
871 wiersze
24 KiB

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// picture.cxx rgb picture viewer
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008
// Dave Freese, W1HKJ
// Copyright (C) 2008-2009
// Stelios Bounanos, M0GLD
// Copyright (C) 2010
// Remi Chateauneu, F4ECW
// This file is part of fldigi.
// fldigi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 4 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Fldigi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <zlib.h>
#include <config.h>
#ifdef __MINGW32__
# include "compat.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
//#include <zlib.h>
#include <png.h>
#include "fl_digi.h"
#include "trx.h"
#include "fl_lock.h"
#include "picture.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "timeops.h"
using namespace std;
picture::picture (int X, int Y, int W, int H, int bg_col) :
Fl_Widget (X, Y, W, H)
width = W;
height = H;
bufsize = W * H * depth;
numcol = 0;
slantdir = 0;
vidbuf = new unsigned char[bufsize];
background = bg_col ;
memset( vidbuf, background, bufsize );
zoom = 0 ;
binary = false ;
binary_threshold = 128 ;
slantcorr = true;
cbFunc = NULL;
if (vidbuf) delete [] vidbuf;
void picture::video(unsigned char const *data, int len )
if (len > bufsize) return;
memcpy( vidbuf, data, len );
unsigned char picture::pixel(int pos)
if (pos < 0 || pos >= bufsize) return 0;
return vidbuf[pos];
void picture::clear()
memset(vidbuf, background, bufsize);
void picture::resize_zoom(int x, int y, int w, int h)
if( zoom < 0 ) {
int stride = -zoom + 1 ;
} else if( zoom > 0 ) {
int stride = zoom + 1 ;
} else {
void picture::resize(int x, int y, int w, int h)
if (w != width || h != height) {
width = w;
height = h;
delete [] vidbuf;
bufsize = depth * w * h;
vidbuf = new unsigned char[bufsize];
memset( vidbuf, background, bufsize );
/// No data destruction. Used when the received image grows more than expected.
/// Beware that this is not protected by a mutex.
void picture::resize_height(int new_height, bool clear_img)
int new_bufsize = width * new_height * depth;
/// If the allocation fails, std::bad_alloc is thrown.
unsigned char * new_vidbuf = new unsigned char[new_bufsize];
if( clear_img )
/// Sets to zero the complete image.
memset( new_vidbuf, background, new_bufsize );
if( new_height <= height )
memcpy( new_vidbuf, vidbuf, new_bufsize );
memcpy( new_vidbuf, vidbuf, bufsize );
memset( new_vidbuf + bufsize, background, new_bufsize - bufsize );
delete [] vidbuf ;
vidbuf = new_vidbuf ;
bufsize = new_bufsize ;
height = new_height;
resize_zoom( x(), y(), width, height );
void picture::stretch(double the_ratio)
/// We do not change the width but the height
int new_height = height * the_ratio + 0.5 ;
int new_bufsize = width * new_height * depth;
/// If the allocation fails, std::bad_alloc is thrown.
unsigned char * new_vidbuf = new unsigned char[new_bufsize];
/// No interpolation, it takes the nearest pixel.
for( int ix_out = 0 ; ix_out < new_bufsize ; ix_out += depth ) {
int ix_in = 0.5 + ( double )ix_out * the_ratio ;
switch( ix_in % depth ) {
case 1 : --ix_in ; break ;
case 2 : ++ix_in ; break ;
default: ;
if( ix_in >= bufsize ) {
/// Grey value as a filler to indicate the end. For debugging.
memset( new_vidbuf + ix_out, 128, new_bufsize - ix_out );
break ;
for( int i = 0; i < depth ; ++i )
new_vidbuf[ ix_out + i ] = vidbuf[ ix_in + i ];
delete [] vidbuf ;
vidbuf = new_vidbuf ;
bufsize = new_bufsize ;
height = new_height;
resize_zoom( x(), y(), width, height );
/// Change the horizontal center of the image by shifting the pixels.
