feat(ulp-riscv): Add convenience print function that supports different widths

This commit adds a convenience function to print hex numbers of
different widths on the ULP RISC-V core.

Closes https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/pull/13180
Dr. Michael Lauer 2024-01-14 16:04:04 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez Sudeep Mohanty
rodzic 5e47ed70c2
commit 08dead4b31
2 zmienionych plików z 43 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -35,6 +35,14 @@ void ulp_riscv_print_str(const char *str);
void ulp_riscv_print_hex(int h);
* @brief Prints a hex number with the specified number of digits. Does not print 0x, only the digits
* @param Hex number to print
* @param number_of_digits Number of digits to print.
void ulp_riscv_print_hex_with_number_of_digits(int h, int number_of_digits);
#ifdef __cplusplus

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@ -60,3 +60,38 @@ void ulp_riscv_print_hex(int h)
void ulp_riscv_print_hex_with_number_of_digits(int h, int number_of_digits)
int x;
int c;
if (!s_print_ctx.putc) {
if (number_of_digits < 1) {
if (number_of_digits >= 8) {
/* Perform the bit-banged UART operation in a critical section */
// Does not print '0x', only the digits specified by the number_of_digits argument
for (x = 0; x < number_of_digits; x++) {
c = (h >> ((number_of_digits - 1) * 4)) & 0xf; // extract the leftmost byte
if (c < 10) {
s_print_ctx.putc(s_print_ctx.putc_ctx, '0' + c);
} else {
s_print_ctx.putc(s_print_ctx.putc_ctx, 'a' + c - 10);
h <<= 4; // move the 2nd leftmost byte to the left, to be extracted next