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from __future__ import print_function
2020-07-21 08:00:05 +00:00
import argparse
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from copy import deepcopy
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
import CreateSectionTable
import yaml
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
from yaml import CLoader as Loader
except ImportError:
2021-02-01 08:18:16 +00:00
from yaml import Loader as Loader # type: ignore
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
'initial condition': 'UTINIT1',
'chip_target': 'esp32',
'level': 'Unit',
'execution time': 0,
'auto test': 'Yes',
'category': 'Function',
'test point 1': 'basic function',
'version': 'v1 (2016-12-06)',
'test environment': 'UT_T1_1',
'reset': '',
'expected result': '1. set succeed',
'cmd set': 'test_unit_test_case',
'Test App': 'UT',
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
class Parser(object):
""" parse unit test cases from build files and create files for test bench """
TAG_PATTERN = re.compile(r'([^=]+)(=)?(.+)?')
DESCRIPTION_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\[([^]\[]+)\]')
CONFIG_PATTERN = re.compile(r'{([^}]+)}')
TEST_GROUPS_PATTERN = re.compile(r'TEST_GROUPS=(.*)$')
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# file path (relative to idf path)
TAG_DEF_FILE = os.path.join('tools', 'unit-test-app', 'tools', 'TagDefinition.yml')
MODULE_DEF_FILE = os.path.join('tools', 'unit-test-app', 'tools', 'ModuleDefinition.yml')
CONFIG_DEPENDENCY_FILE = os.path.join('tools', 'unit-test-app', 'tools', 'ConfigDependency.yml')
MODULE_ARTIFACT_FILE = os.path.join('components', 'idf_test', 'ModuleDefinition.yml')
TEST_CASE_FILE_DIR = os.path.join('components', 'idf_test', 'unit_test')
UT_CONFIG_FOLDER = os.path.join('tools', 'unit-test-app', 'configs')
ELF_FILE = 'unit-test-app.elf'
SDKCONFIG_FILE = 'sdkconfig'
STRIP_CONFIG_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(.+?)(_\d+)?$')
'esp32': 'xtensa-esp32-elf-',
'esp32s2': 'xtensa-esp32s2-elf-',
2020-07-21 08:00:05 +00:00
def __init__(self, binary_folder):
idf_path = os.getenv('IDF_PATH')
idf_target = os.getenv('IDF_TARGET')
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
self.test_env_tags = {}
self.unit_jobs = {}
self.file_name_cache = {}
self.idf_path = idf_path
self.idf_target = idf_target
2020-07-21 08:00:05 +00:00
self.ut_bin_folder = binary_folder
self.objdump = Parser.TOOLCHAIN_FOR_TARGET.get(idf_target, '') + 'objdump'
self.tag_def = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(idf_path, self.TAG_DEF_FILE), 'r'), Loader=Loader)
self.module_map = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(idf_path, self.MODULE_DEF_FILE), 'r'), Loader=Loader)
self.config_dependencies = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(idf_path, self.CONFIG_DEPENDENCY_FILE), 'r'),
# used to check if duplicated test case names
self.test_case_names = set()
self.parsing_errors = []
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
def parse_test_cases_for_one_config(self, configs_folder, config_output_folder, config_name):
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
parse test cases from elf and save test cases need to be executed to unit test folder
:param configs_folder: folder where per-config sdkconfig fragments are located (i.e. tools/unit-test-app/configs)
:param config_output_folder: build folder of this config
:param config_name: built unit test config name
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
tags = self.parse_tags(os.path.join(config_output_folder, self.SDKCONFIG_FILE))
print('Tags of config %s: %s' % (config_name, tags))
test_groups = self.get_test_groups(os.path.join(configs_folder, config_name))
elf_file = os.path.join(config_output_folder, self.ELF_FILE)
subprocess.check_output('{} -t {} | grep test_desc > case_address.tmp'.format(self.objdump, elf_file),
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
subprocess.check_output('{} -s {} > section_table.tmp'.format(self.objdump, elf_file), shell=True)
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
table = CreateSectionTable.SectionTable('section_table.tmp')
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
test_cases = []
# we could split cases of same config into multiple binaries as we have limited rom space
# we should regard those configs like `default` and `default_2` as the same config
match = self.STRIP_CONFIG_PATTERN.match(config_name)
stripped_config_name =
with open('case_address.tmp', 'rb') as f:
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
for line in f:
# process symbol table like: "3ffb4310 l O 00000018 test_desc_33$5010"
line = line.split()
test_addr = int(line[0], 16)
section = line[3]
name_addr = table.get_unsigned_int(section, test_addr, 4)