// Beware that it is not protected by a mutex
void picture::shift_horizontal_center(int horizontal_shift)
/// This is a number of pixels.
int shift = horizontal_shift * depth;
if( shift < -bufsize ) {
shift = -bufsize ;
if( horizontal_shift > 0 ) {
/// Here we lose a couple of pixels at the end of the buffer
/// if there is not a line enough. It should not be a lot.
int tmp, n;
memmove( vidbuf + shift, vidbuf, bufsize - shift );
memcpy(vidbuf, vidbuf + width*depth, shift);
for (int row = 0; row < height; row ++) {
for (int col = 0; col < shift; col++) {
n = (row * width + col) * depth;
tmp = vidbuf[n];
vidbuf[n] = vidbuf[n+2];
vidbuf[n+2] = tmp;
// memset( vidbuf, background, horizontal_shift );
} else {
// shift *= -1;
/// Here, it is not necessary to reduce the buffer's size.
// memmove( vidbuf, vidbuf + shift, bufsize - shift );
// memcpy( vidbuf + bufsize - shift - 1,
// vidbuf + bufsize - width * depth - 1, shift);
// memset( vidbuf + bufsize + horizontal_shift, background, -horizontal_shift );
/// Shift the center by 1 rgb value
// not protected by a mutex
void picture::shift_center(int dir)
if( dir > 0 ) {
memmove( vidbuf + 1, vidbuf, bufsize - 1 );
vidbuf[0] = 0;
} else {
memmove( vidbuf, vidbuf + 1, bufsize - 1 );
vidbuf[bufsize-1] = 0;
/// rotate rgb pixel ordering in the image to the right of
/// and including grp pixels from the left
// not protected by a mutex
void picture::rotate()
unsigned char tmp;
int n;
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
n = (row * width + col) * depth;
tmp = vidbuf[n];
vidbuf[n] = vidbuf[n+1];
vidbuf[n+1] = vidbuf[n+2];
vidbuf[n+2] = tmp;
void picture::set_zoom( int the_zoom )
zoom = the_zoom ;
/// The size of the displayed bitmap is changed.
resize_zoom( x(), y(), width, height );
// in data user data passed to function
// in x_screen,y_screen,wid_screen position and width of scan line in image
// out buf buffer for generated image data.
// Must copy wid_screen pixels from scanline y_screen, starting at pixel x_screen to this buffer.
void picture::draw_cb( void *data, int x_screen, int y_screen, int wid_screen, uchar * __restrict__ buf)
const picture * __restrict__ ptr_pic = ( const picture * ) data ;
const int img_width = ptr_pic->width ;
const unsigned char * __restrict__ in_ptr = ptr_pic->vidbuf ;
/// One pixel out of (zoom+1)
if( ptr_pic->zoom < 0 ) {
const int stride = -ptr_pic->zoom + 1 ;
const int in_offset = ( img_width * y_screen + x_screen ) * stride ;
int dpth_in_offset = depth * in_offset ;
if(ptr_pic->binary) {
for( int ix_w = 0, max_w = wid_screen * depth; ix_w < max_w ; ix_w += depth ) {
buf[ ix_w ] = ptr_pic->pix2bin(in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset ]);
buf[ ix_w + 1 ] = ptr_pic->pix2bin(in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset + 1 ]);
buf[ ix_w + 2 ] = ptr_pic->pix2bin(in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset + 2 ]);
dpth_in_offset += depth * stride ;
else {
for( int ix_w = 0, max_w = wid_screen * depth; ix_w < max_w ; ix_w += depth ) {
buf[ ix_w ] = in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset ];
buf[ ix_w + 1 ] = in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset + 1 ];
buf[ ix_w + 2 ] = in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset + 2 ];
dpth_in_offset += depth * stride ;
return ;
/// Reads each input pixel (-zoom+1) times.
