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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include "esp_assert.h"
#include "hal/assert.h"
#include "hal/color_hal.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Type of 2D-DMA descriptor
typedef struct dma2d_descriptor_align8_s dma2d_descriptor_align8_t;
struct dma2d_descriptor_align8_s {
struct {
uint32_t vb_size : 14; /*!< Vertical height of the block, unit: pixel
When dma2d_en field is 0, this field is the lower 14-bit of the buffer memory space size, unit: byte */
uint32_t hb_length : 14; /*!< Horizontal width of the block, unit: pixel
When dma2d_en field is 0, this field is the lower 14-bit of the buffer length, unit: byte
For data receive, this field is filled by DMA after transfer finishes */
uint32_t err_eof : 1; /*!< Whether the received buffer contains error
For data transfer, this bit is fixed to 0 */
uint32_t dma2d_en : 1; /*!< Whether to enable 2D functionality */
uint32_t suc_eof : 1; /*!< Whether the descriptor is the last one in the link */
uint32_t owner : 1; /*!< Who is allowed to access the buffer that this descriptor points to, select DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_OWNER_CPU or DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_OWNER_DMA
When owner is chosen to be DMA, after DMA finishes with the descriptor, it will clear this bit
For data transfer, the bit won't be cleared unless DMA2D_OUT_AUTO_WRBACK is enabled */
}; /*!< Descriptor Word 0 */
struct {
uint32_t va_size : 14; /*!< Vertical height of the picture, unit: pixel
When dma2d_en field is 0, this field is the higher 14-bit of the buffer memory space size, unit: byte */
uint32_t ha_length : 14; /*!< Horizontal width of the picture, unit: pixel
When dma2d_en field is 0, this field is the higher 14-bit of the buffer length, unit: byte
For data receive, this field is filled by DMA after transfer finishes */
uint32_t pbyte : 4; /*!< Number of bytes per pixel (make use of dma2d_desc_pixel_format_to_pbyte_value to get the value)
When dma2d_en field is 0, this field has no use */
}; /*!< Descriptor Word 1 */
struct {
uint32_t y : 14; /*!< The y-coordinate value of the hb * vb block, unit: pixel
When dma2d_en field is 0, this field has no use */
uint32_t x : 14; /*!< The x-coordinate value of the hb * vb block, unit: pixel
When dma2d_en field is 0, this field has no use */
uint32_t mode : 1; /*!< Data block read/write mode, select DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK_RW_MODE_SINGLE or DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK_RW_MODE_MULTIPLE
When dma2d_en field is 0, this field must be 0 (i.e. DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK_RW_MODE_SINGLE mode) */
uint32_t reserved29 : 3;
}; /*!< Descriptor Word 2 */
void *buffer; /*!< Pointer to the buffer (of ha * va picture)
For RX buffer, there is 4-byte alignment addr and size requirement (spiram and axi bus restriction, otherwises, could overwrite other data or be overwritten) */
dma2d_descriptor_align8_t *next; /*!< Pointer to the next descriptor (set to NULL if the descriptor is the last one, e.g. suc_eof=1) */
} __attribute__((aligned(8)));
ESP_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(dma2d_descriptor_align8_t) == 24, "dma2d_descriptor_align8_t should occupy 24 bytes in memory");
// 2D-DMA descriptor requires 8-byte alignment
typedef dma2d_descriptor_align8_t dma2d_descriptor_t;
#define DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_OWNER_CPU (0) /*!< 2D-DMA buffer is allowed to be accessed by CPU */
#define DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_OWNER_DMA (1) /*!< 2D-DMA buffer is allowed to be accessed by 2D-DMA engine */
