tools: Remove tools that are not used by active ESP-IDF version.

Or remove unused archives from tools - older version, or unused tool archive
Marek Fiala 2021-12-13 16:45:11 +01:00
rodzic 82c78db4df
commit a4b0560014
7 zmienionych plików z 192 dodań i 35 usunięć

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@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ Any mirror server can be used provided the URL matches the ```` downlo
* ``check-python-dependencies``: Checks if all required Python packages are installed. Packages from ``${IDF_PATH}/tools/requirements/requirements.*.txt`` files selected by the feature list of ``idf-env.json`` are checked with the package versions specified in the ``espidf.constraints.*.txt`` file. The constraint file will be downloaded from if this step hasn't been done already in the last day.
* ``uninstall``: Print and remove tools, that are currently not used by active ESP-IDF version.
- ``--dry-run`` Print installed unused tools.
- ``--remove-archives`` Additionally remove all older versions of previously downloaded installation packages.
.. _idf-tools-install:
Install scripts

Wyświetl plik

@ -56,6 +56,11 @@ echo Checking if Python packages are up to date...
python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\tools\" check-python-dependencies
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :__end
python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\tools\" uninstall --dry-run > UNINSTALL_OUTPUT
if NOT "%UNINSTALL%"=="" call :__uninstall_message
echo Done! You can now compile ESP-IDF projects.
echo Go to the project directory and run:
@ -83,6 +88,13 @@ goto :__end
echo For more details please visit our website:
goto :__end
echo Detected installed tools that are not currently used by active ESP-IDF version.
echo For free up even more space, remove installation packages of those tools. Use option 'python.exe %IDF_PATH%\tools\ uninstall --remove-archives'.
:: Clean up
if not "%IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE%"=="" (
@ -96,3 +108,4 @@ set IDF_TOOLS_JSON_PATH=

Wyświetl plik

@ -47,6 +47,15 @@ function __main
echo "All paths are already set."
set uninstall ("$ESP_PYTHON" "$IDF_PATH"/tools/ uninstall --dry-run) || return 1
if test -n "$uninstall"
echo ""
echo "Detected installed tools that are not currently used by active ESP-IDF version."
echo "$uninstall"
echo "For free up even more space, remove installation packages of those tools. Use option '$ESP_PYTHON $IDF_PATH/tools/ uninstall --remove-archives'."
echo ""
# Clean up
set -e added_path_variables
set -e cmd
@ -57,6 +66,7 @@ function __main
set -e idf_exports
set -e uninstall
# Not unsetting IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, it can be used by IDF build system
# to check whether we are using a private Python environment

Wyświetl plik

@ -75,6 +75,16 @@ Write-Output "Checking if Python packages are up to date..."
Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow -FilePath "python" -Args "`"$IDF_PATH/tools/`" check-python-dependencies"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } # if error
$uninstall = python $IDF_PATH/tools/ uninstall --dry-run
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($uninstall)){
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Detected installed tools that are not currently used by active ESP-IDF version."
Write-Output "$uninstall"
Write-Output "For free up even more space, remove installation packages of those tools. Use option 'python.exe $IDF_PATH\tools\ uninstall --remove-archives'."
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "
Done! You can now compile ESP-IDF projects.
Go to the project directory and run:

Wyświetl plik

@ -132,6 +132,15 @@ __main() {
__verbose " ${PATH}"
uninstall=$("$ESP_PYTHON" "${IDF_PATH}/tools/" uninstall --dry-run) || return 1
if [ -n "$uninstall" ]
__verbose ""
__verbose "Detected installed tools that are not currently used by active ESP-IDF version."
__verbose "${uninstall}"
__verbose "For free up even more space, remove installation packages of those tools. Use option '${ESP_PYTHON} ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ uninstall --remove-archives'."
__verbose ""
__verbose "Done! You can now compile ESP-IDF projects."
__verbose "Go to the project directory and run:"
@ -151,6 +160,7 @@ __cleanup() {
unset uninstall
unset __realpath
unset __main