if( ptr_pic->zoom > 0 ) {
const int stride = ptr_pic->zoom + 1 ;
const int in_offset = img_width * ( y_screen / stride ) + x_screen / stride ;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( y_screen / stride >= ptr_pic->h() )
"Overflow2 y_screen=%d h=%d y_screen*stride=%d height=%d stride=%d\n",
stride );
return ;
if(ptr_pic->binary) {
for( int ix_w = 0, max_w = wid_screen * depth, dpth_in_offset = depth * in_offset ; ix_w < max_w ; )
unsigned char in_dpth_in_offset_0 = ptr_pic->pix2bin(in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset ]);
unsigned char in_dpth_in_offset_1 = ptr_pic->pix2bin(in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset + 1 ]);
unsigned char in_dpth_in_offset_2 = ptr_pic->pix2bin(in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset + 2 ]);
// Stride is less than 4 or 5.
for( int j= 0; j < stride; j++, ix_w += depth )
buf[ ix_w ] = in_dpth_in_offset_0;
buf[ ix_w + 1 ] = in_dpth_in_offset_1;
buf[ ix_w + 2 ] = in_dpth_in_offset_2;
dpth_in_offset += depth ;
} else {
for( int ix_w = 0, max_w = wid_screen * depth, dpth_in_offset = depth * in_offset ; ix_w < max_w ; )
unsigned char in_dpth_in_offset_0 = in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset ];
unsigned char in_dpth_in_offset_1 = in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset + 1 ];
unsigned char in_dpth_in_offset_2 = in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset + 2 ];
// Stride is less than 4 or 5.
for( int j= 0; j < stride; j++, ix_w += depth )
buf[ ix_w ] = in_dpth_in_offset_0;
buf[ ix_w + 1 ] = in_dpth_in_offset_1;
buf[ ix_w + 2 ] = in_dpth_in_offset_2;
dpth_in_offset += depth ;
return ;
// zoom == 0, stride=1
const int in_offset = img_width * y_screen + x_screen ;
if(ptr_pic->binary) {
int dpth_in_offset = depth * in_offset ;
for( int ix_w = 0, max_w = wid_screen * depth; ix_w < max_w ; ix_w += depth ) {
buf[ ix_w ] = ptr_pic->pix2bin(in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset ]);
buf[ ix_w + 1 ] = ptr_pic->pix2bin(in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset + 1 ]);
buf[ ix_w + 2 ] = ptr_pic->pix2bin(in_ptr[ dpth_in_offset + 2 ]);
dpth_in_offset += depth ;
} else {
abort(); // This should never be called, see optimization in picture::draw().
} // picture::draw_cb
void picture::draw()
if( ( zoom == 0 ) && ( binary == false ) ) {
/// No scaling, this is faster.
fl_draw_image( vidbuf, x(), y(), w(), h() );
} else {
fl_draw_image( draw_cb, this, x(), y(), w(), h() );
void picture::slant_undo()
int row, col;
unsigned char temp[width * depth];
if (height == 0 || width == 0 || slantdir == 0) return;
if (slantdir == -1) { // undo from left
for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
col = numcol * row / (height - 1);
if (col > 0) {
memmove( temp,
&vidbuf[(row * width + width - col) * depth],
(width - col) * depth );
memmove( &vidbuf[(row * width + col)*depth],
&vidbuf[row * width *depth],
(width - col) * depth );
memmove( &vidbuf[row * width * depth],
col * depth );
} else if (slantdir == 1) { // undo from right
for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
col = numcol * row / (height - 1);
if (col > 0) {
memmove( temp,
&vidbuf[row * width * depth],
col * depth );
memmove( &vidbuf[row * width * depth],
&vidbuf[(row * width + col) * depth],
(width - col) * depth );
memmove( &vidbuf[(row * width + width - col) * depth],
col *depth );
slantdir = 0;
void picture::slant_corr(int x, int y)
int row, col;
unsigned char temp[width * depth];
if (height == 0 || width == 0) return;
if (x > width / 2) { // unwrap from right
numcol = (width - x) * height / y;
if (numcol > width / 2) numcol = width / 2;
for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
col = numcol * row / (height - 1);
if (col > 0) {
memmove( temp,
&vidbuf[(row * width + width - col) * depth],
(width - col) * depth );
memmove( &vidbuf[(row * width + col)*depth],
&vidbuf[row * width *depth],
(width - col) * depth );
memmove( &vidbuf[row * width * depth],
col * depth );
slantdir = 1;
} else { // unwrap from left
numcol = x * height / y;
if (numcol > width / 2) numcol = width / 2;
for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
