# docker-compose build version: '3.9' volumes: dbbackups: postgis-data: services: db: image: kartoza/postgis:${POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION}-${POSTGIS_MAJOR_VERSION}.${POSTGIS_MINOR_RELEASE} volumes: - postgis-data:/var/lib/postgresql - dbbackups:/backups environment: # If you need to create multiple database you can add coma separated databases eg gis,data - POSTGRES_DB=gis - POSTGRES_USER=docker - POSTGRES_PASS=docker - ALLOW_IP_RANGE= # Add extensions you need to be enabled by default in the DB. Default are the five specified below - POSTGRES_MULTIPLE_EXTENSIONS=postgis,hstore,postgis_topology,postgis_raster,pgrouting - RUN_AS_ROOT=true ports: - "25432:5432" restart: on-failure healthcheck: test: "PGPASSWORD=docker pg_isready -h -U docker -d gis" dbbackups: image: kartoza/pg-backup:${POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION}-${POSTGIS_MAJOR_VERSION}.${POSTGIS_MINOR_RELEASE} hostname: pg-backups volumes: - dbbackups:/backups environment: - DUMPPREFIX=PG_db - POSTGRES_USER=docker - POSTGRES_PASS=docker - POSTGRES_PORT=5432 - POSTGRES_HOST=db restart: on-failure depends_on: db: condition: service_healthy