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@ -977,6 +977,16 @@ def dump_tools_json(tools_info): # type: ignore
return json.dumps(file_json, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True)
def get_python_exe_and_subdir() -> Tuple[str, str]:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
subdir = 'Scripts'
python_exe = 'python.exe'
subdir = 'bin'
python_exe = 'python'
return python_exe, subdir
def get_python_env_path(): # type: () -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]
python_ver_major_minor = '{}.{}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor)
@ -1018,13 +1028,7 @@ def get_python_env_path(): # type: () -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]
idf_python_env_path = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path, 'python_env', # type: ignore
'idf{}_py{}_env'.format(idf_version, python_ver_major_minor))
if sys.platform == 'win32':
subdir = 'Scripts'
python_exe = 'python.exe'
subdir = 'bin'
python_exe = 'python'
python_exe, subdir = get_python_exe_and_subdir()
idf_python_export_path = os.path.join(idf_python_env_path, subdir)
virtualenv_python = os.path.join(idf_python_export_path, python_exe)
@ -1374,39 +1378,53 @@ def apply_github_assets_option(tool_download_obj): # type: ignore
tool_download_obj.url = new_url
def get_tools_spec_and_platform_info(selected_platform, targets, tools_spec,
quiet=False): # type: (str, list[str], list[str], bool) -> Tuple[list[str], Dict[str, IDFTool]]
if selected_platform not in PLATFORM_FROM_NAME:
fatal(f'unknown platform: {selected_platform}')
raise SystemExit(1)
selected_platform = PLATFORM_FROM_NAME[selected_platform]
# If this function is not called from action_download, but is used just for detecting active tools, info about downloading is unwanted.
global global_quiet
old_global_quiet = global_quiet
global_quiet = quiet
tools_info = load_tools_info()
tools_info_for_platform = OrderedDict()
for name, tool_obj in tools_info.items():
tool_for_platform = tool_obj.copy_for_platform(selected_platform)
tools_info_for_platform[name] = tool_for_platform
if not tools_spec or 'required' in tools_spec:
# Downloading tools for all ESP_targets required by the operating system.
tools_spec = [k for k, v in tools_info_for_platform.items() if v.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_ALWAYS]
# Filtering tools user defined list of ESP_targets
if 'all' not in targets:
def is_tool_selected(tool): # type: (IDFTool) -> bool
supported_targets = tool.get_supported_targets()
return (any(item in targets for item in supported_targets) or supported_targets == ['all'])
tools_spec = [k for k in tools_spec if is_tool_selected(tools_info[k])]
info('Downloading tools for {}: {}'.format(selected_platform, ', '.join(tools_spec)))
# Downloading tools for all ESP_targets (MacOS, Windows, Linux)
elif 'all' in tools_spec:
tools_spec = [k for k, v in tools_info_for_platform.items() if v.get_install_type() != IDFTool.INSTALL_NEVER]
info('Downloading tools for {}: {}'.format(selected_platform, ', '.join(tools_spec)))
global_quiet = old_global_quiet
return tools_spec, tools_info_for_platform
def action_download(args): # type: ignore
tools_info = load_tools_info()
tools_spec =
targets = [] # type: list[str]
# Installing only single tools, no targets are specified.
if 'required' in tools_spec:
targets = add_and_save_targets(args.targets)
if args.platform not in PLATFORM_FROM_NAME:
fatal('unknown platform: {}' % args.platform)
raise SystemExit(1)
platform = PLATFORM_FROM_NAME[args.platform]
tools_info_for_platform = OrderedDict()
for name, tool_obj in tools_info.items():
tool_for_platform = tool_obj.copy_for_platform(platform)
tools_info_for_platform[name] = tool_for_platform
if not tools_spec or 'required' in tools_spec:
# Downloading tools for all ESP_targets required by the operating system.
tools_spec = [k for k, v in tools_info_for_platform.items() if v.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_ALWAYS]
# Filtering tools user defined list of ESP_targets
if 'all' not in targets:
def is_tool_selected(tool): # type: (IDFTool) -> bool
supported_targets = tool.get_supported_targets()
return (any(item in targets for item in supported_targets) or supported_targets == ['all'])
tools_spec = [k for k in tools_spec if is_tool_selected(tools_info[k])]
info('Downloading tools for {}: {}'.format(platform, ', '.join(tools_spec)))
# Downloading tools for all ESP_targets (MacOS, Windows, Linux)
elif 'all' in tools_spec:
tools_spec = [k for k, v in tools_info_for_platform.items() if v.get_install_type() != IDFTool.INSTALL_NEVER]
info('Downloading tools for {}: {}'.format(platform, ', '.join(tools_spec)))
tools_spec, tools_info_for_platform = get_tools_spec_and_platform_info(args.platform, targets,
for tool_spec in tools_spec:
if '@' not in tool_spec:
@ -1747,6 +1765,75 @@ def action_rewrite(args): # type: ignore
info('Wrote output to {}'.format(args.output))
def action_uninstall(args): # type: (Any) -> None
""" Print or remove installed tools, that are currently not used by active ESP-IDF version.
Additionally remove all older versions of previously downloaded archives.
def is_tool_selected(tool): # type: (IDFTool) -> bool
supported_targets = tool.get_supported_targets()
return (supported_targets == ['all'] or any(item in targets for item in supported_targets))
tools_info = load_tools_info()
targets, _ = get_requested_targets_and_features()
tools_path = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', 'tools')
dist_path = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', 'dist')
used_tools = [k for k, v in tools_info.items() if (v.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_ALWAYS and is_tool_selected(tools_info[k]))]
installed_tools = os.listdir(tools_path) if os.path.isdir(tools_path) else []
unused_tools = [tool for tool in installed_tools if tool not in used_tools]
# Keeping tools added by windows installer
KEEP_WIN_TOOLS = ['idf-git', 'idf-python']
for tool in KEEP_WIN_TOOLS:
if tool in unused_tools:
# Print unused tools.
if args.dry_run:
if unused_tools:
print('For removing {} use command \'{} {} {}\''.format(', '.join(unused_tools), get_python_exe_and_subdir()[0],
os.path.join(global_idf_path or '', 'tools', ''), 'uninstall'))
# Remove installed tools that are not used by current ESP-IDF version.
for tool in unused_tools:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(tools_path, tool))
info(os.path.join(tools_path, tool) + ' was removed.')
except OSError as error:
warn(f'{error.filename} can not be removed because {error.strerror}.')
# Remove old archives versions and archives that are not used by the current ESP-IDF version.
if args.remove_archives:
targets, _ = get_requested_targets_and_features()
tools_spec, tools_info_for_platform = get_tools_spec_and_platform_info(CURRENT_PLATFORM, targets, ['required'], quiet=True)
used_archives = []
# Detect used active archives
for tool_spec in tools_spec:
if '@' not in tool_spec:
tool_name = tool_spec
tool_version = None
tool_name, tool_version = tool_spec.split('@', 1)
tool_obj = tools_info_for_platform[tool_name]
if tool_version is None:
tool_version = tool_obj.get_recommended_version()
# mypy-checks
if tool_version is not None:
archive_version = tool_obj.versions[tool_version].get_download_for_platform(CURRENT_PLATFORM)
if archive_version is not None:
archive_version_url = archive_version.url
archive = os.path.basename(archive_version_url)
downloaded_archives = os.listdir(dist_path)
for archive in downloaded_archives:
if archive not in used_archives:
os.remove(os.path.join(dist_path, archive))
info(os.path.join(dist_path, archive) + ' was removed.')
def action_validate(args): # type: ignore
import jsonschema
@ -1882,6 +1969,10 @@ def main(argv): # type: (list[str]) -> None
download.add_argument('--targets', default='all', help='A comma separated list of desired chip targets for installing.' +
' It defaults to installing all supported targets.')
uninstall = subparsers.add_parser('uninstall', help='Remove installed tools, that are not used by current version of ESP-IDF.')
uninstall.add_argument('--dry-run', help='Print unused tools.', action='store_true')
uninstall.add_argument('--remove-archives', help='Remove old archive versions and archives from unused tools.', action='store_true')
for subparser in [download, install]:
subparser.add_argument('--mirror-prefix-map', nargs='*',