col = numcol * row / (height - 1);
if (col > 0) {
memmove( temp,
&vidbuf[row * width * depth],
col * depth );
memmove( &vidbuf[row * width * depth],
&vidbuf[(row * width + col) * depth],
(width - col) * depth );
memmove( &vidbuf[(row * width + width - col) * depth],
col *depth );
slantdir = -1;
void picture::slant(int dir)
int picture::handle(int event)
if (Fl::event_inside( this )) {
if (event == FL_RELEASE) {
if (!slantcorr) {
return 1;
int xpos = Fl::event_x() - x();
int ypos = Fl::event_y() - y();
int evb = Fl::event_button();
if (evb == 1)
slant_corr(xpos, ypos);
else if (evb == 3)
LOG_DEBUG("#2 %d, %d", xpos, ypos);
return 1;
return 1;
return 0;
static FILE* open_file(const char* name, const char* suffix)
FILE* fp;
size_t flen = strlen(name);
if (name[flen - 1] == '/') {
// if the name ends in a slash we will generate
// a timestamped name in the following format:
const char t[] = "pic_YYYY-MM-DD_HHMMSSz";
size_t newlen = flen + sizeof(t);
if (suffix)
newlen += 5;
char* newfn = new char[newlen];
memcpy(newfn, name, flen);
time_t time_sec = time(0);
struct tm ztime;
(void)gmtime_r(&time_sec, &ztime);
size_t sz;
if ((sz = strftime(newfn + flen, newlen - flen, "pic_%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%Sz", &ztime)) > 0) {
strncpy(newfn + flen + sz, suffix, newlen - flen - sz);
newfn[newlen - 1] = '\0';
mkdir(name, 0777);
fp = fopen(newfn, "wb");
fp = NULL;
delete [] newfn;
else {
fp = fopen(name, "rb");
if (fp) {
const int n = 5; // rename existing image files to keep up to 5 old versions
ostringstream oldfn, newfn;
ostringstream::streampos p;
oldfn << name << '.';
newfn << name << '.';
p = oldfn.tellp();
for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) {
oldfn << i;
newfn << i + 1;
rename(oldfn.str().c_str(), newfn.str().c_str());
rename(name, oldfn.str().c_str());
fp = fopen(name, "wb");
return fp;
static inline unsigned char avg_pix( const unsigned char * vidbuf )
return ( vidbuf[ 0 ] + vidbuf[ 1 ] + vidbuf[ 2 ] ) / picture::depth ;
int picture::save_png(const char* filename, bool monochrome, const char *extra_comments)
FILE* fp;
if ((fp = open_file(filename, ".png")) == NULL)
return -1;
// set up the png structures
png_structp png;
png_infop info;
if ((png = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) {
return -1;
/* png_set_compression_level() shall set the compression level to "level".
* The valid values for "level" range from [0,9], corresponding directly
* to compression levels for zlib. The value 0 implies no compression
* and 9 implies maximal compression. Note: Tests have shown that zlib
* compression levels 3-6 usually perform as well as level 9 for PNG images,
* and do considerably fewer calculations. */
png_set_compression_level(png, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
if ((info = png_create_info_struct(png)) == NULL) {
png_destroy_write_struct(&png, NULL);
return -1;
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) {
png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &info);
return -1;
// use an stdio stream
png_init_io(png, fp);
// set png header
int color_type = monochrome ? PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY : PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB ;
/// Color images must take eight bits per pixel.
const int bit_depth = ( monochrome && binary ) ? 1 : 8 ;
png_set_IHDR(png, info, width, height, bit_depth,
// write text comments
struct tm tm;
time_t t = time(NULL);
gmtime_r(&t, &tm);
char z[20 + 1];
strftime(z, sizeof(z), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", &tm);
z[sizeof(z) - 1] = '\0';
ostringstream comment;
comment << "Program: " PACKAGE_STRING << '\n'
<< "Received: " << z << '\n'
<< "Modem: " << mode_info[active_modem->get_mode()].name << '\n'
<< "Frequency: " << inpFreq->value() << '\n';
if( extra_comments ) {
comment << extra_comments ;
if (inpCall->size())
comment << "Log call: " << inpCall->value() << '\n';
// set text
png_text text;
text.key = strdup("Comment");
text.text = strdup(comment.str().c_str());
text.compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
png_set_text(png, info, &text, 1);
// write header
png_write_info(png, info);
// Extra check for debugging.
