import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from math import pi, sin, cos, isnan DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = pi / 180 def print_coords(coords): for (x, y) in coords: if isnan(x): print("") else: print("({:.2f}, {:.2f})".format(x, y)) def turtle_to_coords(turtle_program, turn_amount=45): # The state variable tracks the current location and angle of the turtle. # The turtle starts at (0, 0) facing up (90 degrees). state = (0.0, 0.0, 90.0) # Throughout the turtle's journey, we "yield" its location. These coordinate # pairs become the path that plot_coords draws. yield (0.0, 0.0) # Loop over the program, one character at a time. for command in turtle_program: x, y, angle = state if command in "Ff": # Move turtle forward state = ( x - cos(angle * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS), y + sin(angle * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS), angle, ) if command == "f": # Insert a break in the path so that # this line segment isn't drawn. yield (float("nan"), float("nan")) yield (state[0], state[1]) elif command == "+": # Turn turtle clockwise without moving state = (x, y, angle + turn_amount) elif command == "-": # Turn turtle counter-clockwise without moving state = (x, y, angle - turn_amount) # Note: We silently ignore unknown commands def plot_coords(coords, bare_plot=False): if bare_plot: # Turns off the axis markers. plt.axis("off") # Ensures equal aspect ratio. plt.axes().set_aspect("equal", "datalim") # Converts a list of coordinates into # lists of X and Y values, respectively. X, Y = zip(*coords) # Draws the plot. plt.plot(X, Y) def transform_sequence(sequence, transformations): return "".join(transformations.get(c, c) for c in sequence) def transform_multiple(sequence, transformations, iterations): for _ in range(iterations): sequence = transform_sequence(sequence, transformations) return sequence def hilbert(): return turtle_to_coords( transform_multiple("L", {"L": "-RF+LFL+FR-", "R": "+LF-RFR-FL+"}, 5), 90 ) if __name__ == "__main__":"bmh") # Use some nicer default colors plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plot_coords( turtle_to_coords( transform_multiple("L", {"L": "-RF+LFL+FR-", "R": "+LF-RFR-FL+"}, 5), 90 ) )