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@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
print('Using IDF_TOOLS_PATH={}'.format(cls.temp_tools_dir))
os.environ['IDF_TOOLS_PATH'] = cls.temp_tools_dir
cls.idf_env_json = os.path.join(cls.temp_tools_dir, 'idf-env.json')
def tearDownClass(cls):
@ -104,8 +105,8 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.temp_tools_dir, 'tools')):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.temp_tools_dir, 'tools'))
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.temp_tools_dir, 'idf-env.json')):
os.remove(os.path.join(self.temp_tools_dir, 'idf-env.json'))
if os.path.isfile(self.idf_env_json):
def assert_tool_installed(self, output, tool, tool_version, tool_archive_name=None):
if tool_archive_name is None:
@ -314,6 +315,23 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertNotIn('%s/tools/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/%s/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/bin' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF_VERSION), output)
def test_uninstall_option(self):
self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['install', '--targets=esp32,esp32c3'])
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['uninstall', '--dry-run'])
self.assertEqual(output, '')
with open(self.idf_env_json, 'r') as idf_env_file:
idf_env_json = json.load(idf_env_file)
with open(self.idf_env_json, 'w') as w:
json.dump(idf_env_json, w)
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['uninstall'])
self.assertIn(XTENSA_ESP32_ELF, output)
self.assertIn(ESP32ULP, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['uninstall', '--dry-run'])
self.assertEqual(output, '')
class TestMaintainer(unittest.TestCase):