#define DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK_RW_MODE_SINGLE (0) /*!< 2D-DMA data block single R/W mode, only r/w one hb * vb block */
#define DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK_RW_MODE_MULTIPLE (1) /*!< 2D-DMA data block multiple R/W mode, continues r/w hb * vb blocks until the ha * va picture is done */
#define DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_PBYTE_0B5_PER_PIXEL (0) /*!< 2D-DMA descriptor pbyte value when 0.5 bytes/pixel */
#define DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_PBYTE_1B0_PER_PIXEL (1) /*!< 2D-DMA descriptor pbyte value when 1 bytes/pixel */
#define DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_PBYTE_1B5_PER_PIXEL (2) /*!< 2D-DMA descriptor pbyte value when 1.5 bytes/pixel */
#define DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_PBYTE_2B0_PER_PIXEL (3) /*!< 2D-DMA descriptor pbyte value when 2 bytes/pixel */
#define DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_PBYTE_3B0_PER_PIXEL (4) /*!< 2D-DMA descriptor pbyte value when 3 bytes/pixel */
#define DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_PBYTE_4B0_PER_PIXEL (5) /*!< 2D-DMA descriptor pbyte value when 4 bytes/pixel */
// Helper function to convert pixel format to 2D-DMA descriptor pbyte value
static inline uint32_t dma2d_desc_pixel_format_to_pbyte_value(color_space_pixel_format_t pixel_format)
switch (color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(pixel_format)) {
case 4:
case 8:
case 12:
case 16:
case 24:
case 32:
// Unsupported bit depth
* @brief Enumeration of peripherals which have the 2D-DMA capability
typedef enum {
DMA2D_TRIG_PERIPH_M2M, /*!< 2D-DMA trigger peripheral: M2M */
DMA2D_TRIG_PERIPH_JPEG_ENCODER, /*!< 2D-DMA trigger peripheral: JPEG Encoder */
DMA2D_TRIG_PERIPH_JPEG_DECODER, /*!< 2D-DMA trigger peripheral: JPEG Decoder */
DMA2D_TRIG_PERIPH_PPA_SRM, /*!< 2D-DMA trigger peripheral: PPA SRM engine */
DMA2D_TRIG_PERIPH_PPA_BLEND, /*!< 2D-DMA trigger peripheral: PPA Blending engine */
} dma2d_trigger_peripheral_t;
* @brief Enumeration of 2D-DMA channel direction
typedef enum {
DMA2D_CHANNEL_DIRECTION_TX, /*!< 2D-DMA channel direction: TX */
DMA2D_CHANNEL_DIRECTION_RX, /*!< 2D-DMA channel direction: RX */
} dma2d_channel_direction_t;
* @brief Enumeration of 2D-DMA data burst length options
* Starting from 1, saving 0 for special purpose (upper layer could use 0 to be a default burst length)
typedef enum {
DMA2D_DATA_BURST_LENGTH_8 = 1, /*!< 2D-DMA block size: 8 bytes */
DMA2D_DATA_BURST_LENGTH_16, /*!< 2D-DMA block size: 16 bytes */
DMA2D_DATA_BURST_LENGTH_32, /*!< 2D-DMA block size: 32 bytes */
DMA2D_DATA_BURST_LENGTH_64, /*!< 2D-DMA block size: 64 bytes */
DMA2D_DATA_BURST_LENGTH_128, /*!< 2D-DMA block size: 128 bytes */
DMA2D_DATA_BURST_LENGTH_INVALID, /*!< Invalid 2D-DMA block size */
} dma2d_data_burst_length_t;
* @brief Enumeration of 2D-DMA macro block size options
* Only useful in DMA2D_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK_RW_MODE_MULTIPLE mode (dma2d_en = 1, mode = 1)
* Descriptor vb and hb fields has to be multiples of macro block sizes
typedef enum {
DMA2D_MACRO_BLOCK_SIZE_NONE, /*!< 2D-DMA no macro block */
DMA2D_MACRO_BLOCK_SIZE_8_8, /*!< 2D-DMA 8 pixel x 8 pixel macro block */
DMA2D_MACRO_BLOCK_SIZE_8_16, /*!< 2D-DMA 8 pixel x 16 pixel macro block */
DMA2D_MACRO_BLOCK_SIZE_16_16, /*!< 2D-DMA 16 pixel x 16 pixel macro block */
DMA2D_MACRO_BLOCK_SIZE_INVALID, /*!< Invalid 2D-DMA macro block size */
} dma2d_macro_block_size_t;
* @brief Enumeration of 2D-DMA pixel bytes scamble order in color space conversion
* Assuming the original pixel byte order (from MSB to LSB) is 2-1-0 .
