
146 wiersze
6.2 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

#ifndef __FORMAT_H__
#define __FORMAT_H__
#include <stdint.h>
char HexDigit(uint8_t Val);
void Format_Bytes ( void (*Output)(char), const uint8_t *Bytes, uint8_t Len);
inline void Format_Bytes ( void (*Output)(char), const char *Bytes, uint8_t Len) { Format_Bytes(Output, (const uint8_t *)Bytes, Len); }
void Format_String( void (*Output)(char), const char *String);
void Format_String( void (*Output)(char), const char *String, uint8_t MinLen, uint8_t MaxLen);
void Format_Hex( void (*Output)(char), uint8_t Byte );
void Format_Hex( void (*Output)(char), uint16_t Word );
void Format_Hex( void (*Output)(char), uint32_t Word );
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void Format_Hex( void (*Output)(char), uint64_t Word );
// void Format_Hex( void (*Output)(char), uint32_t Word, uint8_t Digits);
void Format_MAC( void (*Output)(char), const uint8_t *MAC, uint8_t Len=6);
void Format_HexBytes( void (*Output)(char), const uint8_t *Byte, uint8_t Bytes);
void Format_UnsDec ( void (*Output)(char), uint16_t Value, uint8_t MinDigits=1, uint8_t DecPoint=0);
void Format_SignDec( void (*Output)(char), int16_t Value, uint8_t MinDigits=1, uint8_t DecPoint=0, uint8_t NoPlus=0);
void Format_UnsDec ( void (*Output)(char), uint32_t Value, uint8_t MinDigits=1, uint8_t DecPoint=0);
void Format_SignDec( void (*Output)(char), int32_t Value, uint8_t MinDigits=1, uint8_t DecPoint=0, uint8_t NoPlus=0);
void Format_UnsDec ( void (*Output)(char), uint64_t Value, uint8_t MinDigits=1, uint8_t DecPoint=0);
void Format_SignDec( void (*Output)(char), int64_t Value, uint8_t MinDigits=1, uint8_t DecPoint=0, uint8_t NoPlus=0);
uint8_t Format_String(char *Out, const char *String);
uint8_t Format_String(char *Out, const char *String, uint8_t MinLen, uint8_t MaxLen);
uint8_t Format_UnsDec (char *Out, uint32_t Value, uint8_t MinDigits=1, uint8_t DecPoint=0);
uint8_t Format_SignDec(char *Out, int32_t Value, uint8_t MinDigits=1, uint8_t DecPoint=0, uint8_t NoPlus=0);
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uint8_t Format_Hex(char *Output, uint8_t Byte );
uint8_t Format_Hex(char *Output, uint16_t Word );
uint8_t Format_Hex(char *Output, uint32_t Word );
uint8_t Format_Hex(char *Output, uint32_t Word, uint8_t Digits);
uint8_t Format_Hex(char *Output, uint64_t Word );
uint8_t Format_HexBytes(char *Output, const uint8_t *Byte, uint8_t Bytes);
// uint8_t Format_Hex(char *Output, const uint8_t *Bytes, uint8_t Len );
// uint8_t Format_Hex( char *Output, uint64_t Word, uint8_t Digits);
template <class Type>
uint8_t Format_Hex( char *Output, Type Word, uint8_t Digits)
{ for(uint8_t Idx=Digits; Idx>0; )
{ Output[--Idx]=HexDigit(Word&0x0F);
Word>>=4; }
return Digits; }
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template <class Type>
void Format_Bin( void (*Output)(char), Type Word)
{ const uint8_t Digits = sizeof(Type)<<3;
for( Type Mask = (Type)1<<(Digits-1); Mask; Mask>>=1)
{ bool Bit = Word&Mask;
(*Output)('0'+Bit); }
uint8_t Format_HHcMMcSS(char *Out, uint32_t Time);
uint8_t Format_HHMMSS(char *Out, uint32_t Time);
void Format_HHMMSS(void (*Output)(char), uint32_t Time);
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uint8_t Format_Period(char *Out, int32_t Time);
void Format_Period(void (*Output)(char), int32_t Time);
uint8_t Format_Latitude (char *Out, int32_t Lat); // [1/600000deg] => DDMM.MMMMs
uint8_t Format_Longitude(char *Out, int32_t Lon); // [1/600000deg] => DDDMM.MMMMs
int8_t Read_Hex1(char Digit);
int8_t Read_Dec1(char Digit); // convert single digit into an integer
inline int8_t Read_Dec1(const char *Inp) { return Read_Dec1(Inp[0]); }
int8_t Read_Dec2(const char *Inp); // convert two digit decimal number into an integer
int16_t Read_Dec3(const char *Inp); // convert three digit decimal number into an integer
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int16_t Read_Dec4(const char *Inp); // convert four digit decimal number into an integer
int32_t Read_Dec5(const char *Inp); // convert five digit decimal number into an integer
template <class Type>
int8_t Read_Hex(Type &Int, const char *Inp, uint8_t MaxDig=0) // convert variable number of digits hexadecimal number into an integer
{ if(Inp==0) return 0;
if(MaxDig==0) MaxDig=2*sizeof(Type);
Int=0; int8_t Len=0;
for( ; MaxDig; MaxDig--)
{ int8_t Dig=Read_Hex1(Inp[Len]); if(Dig<0) break;
Int = (Int<<4) + Dig; Len++; }
return Len; } // return number of characters read
template <class Type>
int8_t Read_UnsDec(Type &Int, const char *Inp) // convert variable number of digits unsigned decimal number into an integer
{ Int=0; int8_t Len=0;
if(Inp==0) return 0;
for( ; ; )
{ int8_t Dig=Read_Dec1(Inp[Len]); if(Dig<0) break;
Int = 10*Int + Dig; Len++; }
return Len; } // return number of characters read
template <class Type>
int8_t Read_SignDec(Type &Int, const char *Inp) // convert signed decimal number into in16_t or int32_t
{ Int=0; int8_t Len=0;
if(Inp==0) return 0;
char Sign=Inp[0];
if((Sign=='+')||(Sign=='-')) Len++;
Len+=Read_UnsDec(Int, Inp+Len); if(Sign=='-') Int=(-Int);
return Len; } // return number of characters read
template <class Type>
int8_t Read_Int(Type &Value, const char *Inp)
{ Value=0; int8_t Len=0;
if(Inp==0) return 0;
char Sign=Inp[0]; int8_t Dig;
if((Sign=='+')||(Sign=='-')) Len++;
{ Len+=2; Dig=Read_Hex(Value, Inp+Len); }
{ Dig=Read_UnsDec(Value, Inp+Len); }
if(Dig<=0) return Dig;
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if(Sign=='-') Value=(-Value);
return Len; }
template <class Type>
int8_t Read_Float1(Type &Value, const char *Inp) // read floating point, take just one digit after decimal point
{ Value=0; int8_t Len=0;
if(Inp==0) return 0;
char Sign=Inp[0]; int8_t Dig;
if((Sign=='+')||(Sign=='-')) Len++;
Len+=Read_UnsDec(Value, Inp+Len); Value*=10;
if(Inp[Len]!='.') goto Ret;
Dig=Read_Dec1(Inp[Len]); if(Dig<0) goto Ret;
Value+=Dig; Len++;
Dig=Read_Dec1(Inp[Len]); if(Dig>=5) Value++;
Ret: if(Sign=='-') Value=(-Value); return Len; }
int8_t Read_LatDDMMSS(int32_t &Lat, const char *Inp);
int8_t Read_LonDDMMSS(int32_t &Lon, const char *Inp);
#endif // __FORMAT_H__