if( height * width * depth != bufsize ) {
LOG_ERROR("Buffer inconsistency h=%d w=%d b=%d", height, width, bufsize );
// write image
unsigned char tmp_row[width];
png_bytep row;
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
int row_offset = i * width * depth ;
if( binary )
unsigned char accumPix = 0 ;
int j_offset = 0 ;
for(int j = 0 ; j < width; ++j )
int col_offset = row_offset + j * depth ;
unsigned char tmpChr = avg_pix( vidbuf + col_offset );
tmpChr = pix2bin(tmpChr) ? 1 : 0 ;
j_offset = j & 0x07 ;
tmpChr = tmpChr << ( 7 - j_offset );
accumPix |= tmpChr ;
if( j_offset == 7 ) {
tmp_row[ j >> 3 ] = accumPix ;
accumPix = 0 ;
if( j_offset != 7 ) {
tmp_row[ width >> 3 ] = accumPix ;
} else {
for(int j = 0 ; j < width; ++j )
int col_offset = row_offset + j * depth ;
tmp_row[j] = avg_pix( vidbuf + col_offset );
row = tmp_row;
png_write_rows(png, &row, 1);
png_bytep row;
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
row = &vidbuf[i * width * depth];
png_write_rows(png, &row, 1);
png_write_end(png, info);
// clean up
png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &info);
return 0;
bool picture::restore( int row, int margin )
if( ( row <= noise_height_margin ) || ( row >= height ) ) return true;
unsigned char * line_ante = vidbuf + (row - noise_height_margin) * width * depth;
// Copy the new calculated value (at previous call) to all channels.
// TODO: Do that when switching off noise removal, otherwise a couple of colored pixels are left.
for( int col = margin ; col < width - margin; ++col )
int offset = col * depth ;
line_ante[ offset ] = line_ante[ offset + 2 ] = line_ante[ offset + 1 ];
return false ;
void picture::erosion( int row )
static const size_t margin_one = 1 ;
if( restore( row, margin_one ) ) return ;
const unsigned char * line_prev = vidbuf + (row - noise_height_margin + 1) * width * depth;
unsigned char * line_curr = vidbuf + (row - noise_height_margin + 2) * width * depth;
const unsigned char * line_next = vidbuf + (row - noise_height_margin + 3) * width * depth;
for( size_t col = margin_one ; col < width - margin_one; ++col )
unsigned char new_pix = 255 ;
new_pix = std::min( new_pix, line_prev[ depth * ( col - 1 ) ] );
new_pix = std::min( new_pix, line_prev[ depth * ( col ) ] );
new_pix = std::min( new_pix, line_prev[ depth * ( col + 1 ) ] );
new_pix = std::min( new_pix, line_curr[ depth * ( col - 1 ) ] );
new_pix = std::min( new_pix, line_curr[ depth * ( col ) ] );
new_pix = std::min( new_pix, line_curr[ depth * ( col + 1 ) ] );
new_pix = std::min( new_pix, line_next[ depth * ( col - 1 ) ] );
new_pix = std::min( new_pix, line_next[ depth * ( col ) ] );
new_pix = std::min( new_pix, line_next[ depth * ( col + 1 ) ] );
/// Use this channel as a buffer. Beware that if we change the slant,
// this component might not be restored
// because the line position changed. Not a big problem.
// We might forbid slanting when de-noising.
line_curr[ col * depth + 1 ] = new_pix;
void picture::dilatation( int row )
static const size_t margin_one = 1 ;
if( restore( row, margin_one ) ) return ;
const unsigned char * line_prev = vidbuf + (row - noise_height_margin + 1) * width * depth;
unsigned char * line_curr = vidbuf + (row - noise_height_margin + 2) * width * depth;
const unsigned char * line_next = vidbuf + (row - noise_height_margin + 3) * width * depth;
for( size_t col = margin_one ; col < width - margin_one; ++col )
unsigned char new_pix = 0 ;
new_pix = std::max( new_pix, line_prev[ depth * ( col - 1 ) ] );
new_pix = std::max( new_pix, line_prev[ depth * ( col ) ] );
new_pix = std::max( new_pix, line_prev[ depth * ( col + 1 ) ] );
new_pix = std::max( new_pix, line_curr[ depth * ( col - 1 ) ] );
new_pix = std::max( new_pix, line_curr[ depth * ( col ) ] );
new_pix = std::max( new_pix, line_curr[ depth * ( col + 1 ) ] );
new_pix = std::max( new_pix, line_next[ depth * ( col - 1 ) ] );
new_pix = std::max( new_pix, line_next[ depth * ( col ) ] );
new_pix = std::max( new_pix, line_next[ depth * ( col + 1 ) ] );
/// Use this channel as a buffer. Beware that if we change the slant,
// this component might not be restored
// because the line position changed. Not a big problem.
// We might forbid slanting when de-noising.
line_curr[ col * depth + 1 ] = new_pix;
void picture::remove_noise( int row, int half_len, int noise_margin )
if( restore( row, half_len ) ) return ;
const unsigned char * line_prev = vidbuf + (row - noise_height_margin + 1) * width * depth;
unsigned char * line_curr = vidbuf + (row - noise_height_margin + 2) * width * depth;
const unsigned char * line_next = vidbuf + (row - noise_height_margin + 3) * width * depth;
const int nb_neighbours = ( 2 * ( 2 * half_len + 1 ) );
int medians[nb_neighbours];
/// Takes into account the first component only.
for( int col = half_len ; col < width - half_len; ++col )
int curr_pix = line_curr[ col * depth ];
assert( ( curr_pix >= 0 ) && ( curr_pix <= 255 ) );
int pix_min = 255, pix_max = 0;
for( int subcol = col - half_len, tmp, nghb_i = 0 ; subcol <= col + half_len ; ++subcol )
int offset = subcol * depth ;
tmp = line_prev[ offset ];
if( tmp < pix_min ) pix_min = tmp ;
else if( tmp > pix_max ) pix_max = tmp ;
medians[nghb_i++] = tmp;
tmp = line_next[ offset ];
if( tmp < pix_min ) pix_min = tmp ;
else if( tmp > pix_max ) pix_max = tmp ;
medians[nghb_i++] = tmp;
// Maybe the pixel is between min and max.
int thres_min = pix_min - noise_margin;
if(thres_min < 0) thres_min = 0;
assert(thres_min <= pix_min);
int thres_max = pix_max + noise_margin;
if(thres_max > 255 ) thres_max = 255;
if(thres_max < pix_max) abort();
if( ( curr_pix >= thres_min ) && ( curr_pix <= thres_max ) ) continue ;
assert( ( pix_max >= 0 ) && ( pix_max <= 255 ) );
std::sort( medians, medians + nb_neighbours );
int new_pix = medians[ nb_neighbours / 2 ];
assert( new_pix >= 0 );
/// Use this channel as a buffer. Beware that if we change the slant,
// this component might not be restored
// because the line position changed. Not a big problem.
// We might forbid slanting when de-noising.
line_curr[ col * depth + 1 ] = new_pix;
int picbox::handle(int event)
if (!Fl::event_inside(this))
return 0;
switch (event) {
return 1;
case FL_PASTE:
return Fl_Box::handle(event);
// handle FL_PASTE
string text = Fl::event_text();
// from dnd event "file:///home/dave/Photos/dave.jpeg"
string::size_type p;
if ((p = text.find("file://")) != string::npos)
text.erase(0, p + strlen("file://"));
if ((p = text.find('\r')) != string::npos)
if ((p = text.find('\n')) != string::npos)
struct stat st;
if (stat(text.c_str(), &st) == -1 || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
return 0;
extern void load_image(const char*);
return 1;