)==EOF) return EOF;
Write_Float1 (Line, "FreqCorr", (int32_t)RFchipFreqCorr/10); strcat(Line, " # [kHz]\n"); if(fputs(Line, File)==EOF) return EOF;
Write_SignDec(Line, "TempCorr", (int32_t)RFchipTempCorr ); strcat(Line, " # [degC]\n"); if(fputs(Line, File)==EOF) return EOF;
Write_Float1 (Line, "PressCorr",(int32_t)PressCorr*10/4 ); strcat(Line, " # [Pa]\n"); if(fputs(Line, File)==EOF) return EOF;
return 8; }
int WriteFile(const char *Name = "/spiffs/TRACKER.CFG")
{ FILE *File=fopen(Name, "wt"); if(File==0) return 0;
int Lines=WriteFile(File);
fclose(File); return Lines; }
} ;
#endif // __PARAMETERS_H__