desc_addr = table.get_unsigned_int(section, test_addr + 4, 4)
2018-12-04 12:46:48 +00:00
function_count = table.get_unsigned_int(section, test_addr + 20, 4)
name = table.get_string('any', name_addr)
desc = table.get_string('any', desc_addr)
tc = self.parse_one_test_case(name, desc, config_name, stripped_config_name, tags)
# check if duplicated case names
# we need to use it to select case,
# if duplicated IDs, Unity could select incorrect case to run
# and we need to check all cases no matter if it's going te be executed by CI
# also add app_name here, we allow same case for different apps
if (tc['summary'] + stripped_config_name) in self.test_case_names:
self.parsing_errors.append('duplicated test case ID: ' + tc['summary'])
self.test_case_names.add(tc['summary'] + stripped_config_name)
test_group_included = True
if test_groups is not None and tc['group'] not in test_groups:
test_group_included = False
if tc['CI ready'] == 'Yes' and test_group_included:
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# update test env list and the cases of same env list
if tc['test environment'] in self.test_env_tags:
self.test_env_tags[tc['test environment']].append(tc['ID'])
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
self.test_env_tags.update({tc['test environment']: [tc['ID']]})
if function_count > 1:
tc.update({'child case num': function_count})
# only add cases need to be executed
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
return test_cases
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
def parse_case_properties(self, tags_raw):
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
parse test case tags (properties) with the following rules:
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
* first tag is always group of test cases, it's mandatory
* the rest tags should be [type=value].
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
* if the type have default value, then [type] equal to [type=default_value].
* if the type don't don't exist, then equal to [type=omitted_value]
default_value and omitted_value are defined in TagDefinition.yml
:param tags_raw: raw tag string
:return: tag dict
tags = self.DESCRIPTION_PATTERN.findall(tags_raw)
assert len(tags) > 0
p = dict([(k, self.tag_def[k]['omitted']) for k in self.tag_def])
p['module'] = tags[0]
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# Use the original value of the first tag as test group name
p['group'] = p['module']
if p['module'] not in self.module_map:
p['module'] = 'misc'
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# parsing rest tags, [type=value], =value is optional
for tag in tags[1:]:
match =
assert match is not None
tag_type =
tag_value =
if == '=' and tag_value is None:
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# [tag_type=] means tag_value is empty string
tag_value = ''
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
if tag_type in p:
if tag_value is None:
p[tag_type] = self.tag_def[tag_type]['default']
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
p[tag_type] = tag_value
# ignore not defined tag type
return p
def parse_tags_internal(sdkconfig, config_dependencies, config_pattern):
required_tags = []
def compare_config(config):
return config in sdkconfig
def process_condition(condition):
matches = config_pattern.findall(condition)
if matches:
for config in matches:
compare_result = compare_config(config)
# replace all configs in condition with True or False according to compare result
condition = re.sub(config_pattern, str(compare_result), condition, count=1)
# Now the condition is a python condition, we can use eval to compute its value
ret = eval(condition)
# didn't use complex condition. only defined one condition for the tag
ret = compare_config(condition)
return ret
for tag in config_dependencies:
if process_condition(config_dependencies[tag]):
return required_tags
def parse_tags(self, sdkconfig_file):
Some test configs could requires different DUTs.
For example, if CONFIG_ESP32_SPIRAM_SUPPORT is enabled, we need WROVER-Kit to run test.
This method will get tags for runners according to ConfigDependency.yml(maps tags to sdkconfig).
We support to the following syntax::
# define the config which requires the tag
'tag_a': 'config_a="value_a"'
# define the condition for the tag
'tag_b': '{config A} and (not {config B} or (not {config C} and {config D}))'
:param sdkconfig_file: sdk config file of the unit test config
:return: required tags for runners
with open(sdkconfig_file, 'r') as f:
configs_raw_data =
configs = configs_raw_data.splitlines(False)
return self.parse_tags_internal(configs, self.config_dependencies, self.CONFIG_PATTERN)
def get_test_groups(self, config_file):
If the config file includes TEST_GROUPS variable, return its value as a list of strings.
