cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) # Executes a command and returns a cleaned log function(espefuse_cmd cmd output_log) set(SERIAL_TOOL ${ESPEFUSEPY}) if(${ESPEFUSEPY_OFFLINE}) set(VIRT_OPTION "--virt") endif() set(SERIAL_TOOL_ARGS ${VIRT_OPTION} "--chip;${IDF_TARGET};${cmd}") set(SERIAL_TOOL_SILENT 1) include(${esptool_py_dir}/run_serial_tool.cmake) set(log ${SERIAL_TOOL_OUTPUT_LOG}) set(prefix_str " command ===") string(FIND "${log}" ${prefix_str} pos) if(${pos} GREATER -1) string(LENGTH ${prefix_str} len_of_prefix_str) math(EXPR pos "${pos} + ${len_of_prefix_str}") string(SUBSTRING "${log}" ${pos} -1 final_log) else() set(final_log "${log}") endif() set(${output_log} "${final_log}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Reads efuses " summary" and returns JSON string function(espefuse_get_json_summary json_str) espefuse_cmd("summary;--format;json" output_log) set(${json_str} "${output_log}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # See the esp-idf/docs/en/api-reference/system/efuse.rst "Get eFuses During Build". # # It takes the efuse json string and returns a value of property for a given efuse name function(espefuse_get_efuse result efuse_json efuse_name efuse_property) if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.19.0") string(REGEX MATCH "\"${efuse_name}\":[ \t\n\r]*\{[^\}]*\}" cur_efuse "${efuse_json}") string(REGEX MATCH "\"${efuse_property}\":[ \t\n\r]*\"?([^,\"]*)\"?," ret_value "${cur_efuse}") set(${result} ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} PARENT_SCOPE) else() # The JSON feature has been supported by Cmake since 3.19.0 string(JSON cur_efuse GET "${efuse_json}" ${efuse_name}) string(JSON ret_value GET "${cur_efuse}" ${efuse_property}) set(${result} ${ret_value} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction()