
150 wiersze
5.6 KiB

# All the relative URL paths are intended to be GitHub ones
# For Espressif's public projects please use '../../espressif/proj', not a '../proj'
# Submodules SBOM information
# ---------------------------
# Submodules, which are used directly and not forked into espressif namespace should
# contain SBOM information here. Other submodules should have the SBOM manifest file
# included in the root of their project's repository.
# The sbom-hash entry records the submodule's checkout SHA as presented in git-tree
# commit object. For example spiffs submodule
# $ git ls-tree HEAD components/spiffs/spiffs
# 160000 commit 0dbb3f71c5f6fae3747a9d935372773762baf852 components/spiffs/spiffs
# The hash can be also obtained with git submodule command
# $ git submodule status components/spiffs/spiffs
# 0dbb3f71c5f6fae3747a9d935372773762baf852 components/spiffs/spiffs (0.2-255-g0dbb3f71c5f6)
# The submodule SHA recorded here has to match with SHA, which is presented in git-tree.
# This is checked by CI. Also please don't forget to update the submodule version
# if you are changing the sbom-hash. This is important for SBOM generation.
[submodule "components/esptool_py/esptool"]
path = components/esptool_py/esptool
url = ../../espressif/esptool.git
[submodule "components/bt/controller/lib_esp32"]
path = components/bt/controller/lib_esp32
url = ../../espressif/esp32-bt-lib.git
[submodule "components/bootloader/subproject/components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc"]
path = components/bootloader/subproject/components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc
url = ../../kmackay/micro-ecc.git
sbom-version = 1.0
sbom-cpe = cpe:2.3:a:micro-ecc_project:micro-ecc:{}:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
sbom-supplier = Person: Ken MacKay
sbom-url =
sbom-description = A small and fast ECDH and ECDSA implementation for 8-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit processors
sbom-hash = d037ec89546fad14b5c4d5456c2e23a71e554966
[submodule "components/coap/libcoap"]
path = components/coap/libcoap
url = ../../obgm/libcoap.git
[submodule "components/nghttp/nghttp2"]
path = components/nghttp/nghttp2
url = ../../nghttp2/nghttp2.git
[submodule "components/libsodium/libsodium"]
path = components/libsodium/libsodium
url = ../../jedisct1/libsodium.git
[submodule "components/spiffs/spiffs"]
path = components/spiffs/spiffs
url = ../../pellepl/spiffs.git
sbom-version = 0.2-221-gf5e26c4e9331
sbom-supplier = Person: Peter Andersson
sbom-url =
sbom-description = Wear-leveled SPI flash file system for embedded devices
sbom-hash = f5e26c4e933189593a71c6b82cda381a7b21e41c
[submodule "components/json/cJSON"]
path = components/json/cJSON
url = ../../DaveGamble/cJSON.git
sbom-version = 1.7.15
sbom-cpe = cpe:2.3:a:cjson_project:cjson:{}:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
sbom-supplier = Person: Dave Gamble
sbom-url =
sbom-description = Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
sbom-hash = d348621ca93571343a56862df7de4ff3bc9b5667
[submodule "components/mbedtls/mbedtls"]
path = components/mbedtls/mbedtls
url = ../../espressif/mbedtls.git
[submodule "components/asio/asio"]
path = components/asio/asio
url = ../../espressif/asio.git
[submodule "components/expat/expat"]
path = components/expat/expat
url = ../../libexpat/libexpat.git
[submodule "components/lwip/lwip"]
path = components/lwip/lwip
url = ../../espressif/esp-lwip.git
[submodule "components/mqtt/esp-mqtt"]
path = components/mqtt/esp-mqtt
url = ../../espressif/esp-mqtt.git
[submodule "components/protobuf-c/protobuf-c"]
path = components/protobuf-c/protobuf-c
url = ../../protobuf-c/protobuf-c.git
sbom-version = 1.4.1
sbom-cpe = cpe:2.3:a:protobuf-c_project:protobuf-c:{}:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
sbom-supplier = Organization: protobuf-c community <>
sbom-url =
sbom-description = Protocol Buffers implementation in C
sbom-hash = abc67a11c6db271bedbb9f58be85d6f4e2ea8389
[submodule "components/unity/unity"]
path = components/unity/unity
url = ../../ThrowTheSwitch/Unity.git
sbom-version = v2.4.3-51-g7d2bf62b7e6a
sbom-supplier = Organization: ThrowTheSwitch community <>
sbom-url =
sbom-description = Simple Unit Testing for C
sbom-hash = 7d2bf62b7e6afaf38153041a9d53c21aeeca9a25
[submodule "examples/build_system/cmake/import_lib/main/lib/tinyxml2"]
path = examples/build_system/cmake/import_lib/main/lib/tinyxml2
url = ../../leethomason/tinyxml2.git
[submodule "components/bt/host/nimble/nimble"]
path = components/bt/host/nimble/nimble
url = ../../espressif/esp-nimble.git
[submodule "components/cbor/tinycbor"]
path = components/cbor/tinycbor
url = ../../intel/tinycbor.git
[submodule "components/esp_wifi/lib"]
path = components/esp_wifi/lib
url = ../../espressif/esp32-wifi-lib.git
[submodule "components/tinyusb/tinyusb"]
path = components/tinyusb/tinyusb
url = ../../espressif/tinyusb.git
[submodule "examples/peripherals/secure_element/atecc608_ecdsa/components/esp-cryptoauthlib"]
path = examples/peripherals/secure_element/atecc608_ecdsa/components/esp-cryptoauthlib
url = ../../espressif/esp-cryptoauthlib.git
[submodule "components/cmock/CMock"]
path = components/cmock/CMock
url = ../../ThrowTheSwitch/CMock.git
sbom-version = v2.5.2-2-geeecc49ce8af
sbom-supplier = Organization: ThrowTheSwitch community <>
sbom-url =
sbom-description = CMock - Mock/stub generator for C
sbom-hash = eeecc49ce8af123cf8ad40efdb9673e37b56230f
[submodule "components/bt/controller/lib_esp32c3_family"]
path = components/bt/controller/lib_esp32c3_family
url = ../../espressif/esp32c3-bt-lib.git