:param config_file file under configs/ directory for given configuration
:return: list of test groups, or None if TEST_GROUPS wasn't set
with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
match = self.TEST_GROUPS_PATTERN.match(line)
if match is not None:
return' ')
return None
def parse_one_test_case(self, name, description, config_name, stripped_config_name, tags):
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
parse one test case
:param name: test case name (summary)
:param description: test case description (tag string)
:param config_name: built unit test app name
:param stripped_config_name: strip suffix from config name because they're the same except test components
:param tags: tags to select runners
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
:return: parsed test case
prop = self.parse_case_properties(description)
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
test_case = deepcopy(TEST_CASE_PATTERN)
test_case.update({'config': config_name,
'module': self.module_map[prop['module']]['module'],
'group': prop['group'],
'CI ready': 'No' if prop['ignore'] == 'Yes' else 'Yes',
'ID': '[{}] {}'.format(stripped_config_name, name),
'test point 2': prop['module'],
'steps': name,
'test environment': prop['test_env'],
'reset': prop['reset'],
'sub module': self.module_map[prop['module']]['sub module'],
'summary': name,
'multi_device': prop['multi_device'],
'multi_stage': prop['multi_stage'],
'timeout': int(prop['timeout']),
'tags': tags,
'chip_target': self.idf_target})
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
return test_case
def dump_test_cases(self, test_cases):
dump parsed test cases to YAML file for test bench input
:param test_cases: parsed test cases
filename = os.path.join(self.idf_path, self.TEST_CASE_FILE_DIR, self.idf_target + '.yml')
except OSError:
with open(os.path.join(filename), 'w+') as f:
yaml.dump({'test cases': test_cases}, f, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False)
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
def copy_module_def_file(self):
""" copy module def file to artifact path """
src = os.path.join(self.idf_path, self.MODULE_DEF_FILE)
dst = os.path.join(self.idf_path, self.MODULE_ARTIFACT_FILE)
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
shutil.copy(src, dst)
def parse_test_cases(self):
""" parse test cases from multiple built unit test apps """
test_cases = []
2020-07-21 08:00:05 +00:00
output_folder = os.path.join(self.idf_path, self.ut_bin_folder, self.idf_target)
configs_folder = os.path.join(self.idf_path, self.UT_CONFIG_FOLDER)
test_configs = [item for item in os.listdir(output_folder)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(output_folder, item))]
for config in test_configs:
config_output_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, config)
if os.path.exists(config_output_folder):
test_cases.extend(self.parse_test_cases_for_one_config(configs_folder, config_output_folder, config))
test_cases.sort(key=lambda x: x['config'] + x['summary'])
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
2020-07-21 08:00:05 +00:00
def test_parser(binary_folder):
parser = Parser(binary_folder)
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# test parsing tags
# parsing module only and module in module list
prop = parser.parse_case_properties('[esp32]')
assert prop['module'] == 'esp32'
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# module not in module list
prop = parser.parse_case_properties('[not_in_list]')
assert prop['module'] == 'misc'
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# parsing a default tag, a tag with assigned value
prop = parser.parse_case_properties('[esp32][ignore][test_env=ABCD][not_support1][not_support2=ABCD]')
assert prop['ignore'] == 'Yes' and prop['test_env'] == 'ABCD' \
and 'not_support1' not in prop and 'not_supported2' not in prop
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# parsing omitted value
prop = parser.parse_case_properties('[esp32]')
assert prop['ignore'] == 'No' and prop['test_env'] == 'UT_T1_1'
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# parsing with incorrect format
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
assert False
except AssertionError:
# skip invalid data parse, [type=] assigns empty string to type
prop = parser.parse_case_properties('[esp32]abdc aaaa [ignore=]')
assert prop['module'] == 'esp32' and prop['ignore'] == ''
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
# skip mis-paired []
prop = parser.parse_case_properties('[esp32][[ignore=b]][]][test_env=AAA]]')
assert prop['module'] == 'esp32' and prop['ignore'] == 'b' and prop['test_env'] == 'AAA'
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
config_dependency = {
'a': '123',
'b': '456',
'c': 'not {123}',
'd': '{123} and not {456}',
'e': '{123} and not {789}',
'f': '({123} and {456}) or ({123} and {789})'
sdkconfig = ['123', '789']
tags = parser.parse_tags_internal(sdkconfig, config_dependency, parser.CONFIG_PATTERN)
2018-12-04 12:46:48 +00:00
assert sorted(tags) == ['a', 'd', 'f'] # sorted is required for older Python3, e.g. 3.4.8
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
2020-07-21 08:00:05 +00:00
def main(binary_folder):
assert os.getenv('IDF_PATH'), 'IDF_PATH must be set to use this script'
assert os.getenv('IDF_TARGET'), 'IDF_TARGET must be set to use this script'
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
2020-07-21 08:00:05 +00:00
parser = Parser(binary_folder)
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
if len(parser.parsing_errors) > 0:
for error in parser.parsing_errors:
2017-03-24 10:38:06 +00:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
2020-07-21 08:00:05 +00:00
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('bin_dir', help='Binary Folder')
args = parser.parse_args()