typedef enum {
DMA2D_SCRAMBLE_ORDER_BYTE2_1_0, /*!< 2D-DMA pixel data scrambled as BYTE2-1-0 (no scramble) */
DMA2D_SCRAMBLE_ORDER_BYTE2_0_1, /*!< 2D-DMA pixel data scrambled as BYTE2-0-1 */
DMA2D_SCRAMBLE_ORDER_BYTE1_0_2, /*!< 2D-DMA pixel data scrambled as BYTE1-0-2 */
DMA2D_SCRAMBLE_ORDER_BYTE1_2_0, /*!< 2D-DMA pixel data scrambled as BYTE1-2-0 */
DMA2D_SCRAMBLE_ORDER_BYTE0_2_1, /*!< 2D-DMA pixel data scrambled as BYTE0-2-1 */
DMA2D_SCRAMBLE_ORDER_BYTE0_1_2, /*!< 2D-DMA pixel data scrambled as BYTE0-1-2 */
DMA2D_SCRAMBLE_ORDER_INVALID, /*!< Invalid 2D-DMA pixel data scramble order */
} dma2d_scramble_order_t;
// Y = 16 + 0.257 * R + 0.504 * g + 0.098 * b //
// Cb = 128 - 0.148 * R - 0.291 * g + 0.439 * b //
// Cr = 128 + 0.439 * R - 0.368 * g - 0.071 * b //
// R = 1.164 *(Y - 16) + 1.596 *(Cr - 128) //
// G = 1.164 *(Y - 16) - 0.392 *(Cb - 128) - 0.812 *(Cr - 128)//
// B = 1.164 *(Y - 16) + 2.016 *(Cb - 128) //
// Y = 16 + 0.183 * R + 0.614 * g + 0.062 * b //
// Cb = 128 - 0.101 * R - 0.339 * g + 0.439 * b //
// Cr = 128 + 0.439 * R - 0.399 * g - 0.040 * b //
// R = 1.164 *(Y - 16) + 1.792 *(Cr - 128) //
// G = 1.164 *(Y - 16) - 0.213 *(Cb - 128) - 0.534 *(Cr - 128)//
// B = 1.164 *(Y - 16) + 2.114 *(Cb - 128) //
// R/G/B [0 ... 255]
// Y [16 ... 235]
// Cb/Cr [16 ... 240]
// 256 * Q = A[9:0] * x + B[10:0] * y + C[9:0] * z + D[17:0]
{ \
{ 66, 129, 25, 4096}, \
{ -38, -74, 112, 32768}, \
{ 112, -94, -18, 32768}, \
{ \
{ 47, 157, 16, 4096}, \
{ -26, -86, 112, 32768}, \
{ 112, -102, -10, 32768}, \
{ \
{ 298, 0, 409, -56906}, \
{ 298, -100, -208, 34707}, \
{ 298, 516, 0, -70836}, \
{ \
{ 298, 0, 459, -63367}, \
{ 298, -55, -136, 19681}, \
{ 298, 541, 0, -73918}, \
* @brief Enumeration of 2D-DMA TX color space conversion (CSC) option
typedef enum {
DMA2D_CSC_TX_NONE, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform no CSC */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_SCRAMBLE, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform only data scramble */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_RGB888_TO_RGB565, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform RGB888 to RGB565 conversion */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_RGB565_TO_RGB888, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform RGB565 to RGB888 conversion */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_RGB888_TO_YUV444_601, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform RGB888 to YUV444 conversion (follow BT601 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_RGB888_TO_YUV444_709, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform RGB888 to YUV444 conversion (follow BT709 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_RGB888_TO_YUV422_601, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform RGB888 to YUV422-MIPI conversion (follow BT601 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_RGB888_TO_YUV422_709, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform RGB888 to YUV422-MIPI conversion (follow BT709 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_YUV444_TO_RGB888_601, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform YUV444 to RGB888 conversion (follow BT601 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_YUV444_TO_RGB888_709, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform YUV444 to RGB888 conversion (follow BT709 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_YUV422_TO_RGB888_601, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform YUV422-MIPI to RGB888 conversion (follow BT601 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_YUV422_TO_RGB888_709, /*!< 2D-DMA TX perform YUV422-MIPI to RGB888 conversion (follow BT709 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_TX_INVALID, /*!< Invalid 2D-DMA TX color space conversion */
} dma2d_csc_tx_option_t;
* @brief Enumeration of 2D-DMA RX color space conversion (CSC) option
* RX side only JPEG requires CSC
typedef enum {
DMA2D_CSC_RX_NONE, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform no CSC */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_SCRAMBLE, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform only data scramble */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV422_TO_YUV444, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV422 to YUV444 conversion */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV420_TO_YUV444, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV420 to YUV444 conversion */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV420_TO_RGB888_601, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV420 to RGB888 conversion (follow BT601 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV420_TO_RGB565_601, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV420 to RGB565 conversion (follow BT601 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV420_TO_RGB888_709, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV420 to RGB888 conversion (follow BT709 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV420_TO_RGB565_709, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV420 to RGB565 conversion (follow BT709 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV422_TO_RGB888_601, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV422 to RGB888 conversion (follow BT601 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV422_TO_RGB565_601, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV422 to RGB565 conversion (follow BT601 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV422_TO_RGB888_709, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV422 to RGB888 conversion (follow BT709 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV422_TO_RGB565_709, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV422 to RGB565 conversion (follow BT709 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV444_TO_RGB888_601, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV444 to RGB888 conversion (follow BT601 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV444_TO_RGB565_601, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV444 to RGB565 conversion (follow BT601 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV444_TO_RGB888_709, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV444 to RGB888 conversion (follow BT709 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_YUV444_TO_RGB565_709, /*!< 2D-DMA RX perform YUV444 to RGB565 conversion (follow BT709 standard) */
DMA2D_CSC_RX_INVALID, /*!< Invalid 2D-DMA RX color space conversion */
} dma2d_csc_rx_option_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus